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Why is vinyl now arc?????

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first of all, i dont talk smack to anyone. i havent called anyone names or nothing, all i said is that i dont like the vibe at vinly and that is y i dont go. i dont have anything against gays, i am not a gay basher, i just dont like to party wit them, and wished that DT would go to another club so that i can listen to him and have fun.

SF is the place for me

i understand everyones point of view, its just that they dont respect mine. i am not allowed to not like a club and state my reasons? thats what makes the world go around, everyone has different points of views

anyone that bashes on me just shows their ignorance. notice how i am not indivdually pointing anyone out, or calling them any kind of foolish names.

i just dont like the crowd or the vide as nearly as much as i do at Sf and i was stating my reasons y.

and by the way djjonstephen, i an not a homo at all and i wish u woudl not use that word, the proper word is GAY, that just shows ur disrepect for a peoples sexual orientation

and dholboy, u dont need to agree with me or anything, but i like the fact how u pointed out that some people are so cool cause they can talk smack over a message board, i am not tryin to start a war or anykind of problems. i dont like the club so i dont go

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Omg someone told me to get a life well i have one. i just got home from work and godam look at this thread. haha. I was fuckin high when i started saying shit. I guess i shouldn't have said the shit i said. Like cintron said i just needed to learn some history of NYC nightlife. And i think it's time for this thread to stop. I was actually thinking of this on my way home and here is my conclusion this is what i should have said b4.

The reason i dislike vinyl sort of(i say sort of cause DT fuckin rips it up and i love his music) just like lefty5b i do not like being in the gay scene. Not because i have anything against gay people cause i do not, and i didn't mean to disrespect anyone out there who is gay. I don't like the gay scene because i do no like when guy after guy hits on me.I HATE WHEN GAY GUYS HIT ONE ME I HATE IT AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT. To make this short i would prefer DT to spin in a predominantly straight club or at least a club that is more straight than gays for the fact that i would love to hear him every week but i would not go to vinyl everyweek cause of the scene. that how i feel that maybe selfish but if my selfish need could be granted then i would have a great time seeing dt. But any vinyl is a great place those of u who go enjoy it. i still like it i go there once in a while and i enjoy it when i'm there. Sf is my favorite club i definetly can be myself there. anyway peace.

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things are about to heat up ladies and gentlemen.

donnie, yes it was towards u. I am straight as can be, and am content with gays partying at the same places as me. how you would want them to leave when the dj you are there to listen to is gay, i dont understand.

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Originally posted by donnie

So wait what u are saying to me is that DT is gay. is that it.

and the award is now taken away from Legend38 and bestowed upon you........ ladies and gentlemen, I bring your your brand spankin new CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!

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Originally posted by donnie

I think they should have turned vinyl into a all gay club and let someother dj spin there. Teneglia should go spin somewhere else. Well i'm not that educated on a matter like this so maybe i should shut up, but how does teneglia put up with the gay crowd. Because a dj loves what they do and teneglia must love what he does for that gay crowd. or maybe he is gay.


Read the last line in this. So y did this drama even start. Looks like it wasn't my fault. CAPTAIN GET A LIFE CAUSE THIS BOARD AINT REALITY. IF u can't read it says or maybe he is gay. It seems that i didn't know that so all of u out there should learn how to read and someone shoudl have just said that and none of this would have started. i felt bad for starting this shit now i don't. But i have betta things to do than quarrel with the lights of you. I was even tryign to aplogize for saying it but it's because of people like u that this meanless drama comes about. go fight with your girl friend or mother or somebody cause i'm busy. later feg

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hehe ;) just kiddin'. yes, Danny is (as he refers to it), "Married to the Music".

I highly doubt he would leave behind a gay crowd and spin for a straight one. That's just not the way things work - he's always been one for a blend of people.

As for being hit on... REALLY? Hah i've never been hit on before. Maybe it's the camoflauge...

