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Holy Heat Index !!!

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Oh I feel ya...And my boss must be cold blooded cause she keeps turning off the air saying how cold she is.....Meanwhile, I look like that sweaty guy at temps have to stuff tissues under my arms every 15mins so I can reapply deodorant....

Damn wear a sweater, but for love of GOD leave the air on!!!!!!:mad:

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our poor dog is at home in this heat ... we only have window ac units and they are in the 3 bedrooms, he must be dying !!

i asked my boss if i could bring him here an keep him in my office, she was not up for the idea !!

i'm running home soon so i could at least lock him in the room upstairs with the ac ... i know it's cruel to keep him cooped up but i have too !!!


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I dont think he'll mind to much.....Rather be cool than hot as hell....If he is pissed you'll know it, he'll leave a nice pile of crap in the room...At least thats what my brothers husky does when he is pissed at my brother.

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I'm staying right where I am in the air conditioning.....I hate this weather...I love the summer but when it gets like this where you go outside and has soon as that muggy air hits you...pores open immediately...sweating begins...the oily skin follows...the frizzy hair...dehydration...and it feels as if you suddenly began breathing through a straw.

I feel bad for the people that have to work outside.:drool:

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Originally posted by somegirl24

Oh, I left the AC on for the big guy-a rottweiler. He's smart enough to know to stay in the living room b/c that is where its comfortable!! I even moved his water bowl in there so he didn't have to go in the hot room to drink it!:aright:

we have a golden retriever - and unfortunatly he isn't the smartest thing ... i'm going to have to think of something to keep him upstairs without actually locking him in one of the bedrooms !!

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Shit try walking 21 blocks in Midtown in this weather. I wore a t-shirt to work and had one in my bag so I could change it once I got to my office. Fucking sucks and taking the subway is no better because it's like 20 degres hotter down there.

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Originally posted by nabuc1

Shit try walking 21 blocks in Midtown in this weather. I wore a t-shirt to work and had one in my bag so I could change it once I got to my office. Fucking sucks and taking the subway is no better because it's like 20 degres hotter down there.

Dont forget about the smelly motherF@@__ riding the subway,too...Makes it even worste.

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Alright, there is this heat advisory for today, I go out to start my car, and there are 8 mexicans playing soccer....What are they nuts? I broke a sweat opening my sunroof and these guys are having a tornament outside......:nono:

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Originally posted by jp18

Dont forget about the smelly motherF@@__ riding the subway,too...Makes it even worste.

Almost forgot about them. There is just no relief. Even walking outside to get lunch on a day like today is miserable. I usually sit in Central Park to eat but today is an order in type of day. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse than today.

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1. I never should have brought up the smelly people, bc god punished, I had to sit online at shoprite for 15mins with the worste smelling person behind me...:vomit2:

2. ADUI is smart enuff to put heated leather seats in for the cold months, but how about a cooling elemnt for the hot months or at least a disclaimer warning that leather gets extremely hot...I think I got 2nd degree burns on my ass, back of my legs and back.

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Not that I know of, but you figure if they can make those recliners have a hot/cold switch....They got to be able to do it for cars....Shit I'll pay an extra 500 not to get burned...

I need a drink :pint: this heat is making me :mad:

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Originally posted by pipdaddy

ahhhh the rain. the sweet sweet rain. as if it wasnt humid enough in this godforsaken city...i wanna run outside, strip off my tie and frolick in the rain in nothing but my wife beater. right in the middle of park ave....

i wish it would rain here .... we could use a WET DOWN

anything to cool this place off !!!:worry2:

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I hate this heat. I had to drive to a meeting today and my air conditioning doesnt work in my car, try that! I was dying!!! i got to the meeting and looked like a wreck:eek: , and the sad part is I looked good when I left in my house!!!! I HATE THE HUMIDITY

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

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