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FINALLY, someone has said it

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Originally posted by hoke

True... and those values are completely independent of ethnicity, language, etc... in fact, they're completely independent of what a person thinks of the U.S., too.

You're absolutely right that the melting pot is under fire since September 11. It scares me to see how many people feel that's justified.

Scares you........ it is justified. Are you kidding are you like blind or deaf, not aware of how serious that was........

America was attacked. Thank you................... Some people I work with lived threw two attacks on America in the same building.

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Originally posted by perns2002

Scares you........ it is justified. Are you kidding are you like blind or deaf, not aware of how serious that was........

America was attacked. Thank you................... Some people I work with lived threw two attacks on America in the same building.

Of course the attacks were serious. But that doesn't make the removal of civil liberties justified. If you make an effort to examine your emotions, you may find that they're working against your own best interests.

They came for the Communists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Communist;

They came for the Socialists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Socialist;

They came for the labor leaders, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a labor leader;

They came for the Jews, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Jew;

Then they came for me - And there was no one left to object.

- Martin Niemoller, German Protestant Pastor, 1892-1984

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Originally posted by hoke

Of course the attacks were serious. But that doesn't make the removal of civil liberties justified. If you make an effort to examine your emotions, you may find that they're working against your own best interests.

They came for the Communists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Communist;

They came for the Socialists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Socialist;

They came for the labor leaders, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a labor leader;

They came for the Jews, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Jew;

Then they came for me - And there was no one left to object.

- Martin Niemoller, German Protestant Pastor, 1892-1984

I totally disagree......... sorry we should be be so leiniant.............

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Originally posted by perns2002

Sorry we shout NOT be so lieniant...................

I repeat:

They came for the Communists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Communist;

They came for the Socialists, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Socialist;

They came for the labor leaders, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a labor leader;

They came for the Jews, and I didn't object - For I wasn't a Jew;

Then they came for me - And there was no one left to object.

- Martin Niemoller, German Protestant Pastor, 1892-1984

PLEASE take the time to read that, and think about what it means. Consider what it means when we allow, or even give our government the power to persecute based on religion, ethnicity, and ideology. This sort of power goes directly against the most fundamental principles that our Constitution stands for.

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Politics talking again.

People who has all-time vacances tends to start tis type of thread.

I don' t want to meet this type of people at CLUB.

I know you don't want to admit people who has difeerent thougt ,relligion,color,etc,etc.

Yes,I am Japanese from Japan.

But If I am in CLUB to dance I want to forget my nation,Japanese custom

and want be together with diferent culture people.

I think this is the real way of "CLUB".

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It's quite obvious that the main language in the U.S in English and I just feel that if you want to live here you should learn it. If you can't, fine, but don't bitch that everything is not in spanish or some other language. As for the native american thing, I agree that we did steal the land from them. That can not be denied, but native americans should speak up more to get stuff there way because they deserve it. Then, again, I think that unless it affected you directly, (meaning that you were one of the pople that the land was stolen from), which is impossible then you don't deserve anything better than anyone else. We cant start rewarding people for struggles that there great grandfathers went through. If my great grandfather won a noble peace prize I shouldn't be rewarded for it. Anyway, I may be a little off topic, but thats my opinion. I'm not gonna start cursing people off and making assumptions about other people opinions.

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Originally posted by cintron

Do i find it unfortunate that some Americans partake in behavior that isn't in the best interests of this country? Yes.

Was I furious to see Palestinians and other Arabs dancing in the streets in NEW YORK CITY, upon hearing about the WTC and the pentagon attacks? yes I was. But they're my fellow americans, much as I might want to believe otherwise.

But then again, America gives you that freedom - the freedom to be an insensitive prick asshole if you wish.

But hey, they're still Americans. Deal with it.

Besides, i have a freedom of my own - the Freedom to kick the living shit out of anyone i wish, as long as i can get away with it.

Just deal with it - the country belongs to teh PEOPLE, not just to some group of flag-waving enthusiasts who think they own the place because they love it the most.

just to clarify this, since you obviously don't have a clue, the media tried to manipulate people by releasing a video of palestinians partying in the streets a year prior to the attacks, to make it seem like they were enjoying the fact that the attacks occured, so please don't say something like this unless you know what really went on, get your facts straight. anyone in this country who is a citizen, regardless of skin color, race, religion, sexuality, and interests, is an AMERICAN, not just some pasty faced, blond blue eyed shmuck who thinks he's entitled to the titled because his ancestors came over here on the fucking mayflower and because he's so whiteeeeeeeeee.......america is not just english either, it's urdu, spanish, chinese, filipino, vietnamese, italian, greek, russian, hebrew, and yes, believe it or not arabic,as well as countless other languages and people from different ethnicities. an american is just not your average joe waving an american flag, scratching their fat bellies while watching a baseball game, i guess you also don't realize that there have been different ethnicities migrating to this country since the 1800's.....but i guess people tend to forget or leave out what they don't want to think about or associate with their ideas.....:rolleyes:

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It's quite obvious that the main language in the U.S in English and I just feel that if you want to live here you should learn it. If you can't, fine, but don't bitch that everything is not in spanish or some other language.

