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Have you ever saved a life?

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Just curious... I'm sure there are some good stories out there...

When I was about 13, I saved my friend's little brother from drowning in the middle of a lake. We were out on a raft and it capsized. The kid didn't know how to swim, so I held him afloat while his brother turned the raft back over. It's even scarier looking back on it, because the kid was thrashing around and I realize now I could have been pulled under and died myself...

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Back in russia I was working as a volonteer in a hospital because I wanted to be a surgeon after I finished school. I thought I could get some experience that would look on my admission application to the university. One day, when I was in the emergency room, a waiting to be seen in by the doctor just collapsed in the waiting room. I felt for the pulse, ut he didnt have one. There were no doctors or nurses around so I started giving him cpr and mouth-to-mouth. While I was doing that, one of the other people waiting there ran to get the doctor and they returned in about 2 minutes with the equipment. The doctor said that if not for me he wouldve been dead. They just put him on the bed and wheeled him inside the operating room. Turned out that he had ruptured right ventricle of the heart and he was bleeding very heavy internaly. When he collapsed, hi heart was out and the only thing that kept him alive, was my cpr.

That's one if them.

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I don't know if it counts as 'saving a life'...

but one night at filter some girl drank like WAY too much tequila (and she isn't supposed to have any due to some medical thing)... so me/snoozi8/marci helped her hysterical friend take her outside the club, give her water, and make sure she didn't choke on her own vomit... then hailed a cab for them to their parent's house or something...

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Originally posted by joeg

I don't know if it counts as 'saving a life'...

but one night at filter some girl drank like WAY too much tequila (and she isn't supposed to have any due to some medical thing)... so me/snoozi8/marci helped her hysterical friend take her outside the club, give her water, and make sure she didn't choke on her own vomit... then hailed a cab for them to their parent's house or something...

Well, I think so..... :laugh:

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. . hmm, mine isn't exactly saving a life, rather it saved a little girl from severe injury . .

. . Here's the dilly . . .

. . .. I went to the mall near where I used to live down South with my dad . . So we're talking and all and we walk up to the line to the escalator . . .

. . Theres all these kids playing near the base of it by the plants and stuff, I honestly didn't even really notice them that much . . One girl, I'd say about 6 or 7 is jumping up onto the side of the escalator, holding on for a sec, then jumping off (WAY TO GO parental supervision . . :rolleyes: ) . . . She's the key player . .

. . So my dad and I get on the escalator and we start to go up . . . I'd say about 15 seconds later I hear this tiny voice say "help" . . . I look to my left and see two little hands holding on for dear life to the moving banister . . . I didn't even click with me . . . I just reached over with one hand . . grabbed her by the wrist and lifted her to the inside of the escalator . . . We get to the top and all these people are looking at me . . .

. . . Still didn't register in my mind what I had done . . . So, the little girl goes back down the escalator and ran to her mother who's looking at me with this scared look on her face . . . . My dad turns and says "You just saved that little girl from getting badly hurt . . " . . I'm just like "eh" . . and we kept walking . .

. . . It didn't really register until later . . .

.. . . I guess i"m not all that bad . . ;) . . .

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Originally posted by hoke

Just curious... I'm sure there are some good stories out there...

When I was about 13, I saved my friend's little brother from drowning in the middle of a lake. We were out on a raft and it capsized. The kid didn't know how to swim, so I held him afloat while his brother turned the raft back over. It's even scarier looking back on it, because the kid was thrashing around and I realize now I could have been pulled under and died myself...

little kids who cant swim shouldnt be out on rafts :rolleyes:
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hmmm...hard to say

i'll bet a lot of us have had conversations with and helped really depressed people where you are concerned that they might be thtinking about doing something to themselves, but you are never sure. and such a small percent of suicides "succeed" that its tough on this one.

as for other stuff

- rock climbing i've caught a number of leader falls - but that's a risk you take when climbing

- hiking i've pulled an unconscious person from a large stream, set a broken leg 15 miles from the nearest road, caught someone just as they were about to fall down a small cliff, etc. hard to know if they all would have died or not.

- winter camping - revived someone from hypothermia (early stages) - he def. would have died i think

- numerous pull backs from traffic and stuff - who knows what would have happened???

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i used to community service at school by playing baseball with mentally handicapped kids (aged like 8-15)... the kids would play and we would be assigned to a single kid, to help them play the game. one time my kid, who was much more handicapped (severly retarded), was playing first base, and i was standing next to her with my glove on, so a large and not very handicapped kid gets up to plate and just slams a ball right towards first base, and it was heading right into my kids face... well i caught it like 6 inches from her nose, and she didnt even notice anything had happened. doubt she would have died, but i certainly saved her from a broken nose and probably a cracked skull.

silly kids.

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I haven't.. but I know how much better I've made so many people feel when in certain situations.. lots of my good friends know and always tell me they know to come talk to me cause I always make them feel better.. so it's not technically saving a life.. but it's almost just as good, IMO.. the ability to make someone feel better and to give people that someone they know they can talk to.

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