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Anyone know why it took 2 hours to get out of sandbar ?

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The best bet is to leave like 220 so you dont get stuck in traffic. Last night the light by the light rail station was malfuctioning and there was no one to direct the traffic past the red light. It would turn green and stay green for only 10 seconds and then it turned red for about one minute. I left at 220 last night cause I didnt want to get stuck in the traffic. It took me 30 minutes to get to the parking lot when I first got there at like 1115 because of the light problem.

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Originally posted by stardo

I think I would have cried if I saw that. What the hell man that is insane. Did he hit her more than once?

no i think this happened right when we split up from you in the parking lot.

Guy was yelling... "you can't knock me out" and then started charging the group (?) again... it appeared to be his friend (girl) and she tried to grab him by the waist and get him to stop. He pulled her off and like flung/clocked her. everyone was in shock. she was out cold. I just remember that her friends were trying to get her up , and she just crumbled to the ground :eek:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

no i think this happened right when we split up from you in the parking lot.

Guy was yelling... "you can't knock me out" and then started charging the group (?) again... it appeared to be his friend (girl) and she tried to grab him by the waist and get him to stop. He pulled her off and like flung/clocked her. everyone was in shock. she was out cold. I just remember that her friends were trying to get her up , and she just crumbled to the ground :eek:

yup yup...they the paramedics came and well…that's why everyone had to wait 2 hours to get the out of the parking lot

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Originally posted by nycchic24

no i think this happened right when we split up from you in the parking lot.

Guy was yelling... "you can't knock me out" and then started charging the group (?) again... it appeared to be his friend (girl) and she tried to grab him by the waist and get him to stop. He pulled her off and like flung/clocked her. everyone was in shock. she was out cold. I just remember that her friends were trying to get her up , and she just crumbled to the ground :eek:

That is seriously insane. That would bug me out! There must have been drama every where cause we sat in the car and there was a couple fighting infront of us and off to the right of us another guy shaking the crap out of this girl. Booz is a terrible thing this a horrible think to say but I never see the crack heads fighting they just dance.

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Originally posted by laurie619

hey nycchic24 did you guys ever make it to Vinyl :confused:

no we didn't go. after chillin out in the parking lot for an hour and some odd time... we figured it was best to call it a night... i was tired, and i know a couple other ppl felt the same way.

haha, although when we got back into the city to drop me off, and were driving by Vinyl... i know that piro made one last ditch effort call to go.. :laugh::blank:

did you end up going to SF on sat????

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Originally posted by nycchic24

no we didn't go. after chillin out in the parking lot for an hour and some odd time... we figured it was best to call it a night... i was tired, and i know a couple other ppl felt the same way.

haha, although when we got back into the city to drop me off, and were driving by Vinyl... i know that piro made one last ditch effort call to go.. :laugh::blank:

did you end up going to SF on sat????

Just like Piro. . :laugh: :laugh: Yea I went to SF on sat. . .it was nuts I overlooked how insane JP is. . :D

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Originally posted by laurie619

Just like Piro. . :laugh: :laugh: Yea I went to SF on sat. . .it was nuts I overlooked how insane JP is. . :D

haha i actually contemplated on stoppoing by there on sunday morning (sf) when i got out of vinyl, arc whatever the hell you want to call it. but my feet couldnt' carry me anymore and my bed and a/c was calling my name. didnt want to disappoint them ;):tongue: so how was it?

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Originally posted by £ddie

Did anyone see that girl get knocked out by that guy in the parking lot??? :eek:

Any guy that hits a girl like that should have all of his teeth knocked out! I dont care what the reason is, a MAN does NOT hit a FEMALE like that. Punk ass boys hit girls!

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Any guy that hits a girl like that should have all of his teeth knocked out! I dont care what the reason is, a MAN does NOT hit a FEMALE like that. Punk ass boys hit girls!

