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Ooooooooo Mannnnnnnn!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by spragga25

What the fuck is this...poetry?????


:laugh: :laugh:

I'm sorry - I can't stop laughing!! :laugh:

OH SHIT!!! Sorry

Whoa - that comment MADE my morning...Thanks kids!

hey everybody you can only use the word essence in poetry..got that chris?..ok thankgod this guy told us that ..your a life saver..word of the day is pretentious..hes not comin to centro because im "pretentious"...and shallow dont forget shallow..you are hilarious...u made my morining also..how cool is that?we made each others mornings...iiiiiii feeeeeeel lovvvvveeeeedddd

and how funny is that a few post ago this guy was tellin me i spelled "using wrong".. i put usin instead..hey buddy .. i think your the only one who uses a spell checker on this board..so cut it out man..your scarin..not scaring ..meeee

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Originally posted by spragga25

I think that changed my mind about going to Centro-Fly now :blank:

Pretentious and shallow ain't my game.

Ragga, just come.. whatever.. it's not all pretentious and shallow.. they are just kidding, it's an inside joke, you wouldn't understand anyways.. I have no clue what's going on, but on Thursday I'm going to attempt to find out. In the meantime, being your "age" and everything, I would think you would know by now not to let someone deter you from doing something you wanna do.

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Originally posted by ehas23

hey everybody you can only use the word essence in poetry..got that chris?..ok thankgod this guy told us that ..your a life saver..word of the day is pretentious..hes not comin to centro because im "pretentious"...and shallow dont forget shallow..you are hilarious...u made my morining also..how cool is that?we made each others mornings...iiiiiii feeeeeeel lovvvvveeeeedddd

and how funny is that a few post ago this guy was tellin me i spelled "using wrong".. i put usin instead..hey buddy .. i think your the only one who uses a spell checker on this board..so cut it out man..your scarin..not scaring ..meeee

Hey Chris - your "boy" is hopeless! You make danwilson sound like a friggin (yes - friggin - no "g") genious. I'm done here unless otherwise needed.

Go back to playing in your sandbox kids! :blank:

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Originally posted by spragga25

Hey Chris - your "boy" is hopeless! You make danwilson sound like a friggin (yes - friggin - no "g") genious. I'm done here unless otherwise needed.

Go back to playing in your sandbox kids! :blank:

love it when he calls us kids.....sandbox one too..that was funny. this guy is special..hes cool....and leave dan wilson outta this..all because hes been readin our inside jokes and callin us shallow and the P word..do something with yourself ..have some fun..come out thurs..have a drink on me:blown:

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Originally posted by ehas23

love it when he calls us kids.....sandbox one too..that was funny. this guy is special..hes cool....and leave dan wilson outta this..all because hes been readin our inside jokes and callin us shallow and the P word..do something with yourself ..have some fun..come out thurs..have a drink on me:blown:

Come out on Thursday? Highly doubt it kid...Inside jokes? Sorry, but I have no idea about any of your inside jokes nor care to.

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Alright guys this is getting out of hand.......THIS THREAD, is for jokes only and should not be taken to the level that it is slowly rising too. Centro Thursdays is great night with great people, a great vibe and an all around great place to be.......

Cody thanks for the mediation hope to meet you yet again, i think we once met b/f but any mutual friends of thorin is a friend of mine........Spragga and KingArthur, chill out, sorry u got caught in an inside joke; it wasn't meant to be in offense to anyone...the last thing this party is about is the bullshit that is slowly getting jumbled in this thread...so, if you want a good night and have nothing to do, COME OUT, if not no problem....

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i dont know why but i feel the need to expalin myself....

Hometeam is a group of us that party together and party hard we have a good time we dont seclude to each other we share the enjoyment... dont get all bent out of shape like you you woudlnt enjoy yourself at this party ..the best crowd, friendly, fun and out of had, music is insane we enjoy ourselves and so should you



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alright...everyone needs to chill...

Adam, Arthur this is the same thing as your brooklyn Crew or roxy Stage Crew...

its juat a bunch of friends who see each other every week, party hard, have a blast etc...

all we are doing is posting private jokes, which can easlily be misconstrued

same as when the roxy stage crew etc...used to make posts after a night at Roxy, I never tried to understand the private jokes, because I wouldnt get it...

Noone is trying to be shallow or pretentious, and if you met these guys, you would know you are faaaaaaar from the truth...

just a bunch of friends fuckin around and having fun

now, if you decided to not go to an amazing party due to something like this, well IMO thats pretty fuckin silly.

Ive known U adam for a while, and Im sure Arthur has seen me post for a while(and we just met as well), Im tellin you, that both of you would have fun there, but if your not going to go due to me and my friends...well then so be it (Sprag...I bet you could even get sum girls to play the nipple game;))

thats all I got to say about all of this....

and to the rest of u fucknuts....

2 MORE DAYS...be scared!!!!



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glad to see everyone is clearing this up and coming to a better understand; HOMETEAM AND AZ-TEC way to take charge. King Arthur and Spragga hope to see you guys next week! :aright:

and in response to you andy..hehe...i think everyone in on the countdown, but um, lol, i think our pre party starts tomorrow....i am already in negotiations w/ thorin for a "one drink" wednesday night....i am think maybe serafina and then ENDING up at groove jet, you know just to say hi.....:laugh:

see everyone thursday!!!!!!!! :letsgo:

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Originally posted by NYCclub15

and in response to you andy..hehe...i think everyone in on the countdown, but um, lol, i think our pre party starts tomorrow....i am already in negotiations w/ thorin for a "one drink" wednesday night....i am think maybe serafina and then ENDING up at groove jet, you know just to say hi.....:laugh:

see everyone thursday!!!!!!!! :letsgo:

oops i take that back, i think SASHA is tomorrow......i will do that fock it, i will call u tomorrow.

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Originally posted by NYCclub15

Cody thanks for the mediation hope to meet you yet again, i think we once met b/f but any mutual friends of thorin is a friend of mine........Spragga and KingArthur, chill out, sorry u got caught in an inside joke; it wasn't meant to be in offense to anyone...the last thing this party is about is the bullshit that is slowly getting jumbled in this thread...so, if you want a good night and have nothing to do, COME OUT, if not no problem....

Did I meet you last time?? Are you by any chance Chris, you run the door??

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Originally posted by az-tec

yes..that would be disco bizkit himself......:eek::laugh: :laugh:

:laugh: :laugh: lol, THIS IS ME, and thanks for the DISCO BISKIT/INFERNO, it is getting a bit lost behind hollywood, hehe..."DOORS BY DISCO"

and cody, i think we met once last year at Limelight, who knows, if not we meet this weekend.......... LOOKING FORWARD TO IT

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