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What do you think boogers are made out of?

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hmmm...why am i not surprised that quoth would ask a question like this....well, quoth i suggest you take that booger jar you've been saving all your nasty shit in and try to eat it....see for yourself how it tastes and what it might have in it...i'm sure that will not be something new to you.........

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Originally posted by sassa

hmmm...why am i not surprised that quoth would ask a question like this....well, quoth i suggest you take that booger jar you've been saving all your nasty shit in and try to eat it....see for yourself how it tastes and what it might have in it...i'm sure that will not be something new to you.........

see..this is where the difference is.

I dont eat em i flick em...and hope that they get caught in your hair without you even realizing it.

there is no reason to be surprised i asked this question cause i am afterall "The King of Off-topic". ;)

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speaking of snot rockets, it's a vice of mine - my nose always gets mad congested in the winter time especially when i'm out in the cold walking around or whatever so i sometimes just have to stop and let some of the snot GO flyin' out my nose; hold one nostril, blow hard, hold the other, repeat; definately saves lots of $ and time on tissues, as in, well that's great but there's no trashcan around -- actually more gross to walk around with a handfull of used tissues than it is to just stop and do the deed.

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Never let it be said that CP is not educational. :cool:

What is a booger made of?

Main Entry: boog·er

Pronunciation: /BOO - grr/

Function: noun

Etymology: alteration of English dialect buggard, boggart, from 1bug + -ard Date: 1866


2 : a piece of dried nasal mucus

Boogers are mucus (myoo-kuss). Mucus is the thin, slippery material that is found inside your nose. Many people call mucus snot. Your nose makes nearly a cupful of snot every day. Snot is produced by the mucous membranes in the nose, which it moistens and protects.

When you inhale air through your nose, it contains lots of tiny particles, like dust, dirt, germs, and pollen. If these particles made it all the way to the lungs, the lungs could get damaged and it would be difficult to breathe. Snot works by trapping the particles and keeping them in the nose.

After these particles get stuck inside the nose, the mucus surrounds them along with some of the tiny hairs inside the nose called cilia. The mucus dries around the particles. When the particles and dried-out mucus clump together, you're left with a booger!

Boogers can be squishy and slimy or tough and crumbly. In fact, boogers are a sign that your nose is working properly.

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