Ah well, don't let it get you down. Just play it off with some humor. What the heck do they say to you anyway? I'm curious to know what kind of pickup lines you get.

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i got hit on at work the other day. and every time i go bar hoppin. well i do just forget about it and go with some humor that's the kind of guy i am but sometimes it gets to me i try to not let it though. ah well i mite go to dt vs howells maybe.

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Originally posted by donnie

Omg someone told me to get a life well i have one. i just got home from work and godam look at this thread. haha. I was fuckin high when i started saying shit. I guess i shouldn't have said the shit i said. Like cintron said i just needed to learn some history of NYC nightlife. And i think it's time for this thread to stop. I was actually thinking of this on my way home and here is my conclusion this is what i should have said b4.

i do no like when guy after guy hits on me.I HATE WHEN GAY GUYS HIT ONE ME I HATE IT AND NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT. To make this short i would

with your attitude i HIGHLY doubt they are hitting on you. are u that good looking cause the gay boys have good taste..

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all, i dont talk smack to anyone. i havent called anyone names or nothing, all i said is that i dont like the vibe at vinly and that is y i dont go. i dont have anything against gays, i am not a gay basher, i just dont like to party wit them, and wished that DT would go to another club so that i can listen to him and have fun.

SF is the place for me

anyone that bashes on me just shows their ignorance. notice how i am not indivdually pointing anyone out, or calling them any kind of foolish names.

i just dont like the crowd or the vide as nearly as much as i do at Sf and i was stating my reasons y.

and by the way djjonstephen, i an not a homo at all and i wish u woudl not use that word, the proper word is GAY, that just shows ur disrepect for a peoples sexual orientation

OMG.....you are so full of shit. It really is sad.

Go back to page 1, 2, 3 and check out all the shit that YOU posted about hating to party with gay people.

Oh and for the record, you can use the word homo. Homo = Homosexual, the proper term for a gay person/fag/etc. Do I have a disrespect for someone due to their sexual orientation? Absolutely not. Do I care that I happen to be partying with a gay person or people? Absolutely not. It doesn't matter to me because its more or less mutual respect, one's sexual orientation I could care less about.

Oh and as far as gays grabbing your ass and hitting on you, it doesn't happen like that so quit the bullshit. I have been hit on numerous times by gay people and once you say that you are not gay everything is brought to the non-sexual level and you just go about enjoying the party.

Oh well, I'm through with you.

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Originally posted by lefty5b

first of all i have shown no ignorance on the matter at all. forget about the history and just realize what vinly is right now. it is a dark hidden underground club, which i like in that respect. But what i dont like is that it is really becoming a Gay club. be urself means, be gay if u r, thats y gays go.

you can go to SF and everyone their is mad chill wit u. you can go and "tell stories" to people and socialize. also the girls are mad hot and u dont need to worry about any guys grabbing ur ass.

by the fact that i dont like the vinly scene, dont mistake that as me not liking DT, i think the is one of the best Dj's, but if he goes somewhere to like exit or somewhere bigger that has a differnect scene, i would be there every week to see him.

vinly is to small of a place for me to be surrounded by gays in

Get a fuckin clue. Gays helped MAKE the scene you are now bitching and moaning about. As for guys groping you, I lived on South Beach for four years and had gay men hitting on me left and right (which doesn't bother me, I take it as a compliment). Never did I once get groped! So I call bullshit on your ass grabbing claims. While homosexuality is more accepted nowadays, it's not accepted to the point where guys just randomly grab another guy's ass like that. I'm not saying it never happens, but you make it seem like the rule, not the exception.

And are you fucking kidding me about SF??? Listen I've been going there since 1998 so I know what's up. A nice big chunk of the "regulars" that go there are bi guys. I know many "straight" boys there that hook up with other guys and specifically go there because they are Trannie chasers. It's just not as obvious to you.

