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okay the deli guy...

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wtf!!! every fuckin' time i go in and order a sandwhich they fuck it up... this time it was turkey,lettuce on a roll... simple! prolly the most simplest sandwich one can oder... so what does this moron do??? he gets creative and adds mayo... who said mayo? reread it.. does it say mayo up there??? nope... this persons job is to do one thing... one thing.. make a sandwich.. .and this piece of shit cant even do that... fuckin'shit... every time... i understand once twice... shit happends but this happends everytime!!! grrrr....

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Originally posted by dgmodel

... this persons job is to do one thing... one thing.. make a sandwich.. .and this piece of shit cant even do that... fuckin'shit... every time... i understand once twice... shit happends but this happends everytime!!! grrrr....

you sound like that dude in Sweet November....you know..."God"...the one that gets the water spilled on him....

....that's scary... :shake:

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seriously, why does everyone who makes sandwhiches have down syndrome???

I fucking order a turkey & cheese, with mayo & tomato (NO LETTUCE)... and every fucking time, i get a turkey & cheese, with mayo and lettuce.... I seriously wish i had a gun so I could end these people on the spot before they can infect the gene poole...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

wtf!!! every fuckin' time i go in and order a sandwhich they fuck it up... this time it was turkey,lettuce on a roll... simple! prolly the most simplest sandwich one can oder... so what does this moron do??? he gets creative and adds mayo... who said mayo? reread it.. does it say mayo up there??? nope... this persons job is to do one thing... one thing.. make a sandwich.. .and this piece of shit cant even do that... fuckin'shit... every time... i understand once twice... shit happends but this happends everytime!!! grrrr....

I HATE MAYO! :puke:

usually the guys at my deli near my work are really good and when i walk in, they are already making my sandwich -- perfect! but there is a new guy that just started and f*cks it up everytime. he put mayo on my italian! so when i got back to my office and opened up the sandwich, i was so heartbroken cuz i was starving. but i couldnt bring myself to eat it, so i wentn back and asked them to remake it. Man, i was so nice about it and was joking around, but the guy got so defensive?! :confused: ::mad: i now know not to go to that deli on thursdays and fridays

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Originally posted by dirtyepic18

the worst is when you travel anywhere, and it seems everyone but ny puts mayo on burgers...

god, i hate that...

what the fuck?!?!

why would anyone put mayo on a burger???


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Originally posted by nycmuzik2000

Mayo and mustard........My cousin and I took a road trip down to Florida a few years back and every McDonalds down there put mustard on their burgers.....WTF????

all mconalds put mustard on the burgers.......and mayo with ketchup is actually pretty good....and is the 'secret sauce' on the whopper........

god i wish i could eat fast food!!!! why must it be so baaaaaad:(

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