My point thank you..............

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regarding what someone said about multiple languages, i honestly don't see the point of how things are now in the states. the educational level is so shit it's unbelievable. i went to high school abroad, but my sister and brother were attending high school here, and i remember looking at what they were studying in high school, and we would laugh since most of the subjects we had learned during the 8th or 9th grade in europe....it's also quite disturbing that bilinguality is not encouraged more, american students would have a great advantage since schools all over the world start teaching children languages other than their own from a far earlier age....what is the point in being so narrow minded and closed off that english has to be the only language of choice? it's quite stupid, especially when there are billions of people out there who don't speak the language, and what harm would it bring to speak another language so that you might be able to communicate with others abroad? all part of a grand plan to keep americans stupid, moronized, and ignorant of the world? perhaps.

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Originally posted by liquidflow

It's quite obvious that the main language in the U.S in English and I just feel that if you want to live here you should learn it. If you can't, fine, but don't bitch that everything is not in spanish or some other language. As for the native american thing, I agree that we did steal the land from them. That can not be denied, but native americans should speak up more to get stuff there way because they deserve it. Then, again, I think that unless it affected you directly, (meaning that you were one of the pople that the land was stolen from), which is impossible then you don't deserve anything better than anyone else. We cant start rewarding people for struggles that there great grandfathers went through. If my great grandfather won a noble peace prize I shouldn't be rewarded for it. Anyway, I may be a little off topic, but thats my opinion. I'm not gonna start cursing people off and making assumptions about other people opinions.

I never complain like "Everyting is written by Japanese"ESP in NewYork.

Sometimes I went to NY from Japan avoiding same Japanese

because for "studying English". That was my challenge.

I like studying English. but now as I quit University in Japan

and I have part time job. Unfortunatly English is needless most time for me.

If I can live in NewYork, I want to study many thing

for example "How do I make a other cultuer people comfortably?".

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Originally posted by sassa

i went to high school abroad, but my sister and brother were attending high school here, and i remember looking at what they were studying in high school, and we would laugh since most of the subjects we had learned during the 8th or 9th grade in europe....

I had a similar experience. Junior high in Switzerland, then high school in the U.S. High school was basically a repeat of junior high for me... :blank:

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Originally posted by hoke

I had a similar experience. Junior high in Switzerland, then high school in the U.S. High school was basically a repeat of junior high for me... :blank:

That sound sad.

But you repeat "Junior high"and "Junior high" is interesting

thinking of Junior Vasquez.

I hope He turns "naturally" high.

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I agree with alot that has been said. I'm a 21 year old Pakistani Muslim American and I can say that I know some people personally who come over here and start bitching about the way of life.

I won't mention any names but I know people who willingly come over here, raise their kids in their old fashion ways like back home, and expect them to grow up normally. A friend of mine came here for a better education and her parents really really got to her, to the point where she tried to commit suicide. She wasn't allowed to go to any parties, socialize, or even have male friends. Everything she did was in secrecy. Her dad even use to tape her phone calls. She went back to Pakistan now and cant live there because she spent many years here and adapted to the way of life, like many people. There are alot of good things about American culture.

Being Muslim, I see alot of hypocrites in my culture who say they are enforcing religious values by hurting their children. Take my gf's sister for example, she was caught listening to a Dru Hill cd and her dad wrote a message on it saying "Gateway to Hell" on it and left it on the floor in her room. And on numerous occasions, he will call his daughters "Bitches" and wont let them do anything because he thinks he is being "religious." According the the Quran, anybody who hurts or is mean to his/her family will not enter paradise. I feel that Islam is the most misunderstood religion and the media does not do enough to clarify that. Take the Trinity Broadcasting Network for example, who willingly state false facts about the Muslim religion on air.

Another person I know, said he was happy because of what happened on Sept 11th. My cousin got into a heated argument with him and stated if your happy why dont u get the fuck out of this country. He's lucky I wasn't there.

Alot of people come over here, in my culture anyway, and decide they still want to live that shelled conservative life and they expect thier childeren to live that way too. Little do they know how their children are depressed and emotionally broken most of the time, torn between two cultures and even have thoughts of suicide.

