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DJ "Competitions"...who do you want to see?

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with Danny Tenaglia vs Danny Howells going on this week, ive been pondering about other "competitions" i would like to see.

so far i have come up with:

Deep Dish vs John Creamer & Stephane K

Nick Warren vs Dave Seaman

Rollo & Sister Bliss vs Parks & Wilson

anyone else?

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these aren't really competitions.. there aren't any winners right?

Are howells and tenaglia even tagging?

all these so-and-so vs. so-and-so doesn't mean shit unless they're actually tag-teaming (i.e. going back and forth playing a few records, sort of battling off of each other's tracks)

cc and dt at twilo was more like cox for 4 hours, then a one hour tag team (which WAS sick!), then like 10 hours of tenaglia.

carola and beyer in detroit.. now that was a fuckin set!!

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Originally posted by joeg


you know....it probably WOULD be a lot cooler if i just ripped the word off of someone else and just used it as my own, not like you just pick your entire personality off of other people or anything:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by echostar

you know....it probably WOULD be a lot cooler if i just ripped the word off of someone else and just used it as my own, not like you just pick your entire personality off of other people or anything:rolleyes:

as they say in the hood : THaTS GANGSTA

as they say down south : THEMZ FIGHTIN WORDS TA' ME

as they say in white towns : DUDE HE JUST LIKE TOTALLY CALLED U OUT

...sorry im bored

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

as they say in the hood : THaTS GANGSTA

as they say down south : THEMZ FIGHTIN WORDS TA' ME

as they say in white towns : DUDE HE JUST LIKE TOTALLY CALLED U OUT

...sorry im bored


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Originally posted by echostar

you know....it probably WOULD be a lot cooler if i just ripped the word off of someone else and just used it as my own, not like you just pick your entire personality off of other people or anything:rolleyes:

put websters dictionary down... if I wanted to copy you, i'd just be an emotionless, depressing loser who can't hold his mood for longer than 5 minutes before changing it to something on the other side of the spectrum....

i'd also have to alter my voicebox to only generate monotone sounds... and end every sentance with an inconclusive noun... or something ;)

oh, and i'd have to stop caring about everyone except myself...

"htumm... the ideal situation involves... blahblahblah or something"

shut it, you prozac-needing WASTE...

some days I think I should do you the best favor any of your friends could do... and get you the gun.... ;)

btw, are you coming on saturday? :D

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Originally posted by djjonstephen


as they say in queens: PLEASE TONY, STOP.... VINNIE, PUT DOWN THE BAT... FOR THE LOVE OF -- #@$(#%


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Originally posted by joeg

as they say in queens: PLEASE TONY, STOP.... VINNIE, PUT DOWN THE BAT... FOR THE LOVE OF -- #@$(#%


Ummmmm.....you're just a little bit mixed up there ya goober

Must be the emotional conflict being carried through your little qualm with echopiss

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Ummmmm.....you're just a little bit mixed up there ya goober

Must be the emotional conflict being carried through your little qualm with echopiss

yeh..i thought jersey was home of the guido mafia boys ...we in queens have max-n-mini markets...makin money with the arabs..u know..

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