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I had to put my dog to sleep and it was AWFUL! Advice?

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OK so with a combination of leukemia, congestive heart failure, liver failure and lymphoma, my dog was finally to the point he couldn't breathe anymore and we decided (I barely managed to say yes) that we were going to put him to sleep. Everyone says it's peaceful and everything but it makes no difference. I feel really guilty and I want my dog back, I am really torn up about it and I don't know what to do. I don't even like looking in the direction of the corner of the yard where he is buried and I don't like being alone in the house, and I seriously feel like I did something wrong and killed my own dog. Has anyone else done this? What do I do now?

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Don't worry honey. You did the right thing. Suffering is worse than resting in peace. It's going to take some time to heal this pain away, but eventually you should get another dog and just think of the good times you had with this one.

Sorry about this though. It's tough.

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Damn...I'm sorry to hear that Ali. I love dogs too.....my dog is with my mom and he's gettin old too. The day will come and I know I will be devastated, but its gonna come.

I love dogs personally, so much that when I see a dog killed in a movie I feel worse then when I see a person die.....go figure.

Get another dog.....it won't be the same, but it'll be just as good to have.

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I feel your pain and I'm sorry to hear that. Most dogs are better than most people. One of my best friends lost his 9 year old Rottie, Timber, today. As hard as it may be to accept, if your dog was suffering constantly than maybe it's better off this way. Rekindle that love and get another pup. :smile2:

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I really feel for you. I have two dogs and two cats and I don't even want to think about them getting older. It's one of the saddest issues animal lovers ever have to deal with. I say go get yourself a puppy and it's cuteness and loveableness will help you get over your loss.

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Don't worry honey. You did the right thing. Suffering is worse than resting in peace. It's going to take some time to heal this pain away, but eventually you should get another dog and just think of the good times you had with this one.

Bustaknut is absolutely right, vixen...

We had to put my Lati to sleep last summer because of a bad liver. she was getting on in the years, and we had no choice really. why let her suffer, y'know.

But every dog is different. Each has their own character like a human. Since then, after waiting several months, we couldn't help it, and got another doggie (our household ALWAYS has a dog) and this dog isn't Lati, but is a whole new and fun doggie, with diff. little poses and habits...

You did the right thing, it's going to be tough, but give it some time, and consider a new doggy in the future :)

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Time heals all. I know that sounds cliche but it's true. I love dogs and I just adopted a new one. A while ago I gave up my baby and I haven't seen her since..(About as close to loosing a pup as it gets) but you know what...

You move on. You never forget them but here's an idea; GET A NEW ONE! It'll never be the old dog but it'll keep you company and fill that void in your heart that only us dog owners have when you part ways with your pet.

If you need some names of good shelters PM me..I know one particular woman that would LOVE to help you out.

Hang in there~:(

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since dogs are a favorite for me. But it sounds like you did the right thing in putting him out of all his miseries. The spirit of your dog may be thanking you for it right now, since he/she is in doggie heaven without any pain:)

Sooner or later all things must come to an end in this constant process of death and rebirth.:(

Getting another dog is a good idea. And who knows, the soul of your old dog make come with the new one. :idea:

Good luck;) ;)

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I'm very sorry to hear about your dog, but you did the right thing. It isn't right to let a dog or even a human suffer from pain. I'm sure your dog is in a special place, but most of all it will always be in your heart.

My miniature poodle was put to sleep about a week ago, she had arthritis for the past few months but developed bone cancer which spread all over. She was having breathing problems and was on medication so she seemed fine except for her inability to walk up stairs. One day at dinner after giving her some table scraps she threw up. She wouldn't stop throwing up, she was foaming at the mouth and crying for almost an hour. We said goodbye to her and my parents took her away. It breaks my heart everytime I think about her. It is ok to let it out, don't hold anything back. The house feels so empty without her, she was with us for 12 years. "You don't realize what you have until it is gone." These are words that I live by... Whether it be a dog or a person, take some time to reflect upon them and realize what life would be like without them.

Down the road I do see myself getting another dog, but not right now. Take care, keep your chin up. Life is rough kid. :(

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Hey everyone,

Thanks sooooo much for all your replies, I really appreciate it. I'm doing a little better now but it's still tough. At least Max is probably hanging out with Tek's poodle and with Timber right now. You know what they say, All Dogs Go To Heaven. I just hope he isn't mad at me and knows we didn't do it to be mean. I hope I can get a new dog soon but I might have to wait till I get my own place cause my parents claim to not want one. We will see though. Mugwump, I'm gonna drop you a PM about the shelters so when the time comes I can get a pup who needs a home! Thanks again everyone, and here's my beloved Heemie dog:


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