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ugh...you belive i am not even allowed to DRINK!!!

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I havent had a drink since May 26th (my 21st b-day go figure)

This big label on my medication that says "DO NOT DRINK alcoholic beverage when taking this medication" is such a cock tease.

God this really sucks...i think im going through withdrawl....mugz help!! i got the shakes bro Leaving Las Vegas-style. How do i overcome it??

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oh no.

what ever will you do with yourself.

i've had alcohol on plenty of meds and have never had a problem. then again, hoke was on antibiotics and alcohol made him really sleepy.

try it out and see whether there are any adverse effects... it's usually only a problem cause it makes you more drowsy.

on the other hand, if it has to do with liver function, i'd heed the warning.

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Originally posted by wideskies

oh no.

what ever will you do with yourself.

i've had alcohol on plenty of meds and have never had a problem. then again, hoke was on antibiotics and alcohol made him really sleepy.

try it out and see whether there are any adverse effects... it's usually only a problem cause it makes you more drowsy.

on the other hand, if it has to do with liver function, i'd heed the warning.

actually, alcohol often negates the effects of the medication you are taking (especially antibiotics), so to make sure you get better, please don't drink

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Originally posted by hotcheme

actually, alcohol often negates the effects of the medication you are taking (especially antibiotics), so to make sure you get better, please don't drink

dude dont even fuckin worry.

i read that dumb ass fuckin response of hers and didnt even bother commenting on it cause you gotta be a real dumb bitch to even fuck around with alcohol on medication.

Im just glad to know that there are still stupid carefree people out there who love destroying their body and think they are invincable cause "oh nothing happened to me???" "oh nothing happened to hoke??"


i least hope next time that u do mix alcohol and medicine that u fuckin learn yer lesson so that you will singing a different tune such as "OH SHIT IM SUCH A DUMB FUCK I MIXED ALCOHOL AND ANTIBIOTICS"

yea...people are stupid folks...any regular person in their right mind will just fuckin listen to their docotr for health purposes and just DONT drink.

I am just pitchin a bitch bout drinkin cause its been a while..i could care less.

Do you really think i would listen to a moron or take the advice of something medical from someone whose on clubplanet?? LOL

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listen HUNNY i'm sorry you're so cranky and down but i've talked to PHYSICIANS about drinking on various medications and they've said its okay. yes, i have specifically asked. so get off your high horse. if you read more carefully you would have noted that i said it DID affect hoke, and that whether or not you should drink alcohol depends on what the alcohol does with the drug.

chill out, suffering child.

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it all depends on the med... Antibiotics are processed by your liver, as is alcohol so the two will fuck your liver big time, same with tylenol. A benzo, barbs, and muscle relaxants will potentiate alcohol, so as long as you dont over do it your fine, if you do its coma time tho. If in doubt ask a seasoned pill popper or check the enzymes which process said medicine and see they dont cross the same pathways as alcohol (or any other shit for that matter). Or just smoke pot and be 100% safe, thats my motto.

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C'mon dude! You will pull through. And if there's any consolation, i got 6 Big Belgian Brewskis with our names on them.

I guarantee you and i will be tipping over ourselves b4 we're through. And the wait will make them taste all that much better


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Originally posted by wideskies

listen HUNNY i'm sorry you're so cranky and down but i've talked to PHYSICIANS about drinking on various medications and they've said its okay. yes, i have specifically asked. so get off your high horse. if you read more carefully you would have noted that i said it DID affect hoke, and that whether or not you should drink alcohol depends on what the alcohol does with the drug.

chill out, suffering child.

Thats just wonderful.

Now like i said i could care less what you do with yer medicine..you dont need to contact a physican in my case when its stated on the bottle itself that yer not allowed to drink..which was the preface of this thread...not that you talk to your physicians which i could give a fuck less.

Besides drinkin is bad for anyway...especially if your a woman...oh but wait..you prolly knew that cause you "talk to your physicians". :rolleyes:


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Originally posted by quoth

I havent had a drink since May 26th (my 21st b-day go figure)

This big label on my medication that says "DO NOT DRINK alcoholic beverage when taking this medication" is such a cock tease.

God this really sucks...i think im going through withdrawl....mugz help!! i got the shakes bro Leaving Las Vegas-style. How do i overcome it??

yo dont u know? whenever it says "dont mix w/ alcohol" it really means "mix this shit with alcohol and TRIP FUCKIN BALLS DUUUUDE WOOOOHOOOOO"!!!!!!!!!!

:beer: ...... :roll: :roll: ........ :goofy:

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