And I'm sick of all this perpetuated blind racisim currently in the media. If your for palestine, you must be an anti-semite. And their are many Muslims who feel that all Jews are the same which is so absurd that if they think this way they are no better than the IDF who murders children everyday and nobody ever hears about it because the media is biased. And do you believe that there are actually Jews against the occupation, but no you will never hear about that because of our fucked up Media. The Musilms were actually great protectors of the Jews and they lived side by side without all this hatred. And on the Palestine tape, of course it was a flook, I mean come on, they showed that tape at 1 o'clock in the afternoon eastern standard time and it showed ppl dancing in the streets in pure daylight. Am i the only one who understands that if its 1 here it has to be night time in Palestine? I'm appalled at what the media does.

In my personal experiences, I have not really encountered any pure racism in my life, and I for one love americans and thier way of life. Heck i was born here, so I am an American my self. The people here are generally nice, and I feel that the people often suffer from their corrupt leaders who are in power. Don't get me started about Bush, but under Clinton's rule we had 8 years of prosperity.

What makes this country great is the mixture of different cultures and different influences. American is based on that.

Sorry about ranting I'm mad bored at work.



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Originally posted by djxeno

I agree with alot that has been said. I'm a 21 year old Pakistani Muslim American and I can say that I know some people personally who come over here and start bitching about the way of life.

I won't mention any names but I know people who willingly come over here, raise their kids in their old fashion ways like back home, and expect them to grow up normally. A friend of mine came here for a better education and her parents really really got to her, to the point where she tried to commit suicide. She wasn't allowed to go to any parties, socialize, or even have male friends. Everything she did was in secrecy. Her dad even use to tape her phone calls. She went back to Pakistan now and cant live there because she spent many years here and adapted to the way of life, like many people. There are alot of good things about American culture.

Being Muslim, I see alot of hypocrites in my culture who say they are enforcing religious values by hurting their children. Take my gf's sister for example, she was caught listening to a Dru Hill cd and her dad wrote a message on it saying "Gateway to Hell" on it and left it on the floor in her room. And on numerous occasions, he will call his daughters "Bitches" and wont let them do anything because he thinks he is being "religious." According the the Quran, anybody who hurts or is mean to his/her family will not enter paradise. I feel that Islam is the most misunderstood religion and the media does not do enough to clarify that. Take the Trinity Broadcasting Network for example, who willingly state false facts about the Muslim religion on air.

Another person I know, said he was happy because of what happened on Sept 11th. My cousin got into a heated argument with him and stated if your happy why dont u get the fuck out of this country. He's lucky I wasn't there.

Alot of people come over here, in my culture anyway, and decide they still want to live that shelled conservative life and they expect thier childeren to live that way too. Little do they know how their children are depressed and emotionally broken most of the time, torn between two cultures and even have thoughts of suicide.

And I'm sick of all this perpetuated blind racisim currently in the media. If your for palestine, you must be an anti-semite. And their are many Muslims who feel that all Jews are the same which is so absurd that if they think this way they are no better than the IDF who murders children everyday and nobody ever hears about it because the media is biased. And do you believe that there are actually Jews against the occupation, but no you will never hear about that because of our fucked up Media. The Musilms were actually great protectors of the Jews and they lived side by side without all this hatred. And on the Palestine tape, of course it was a flook, I mean come on, they showed that tape at 1 o'clock in the afternoon eastern standard time and it showed ppl dancing in the streets in pure daylight. Am i the only one who understands that if its 1 here it has to be night time in Palestine? I'm appalled at what the media does.

In my personal experiences, I have not really encountered any pure racism in my life, and I for one love americans and thier way of life. Heck i was born here, so I am an American my self. The people here are generally nice, and I feel that the people often suffer from their corrupt leaders who are in power. Don't get me started about Bush, but under Clinton's rule we had 8 years of prosperity.

What makes this country great is the mixture of different cultures and different influences. American is based on that.

Sorry about ranting I'm mad bored at work.



you are so right. i've heard many fucked up stories about old skool muslims who come here and expect the same shit that they lived in to happen to their children. unfortunately, it also happens in a lot of old skool european cultures too, i have a bulgarian friend who left her home at 17 because she got sick of the way her family expected her to act like the "proper" bulgarian girl...it's bullshit....

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Originally posted by sassa

you are so right. i've heard many fucked up stories about old skool muslims who come here and expect the same shit that they lived in to happen to their children. unfortunately, it also happens in a lot of old skool european cultures too, i have a bulgarian friend who left her home at 17 because she got sick of the way her family expected her to act like the "proper" bulgarian girl...it's bullshit....

Most kids don't want to be like their parents. Immigrants just have it worse because of cultural differences.

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