....but a guy that buys a girl that he meets from the messageboard and her friend a shot of crackhouse is A-OKAY in my book!!!........thanks again....nice meeting u last night:D

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my wife was hangin' on the dance floor with a couple of my friends.....so they go to the bar to get some drinks and she stays by the floor waiting for them.....this fuckin' asshole with a red guinea T and a thick gold chain walks up to her trying to pick her up........he was the only guy in the main room with a red T you couldn't miss him...anyway she says she's waiting for her friends to come back and she was polite as possible but the guy kept grabbing her and what not..... she put her hand up to push him back and he sees her wedding ring, he shoves her full force a couple of times, calls her a lesbian over and over.....he says where's your husband and my wife points to the booth.....(where the fuck are the bouncers)......his friends finally saw what he was doing and grabbed him and yelled at him.....they apologized for him but that's no excuse.....honestly i didn't see it happen because that booth window is so small and you can only see part of the floor..

she comes and tells me, there is a bouncer by the booth with the manager....i point the guy out from the booth..........they told me they threw him out but 5 minutes later i see him on the dance floor again...........what kind of fuckin' shit is that! a bunch of my boys come up to say hello at the same time i explain what happened........they want to fuck this guy up so i turn the music down a bit and get on the mic and tell him to come up (you with the red shirt come to the booth)....said it 3 times......he looked but wouldn't come and walked off the dance floor........i swear i had these 3 guys in the room behind the booth that would of krushed this kid and left him for dead just because he pushed a woman......they looked but coulnd't find him...................

I will never go there again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!bullshit

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Originally posted by misk

....but a guy that buys a girl that he meets from the messageboard and her friend a shot of crackhouse is A-OKAY in my book!!!........thanks again....nice meeting u last night:D

Nice to meet you to Misk, I would have chilled at Z.'s bar more, but it was too damn hot and crowded over there. Hot and people pushing are not my style, but good to meet more people from CP. :D Catch me next time on a cooler night and I've been known to get sections of people drunk on shots! :eek: I still owe you some shots too Z, sorry I didnt make it to Tempts. ;)

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Nice to meet you to Misk, I would have chilled at Z.'s bar more, but it was too damn hot and crowded over there. Hot and people pushing are not my style, but good to meet more people from CP. :D Catch me next time on a cooler night and I've been known to get sections of people drunk on shots! :eek: I still owe you some shots too Z, sorry I didnt make it to Tempts. ;)

yea i wasn't really 'stationed' there either....just stopped in for drinks! lol..............we didn't make it to tempts either......and ended up sitting in traffic..blegh! anyways....i'm sure i will be seeing u!!

**nice meeting u too Z! thanks for the adios motherfucker! lol...

now that i have hi-jacked this thread ....sorry.....back to the topic

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Originally posted by kirklop

my point is this..........some of the guys there are def women beaters...........between what happened to my wife and what occured in the parking lot!

Kirk I dont even know you, but if I seen any guy pushing a girl around on the dancefloor, I probably would have stepped in and stopped that shit. I cant stand that shit, some guys need to be taught a little respect. He needed a beating just for the red shirt and gold chain alone, let alone disrespecting your wife. People in general need to have more respect when they go out, I'm f'n tired of the pushing and guys grabbing the girls ass I'm with.

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Kirk...i am assuming that happened after we left....i definitely would have bitch slapped whoever that was though....i got so pissed off reading that you don't even understand....fuck them there if the guy came back in seriously.... these fucking juiceheads are the biggest pussies in the world!

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if i was there i woulda kicked him in the balls. a guy tried to grope one of my friends at djais a few weeks ago and i told him to fuck off....he was probably about 6'5" 250. pretty much woulda killed me. he told me to stop acting tough or i was gonna get hit. i told him i've been beaten up by guys bigger than you and dont care. he walked away. geek

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

if i was there i woulda kicked him in the balls. a guy tried to grope one of my friends at djais a few weeks ago and i told him to fuck off....he was probably about 6'5" 250. pretty much woulda killed me. he told me to stop acting tough or i was gonna get hit. i told him i've been beaten up by guys bigger than you and dont care. he walked away. geek

HEY XJ8. . .was that you. . .:laugh:

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