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MUGZ GONE TO THE DOGS! (Need Puppy training tips

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So Our new pup "Rocco-Morocco" is doing

fine settling in to his new place..

He really digs the attention he's getting

from my roommates and his mommy and daddy..

(What with all the DJs running

around the house I was a little afraid it might

influence him in the wrong way..but so far

so good!)

Being only two and a half months old

however is still quite young so

he needs lots and lots of attention..

He whimpers and howls when

left alone for

too long in his "play pen"

(Even though I leave him

listening to music when left alone)

He cries and cries if we aren't always around him

and it's starting to worry me that the neighbors might

complain..(No one wants a neighbor who's dog

howls all night!)

So I've taken to having him

sleep in bed with us at night (Even with

the permanent fear of having

to wake up in a puddle of doggie pee)

and have him sit with me at the computer

while I work on Cartoons and graphics..


My patience is wearing thin.

(Five nights of hardly any sleep,

puppy sitting and not being able to go out

clubbing is catching up with me)




On how to get him

use to separation anxiety

or how long it might be before he is able to be a little

less dependable on our presence in the same room?

*Even though I use to own a dog

I adopted it when she was already a year old

and housebroken.





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stop sleeping with him

put him in the playpen by himself and leave him there

get a coffe can...fill it with rocks, and shake it and say quiet (or something) when he starts crying in the middle of the night

it will take a little while...but its better than getting no sleep at all

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Weigh the dog.

Find a decent size box.

Aquire proper postage.

Mail the little rat to Japan.


You wanted a dog...You have a dog...and all the drama with it.

Im liking Bigpopa's shock treatment idea.

You wont even have to walk the dog anymore.

The lil runt will shit itself every time it sees that can.


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Originally posted by gothzane

You wanted a dog...You have a dog...and all the drama with it.


No no no...

I'm not BITCHING about him.

just looking for expert pup advise on how

to help him get over his seperation anxiety issues..

I love the little runt..

Amy and I even took

him shopping to



They have a "Puppy"

bed in each cart.

(The can idea sounds interesting

though.. any one selse?)

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My dog did the same stuff...it took a while for him to outgrow it (like about 6 months). It's very frustrating to say the least (I put my foot thru one of his cages:) ). What I did was moved his cage into my bedroom so he could "see" us while we slept. This seemed to keep him quite and keeps you from waking up to a surprise on your bed or on the floor. Your next best bet is obedience school. I sent mine to a private one that only takes one dog at a time and keeps them for about a week. It's not cheap, but it is well worth the money. Also, I think it is attention the dog wants and they NEVER outgrow that. My dog is 6 years old now and although he doesn't wimper he is always begging for attention. It's a good thing though.:D

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