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ATTN: James Sheridan


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I thought you should know that I walked out of Eckerd Drugs ready to rip Chris a new asshole for this one. Of course, I laughed once I found out who the culprit was and story behind it. However, you managed to work me up good for a few minutes there. Mission Acomplished! :nono:

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Lee.... somthing's up... I can't attach the photo. I'll email to you so you can append it to my original post ....and delete this one please. :)


I was finally able to attach the photo myself. It's on Page 2 of this thread

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shhhhh, they used to be my favorite band..... ;)

so now we both know that we both know....let's see if anyone else knows.....and we'll be back with Rock and Roll Jeopardy after these short announcements.....

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Joey YOU SUCK :frust: You couldn't have let the question burn just one more hour or so...... kill joy :tongue:

MIMI!!!! tell your brother to check his email and post that photo to the thread so you guys know what the hell I'm talking about! :D

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(talk about hijacked threads but until someone gets back to the original topick fuck it)

Joey, what songs from the Duran Duran album "Rio" were made into music videos?(include the video even though it wasn't shown on MTV)


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First of all Sean that's not how you play rock n' roll jeporady - you have to give me the answer and I come up w/ the question.

However, the answer is all 9 tracks, b/c they put out live videos back in the 'hey day' of MTV.


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Who is Dale Bozzio?

I know I'm right so no need to tell me....

I got one.....ex Frank Zappa and Missing Persons guitar player and drummer currently with Duran Duran.....I'll make it easier...just name one of these two guys....and here's a hint....the drummer is the singer's brother so you know the last name already.....

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It's Warren Cuccu.... somthing or other, right? I really don't follow the band any more. I was big into that whole alternative scene during my high school years right up until I started clubbing and discovered house (that would be around 1989). :worry: Anything that went down after that is pretty much out of my league.

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good enough....warren cuccurrulo....and the drummer is the bad-ass motherfucking one and only Terry Bozzio......that guy is like a Yoda of drumming.....

alright what's the next question, errr.....answer I mean.....

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that's it for me. I should have been studying an hour ago but I got tied up with this thread, my email and the wait for Lee to post the photo. That said, I'll make one last attempt at attaching it myself again.... here goes....

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It worked!!!! OK here's the story. We're @ Crobar and I hand the camera over to Chris while I go make nice and socialize. James grabs the camera from chris for a moment and hands it back saying.... NOW you're in trouble. I take the photos to get developed the following day and when I see this I'm like.... "WTF!!" :laugh::laugh::laugh:

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