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Need Help from the board serious question here

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If any1 is tight with metro managment and mike i hope your reading this I spoke to rich rydell today and I want him to do Munki Bar Tuesday July 9th his answer was I have to see what metro managment would say. So please if any1 is tight with managment petey whoever please talk him into letting rydell spin on july 9th. I mean perfect for a tuesday night where else can u go to hear rydell for a $5 cover cant beat it.

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Can I ask you guys a question:

Why is it that you only want the same 5 DJ's to work in every club in NJ?

Understand clearly that I am not saying anything negative about Richie, in fact I will say this I think that he is probably the most consistently on DJ in NJ at this moment.

But back to the question. Have you guys ever thought of promoting the club and the party, without relying on a brand name DJ every single time?

Try giving some other DJ's a break will you?

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Ok i dunno any party that opens up asnd first month doesnt throw huge name djs in there you need too it gets people there it starts the vibe and if the music is good it will make the party last. A big reflection on the parties people throw is based on the dj himself.

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you might have a chance at getting rydell, just ask petey yourself. merge is doing pretty good right now, so he's on the happy side. actually, speak to jay first, petey's brother, see what he thinks. he might give you some insight on how to go about it. plan on giving merge some promotions in return. thats the way i would go about it. i know a very good dj that doesnt do a residency on tuesday. he's friends with rydell too. i cant promise he'll do it, but he's good. pm me if you want his number. good luck with rydell. he's a good choice.

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