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Homegrown 7/16 Review

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Oh man...Decisions decisions....I'm torn...I dunno who to pick.....Lets see....With Bog I would get whored alot more cause I'm cheaper....But with Regina the clientele would probably be more respectable because of the higher price.......Crap.....I need to think this over....I'll get back to the 2 of you....:tongue::laugh:

Look Marty, I'm a woman and a woman knows what other women want...;) If you're thinking about pimping yourself out to men, well then...stick with these shady characters--bogb, hoke, etc--but if you want to do it right, come with me...*takes marty's hand*. Sorry fellas!!! :laugh2:
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Originally posted by joeg

Marty, i'd get you $3.02, but I only pimp midgets... ;)

Marty...don't listen to Reginer and ROG!!!!!

Go with Joe and I....Reginer may be making you empty promises....Recruiters can sometimes be a waste, and a plethora of fruitless guarantees...

Joe and I...can and will, offer you a whores life that you've could never possibly have dreamed of....

...rethink this Kid, the Midget and Martypants side show....we'd make an awesome team!!!!! :D :D :D

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Originally posted by clubkat

1 - yes mcfly please do

2 - yes mcfly please do

3 - :love: ive said i was going since the party 1st got put together but noooooooooo :rolleyes: (moron)

Ron n Bog 4 paws up. . .amazing support from cp'ers and those bar regulars (the bleach blond asian chic! haha) and the vibe was so comfy plus the music was awesome (well the 2 sets i caught anyway - mcfly and the dude right after him :woah: )

Yummy place to be on a Tuesday night. . . icon14.gif

your kitten signing off. . .


"4 paws up"

let’s look into this quote a little deeper.

A CAT has 1 2 3 4 paws. In order for a cat to have all 4 paws up, the cat would have to be on it’s back with her paws up in the air right? Do you guys c where I’m going with this?????

Bad Kitty, bad. :D

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Originally posted by marcid21

Marty...don't listen to Reginer and ROG!!!!!

Go with Joe and I....Reginer may be making you empty promises....Recruiters can sometimes be a waste, and a plethora of fruitless guarantees...

Joe and I...can and will, offer you a whores life that you've could never possibly have dreamed of....

...rethink this Kid, the Midget and Martypants side show....we'd make an awesome team!!!!! :D :D :D

Okay A) who are Reginer and Rog? Marty the girl is delusional. As far as the recruiter comment...:mad: I don't THINK so...:) I've never steered Marty or anyone wrong...

Besides, the contract is signed, sealed, delivered, and Marty is currently busy fulfilling the needs of his first client :cool:

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Ok how about this.....You all take turns pimping me....I mean there's more than plenty of me to go around.....And I dont mind....I'm cheap...I'm a whore....What can I say??....It will be fun...Plus we'll make some extra money on the side.....:D

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Originally posted by bogb


"4 paws up"

let’s look into this quote a little deeper.

A CAT has 1 2 3 4 paws. In order for a cat to have all 4 paws up, the cat would have to be on it’s back with her paws up in the air right? Do you guys c where I’m going with this?????

Bad Kitty, bad. :D

:laugh: :laugh: .........::dirty thoughts running through my head:::tongue:

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Originally posted by bogb


"4 paws up"

let’s look into this quote a little deeper.

A CAT has 1 2 3 4 paws. In order for a cat to have all 4 paws up, the cat would have to be on it’s back with her paws up in the air right? Do you guys c where I’m going with this?????

Bad Kitty, bad. :D


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Originally posted by ReginaP

Tsk tsk boys shame on you...kitty only puts on those kinds of shows for marci, dyanna and myself...guess you're all sol...

yeah really...wtf...a lil' common sense here boys...

wait... :idea:

forget marty! the man can't even make a decision...Regina, leave marty to bog...how bout you come on the "other" side and work with Joe and I....

We'll each have our own claim and different clientle....whaddya say?

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Originally posted by ReginaP

Tsk tsk boys shame on you...kitty only puts on those kinds of shows for marci, dyanna and myself...guess you're all sol...;)

Now now......I'm sure we can come to some kind of mutual understanding.....We'll put on a show for all you ladies and then you do the same for us....How's that sound?? ::gives perverted old man grin:: :D

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Originally posted by marcid21

forget marty! the man can't even make a decision...Regina, leave marty to bog...how bout you come on the "other" side and work with Joe and I....

We'll each have our own claim and different clientle....whaddya say?

Oh come on.....I'm hurt by this one.....At least do it through pm's or something where my feelings wont get hurt....Then say there really isnt a market for a red-headed Polish immigrant at the moment......Do I need to do all the thinking???? :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by marcid21

yeah really...wtf...a lil' common sense here boys...

wait... :idea:

forget marty! the man can't even make a decision...Regina, leave marty to bog...how bout you come on the "other" side and work with Joe and I....

We'll each have our own claim and different clientle....whaddya say?

Now now...Marty and I *do* have a contract...but there's no reason that he can't come WITH me :idea:

As for you Marty...why would we need ya'll when we have each other?? ;)

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Originally posted by ReginaP

Now now...Marty and I *do* have a contract...but there's no reason that he can't come WITH me :idea:

As for you Marty...why would we need ya'll when we have each other?? ;)

So what'll it be my fellow polski?!?!?! (( attn: Marty ))

..hurry up and make a decision, ya in, or ya out?!?!!?!

*puts hands on hips and gives you the midget staredown*

oh, and btw Einstein....Meat? Isn't that why the sex gods invented battery operated toys? :rolleyes:

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See now, Marty, I made you an offer you couldn't refuse... and you went and refused it...

You're gonna be getting a little house call soon, kid... some "friends of mine" are gonna make sure you never work in this city again...

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Originally posted by marcid21

So what'll it be my fellow polski?!?!?! (( attn: Marty ))

..hurry up and make a decision, ya in, or ya out?!?!!?!

*puts hands on hips and gives you the midget staredown*

oh, and btw Einstein....Meat? Isn't that why the sex gods invented battery operated toys? :rolleyes:

Are you trying to imply a foursome????......This sounds very interesting.....:idea:

Toys...Schmoys.....Why settle for an imitation when you can have the real thing????....Plus you dont need to worry about this battery dying....:D;)

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Originally posted by hoke

See now, Marty, I made you an offer you couldn't refuse... and you went and refused it...

You're gonna be getting a little house call soon, kid... some "friends of mine" are gonna make sure you never work in this city again...

:shake:....I'm pretty sure that after that display last night I wont be finding work anytime soon.....:tongue::laugh:

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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

:shake:....I'm pretty sure that after that display last night I wont be finding work anytime soon.....:tongue::laugh:

yeah man I barely know u.... but STFU already!! ;)

sounded good to me... everyone messes up now and then...

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