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Wow... I had some weird dreams...

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Sometimes when my sleeping arrangement changes, I have very weird dreams for the first night or two. Last night I slept with a humidifier by my bed for the first time, and sure enough....

First I had a dream that I was at a rave. Everyone was dropping e. So far not so strange, right? Get this -- the rave was on a farm, run by a group of Quakers. WTF?

Then I had a truly terrifying dream. In my dream, I was laying in my bed, just as I was in real life, and that's what made it seem so real and frightening. There was a pit bull standing on my pillow by my head, growling and snarling. I was afraid to move or even breathe, because I thought it would attack my face! (Also, for some reason, the dog belonged to joeg. So bizarre...)

Had any weird dreams lately? :)

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i have Area 2 on the brain b/c i dreamt i was chattin it up w/ Moby in some cafeteria. for some reason he said he wasn't originally going to perform...eh he started the whole damn thing.

i haven't had my Alice in Wonderland dream in awhile where i feel like i'm shrinking to the size of a pea. or the one where Big Bird is hitchhiking...oh wait, i think that was from a movie :tongue:


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Originally posted by joeg

I don't dream much anymore... but when I do its always something really out there... I don't really want to post any of them... but some mad freakish shit...

Aren't you even gonna apologize for siccing your dog on me? :tongue:

I think my weirdest dream ever was that I flushed Mary Poppins down the toilet. :D

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Originally posted by hoke

Aren't you even gonna apologize for siccing your dog on me? :tongue:

I think my weirdest dream ever was that I flushed Mary Poppins down the toilet. :D

i told you not to hump his leg... ;)

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.....Dis mornin I Dreamt I was massagin the feet, legs and thighs of this hot cheerleader and as my fingers moved higher in between her thighs under her skirt, it brushed up against some strange object, that felt like a sac...

She somehow sensed my curiosity as to this discovery and spread her legs to reveal to me her elaborate constructions


So what does this mean? Any dream interpreters out there?:confused:

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Originally posted by hoke

Sometimes when my sleeping arrangement changes, I have very weird dreams for the first night or two. Last night I slept with a humidifier by my bed for the first time, and sure enough....

yeah, i sleep with a humidifier and curious george, i got some wacko dreams every night :blank:

First I had a dream that I was at a rave. Everyone was dropping e. So far not so strange, right? Get this -- the rave was on a farm, run by a group of Quakers. WTF?

you probably like the stark contrast of the 2, and were thinking "Damn, it would be interesting to hold a rave at some Quaker farm in Southern Pennsylvania ;)

Then I had a truly terrifying dream. In my dream, I was laying in my bed, just as I was in real life, and that's what made it seem so real and frightening. There was a pit bull standing on my pillow by my head, growling and snarling. I was afraid to move or even breathe, because I thought it would attack my face! (Also, for some reason, the dog belonged to joeg. So bizarre...)

Joeg can be a bad MuthaFuker :laugh:

Hoke, are u afraid of pit bulls? did u have a bad experience once with one in the past? Cuz i have with boxer's, and i have had dreams that went like that.

I'd advise u to approach the next pit bull u see very calmly and accept the budweiser he/she's offering you :tongue:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

Hoke, are u afraid of pit bulls? did u have a bad experience once with one in the past? Cuz i have with boxer's, and i have had dreams that went like that.

I did get in a fight with a dog once, but it wasn't a pit bull... it was a mutt that had been badly treated by a previous owner. I still have the torn shirt to show for it. :eek:

I think the rave dream may have had something to do with my recent thoughts about enjoying music outside of dark clubs... What's the farthest thing from a dark club that you can imagine? A Quaker farm, of course! :tongue:

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part of my dream last night involved my friend Liam and this breaks DJ Adegen playing a game in which they would take turns hiding a license plate from each other in a room covered with lots of gauzy white sheets.

also part of my dream was a visit to an amusement park that had rides that were construted of shimmering rainbows. one of the rides was a simple rope that i could swing on and send myself flying high into the air. i kept, however, bumping into all my friends while attempting to get off the ground.

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Originally posted by wideskies

part of my dream last night involved my friend Liam and this breaks DJ Adegen playing a game in which they would take turns hiding a license plate from each other in a room covered with lots of gauzy white sheets.

also part of my dream was a visit to an amusement park that had rides that were construted of shimmering rainbows. one of the rides was a simple rope that i could swing on and send myself flying high into the air. i kept, however, bumping into all my friends while attempting to get off the ground.

was it MY liscense plate? i can't find it... ;)

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I had two odd dreams last night:

First, I was at Disneyworld with my GF and it was pouring raining, and the park was empty. Even when we were under shelter it was still raining on me. Then we went into this cafeteria type place and my small plate of food cost $38.99! So I ate mashed potatoes out of my plate while I was in line to pay and when I finished them I put the plate down and walked off the line. F Disney :D

The second one was more scary. A terrorist-type person broke into my partment and held me hostage. I managed to jump out the front window, onto the car in the driveway and ran down the block. The terrorist shot all my windows out with an Uzi and jumped out the window and chased me around the block. I thought I had forgotten my cell phone so I started to panick. But I didn't, and fished it out of my pocket and managed to call 911 while he was chasing and shooting at me. I kept telling the operator what street I was on but I knew I'd be dead before the police got there. When I got back around the block to the front of my house he caught me with a bullet in the leg and I fell to the ground. He shot me a few more times in the leg and I hoped that I would soon hear sirens. But I didn't, and he pointed the gun right at my head and just as he squeezed the trigger I woke up. Blah. :(

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Originally posted by brooklynkid

I had two odd dreams last night:

First, I was at Disneyworld with my GF and it was pouring raining, and the park was empty. Even when we were under shelter it was still raining on me. Then we went into this cafeteria type place and my small plate of food cost $38.99! So I ate mashed potatoes out of my plate while I was in line to pay and when I finished them I put the plate down and walked off the line. F Disney :D

The second one was more scary. A terrorist-type person broke into my partment and held me hostage. I managed to jump out the front window, onto the car in the driveway and ran down the block. The terrorist shot all my windows out with an Uzi and jumped out the window and chased me around the block. I thought I had forgotten my cell phone so I started to panick. But I didn't, and fished it out of my pocket and managed to call 911 while he was chasing and shooting at me. I kept telling the operator what street I was on but I knew I'd be dead before the police got there. When I got back around the block to the front of my house he caught me with a bullet in the leg and I fell to the ground. He shot me a few more times in the leg and I hoped that I would soon hear sirens. But I didn't, and he pointed the gun right at my head and just as he squeezed the trigger I woke up. Blah. :(


(hey, nice sig, that car has some "BALLS" ;) )

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