Since you have such an attitude, why don't you stay the fuck out of Vinyl and SF. Your attitude sucks and it's attitudes like that that ruin clubs with good vibes. You have every right to be a homophobe, but you must really be a rookie because in the New York City clubbing scene, the attitude isn't welcome by the majority of people.

You know what, stay out of every fuckin club in the city. You'd be doing us all a favor. :idea:

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Originally posted by £ddie

Get a fuckin clue. Gays helped MAKE the scene you are now bitching and moaning. As for guys groping you, I lived on South Beach for four years and had gay men hitting on me left and right (which doesn't bother me, I take it as a compliment). Never did I once get groped! So I call bullshit on your ass grabbing claims. While homosexuality is more accepted nowadays, it's not accepted to the point where guys just randomly grab another guy's ass like that. I'm not saying it never happens, but you make it seem like the rule, not the exception.

And are you fucking kidding me about SF??? Listen I've been going there since 1998 so I know what's up. A nice big chunk of the "regulars" that go there are bi guys. I know many "straight" boys there that hook up with other guys and specifically go there because they are Trannie chasers. It's just not as obvious to you.

Since you have such an attitude, why don't you stay the fuck out of Vinyl and SF. Your attitude sucks and it's attitudes like that that ruin clubs with good vibes. You have every right to be a homophobe, but you must really be a rookie because in the New York City clubbing scene, the attitude isn't welcome by the majority of people.

You know what, stay out of every fuckin club in the city. You'd be doing us all a favor. :idea:

yep exactlyy:cool:

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Oh and for the record, you can use the word homo. Homo = Homosexual, the proper term for a gay person/fag/etc.

first off, the word homo is a derogatory term that is used to refer to a gay person as. you cant call somone a homo and not have them get mad at u. JUst goes to show more of ur ignorance

Oh and as far as gays grabbing your ass and hitting on you, it doesn't happen like that so quit the bullshit.

i am glad that u can tell me that it doesnt happen like that. i am glad that u can speak for my experiences and then call me a liar. who gives u that right. what do u think u r GOD or something and know and see everything.

all i said was that i dont like to club with an abuandance of gay people present, its just not my scene, and u r taking it like i am some kind of homophob. its people like u that misterpet and misconstrue what people say and cause problems over it. so waht if i dont like to party wit gays,(and dont like gettin my ass grabed) dont mean that i dont like or accept gays, i just dont want to be put in that situation so that is y i dont go to vinly, . all that i mean is that i dont like clubs like vinly with an aduncdance of gays. now accept how i feel and repect my point of view.

if DT is gay, good for him, all that i said was that i wish that he would go to another club so that i could listen to his beats. but if he is gay and wants to stay with the gays then so be it. i wont be goin to hear his music.


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Originally posted by £ddie

Get a fuckin clue. Gays helped MAKE the scene you are now bitching and moaning about. As for guys groping you, I lived on South Beach for four years and had gay men hitting on me left and right (which doesn't bother me, I take it as a compliment). Never did I once get groped! So I call bullshit on your ass grabbing claims. While homosexuality is more accepted nowadays, it's not accepted to the point where guys just randomly grab another guy's ass like that. I'm not saying it never happens, but you make it seem like the rule, not the exception.

And are you fucking kidding me about SF??? Listen I've been going there since 1998 so I know what's up. A nice big chunk of the "regulars" that go there are bi guys. I know many "straight" boys there that hook up with other guys and specifically go there because they are Trannie chasers. It's just not as obvious to you.

Since you have such an attitude, why don't you stay the fuck out of Vinyl and SF. Your attitude sucks and it's attitudes like that that ruin clubs with good vibes. You have every right to be a homophobe, but you must really be a rookie because in the New York City clubbing scene, the attitude isn't welcome by the majority of people.

You know what, stay out of every fuckin club in the city. You'd be doing us all a favor. :idea:

Ladies and Gentlemen . .that IS the final word . . . rawk rawk on Eddie!! . . . . :aright:

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