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Enough shit talking about leaking tracks.


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Enough said! Who the fuck cares if someone leaks it or not. We wouldn't have countries like Iraq and Bin Faggot trying to blow us up if we all minded our own business and stopped thinking about the allmighty dollar and what the fuck other people do in their free time. Record mogels are still gonna make mass millions and us lil people are still gonna bust our asses to break even and hope to get free music and everything else to make our own lives better. Its the american way. This country was founded by people sharing. So just give it up people, and those who do have the hot tracks stop talking shit about how you got what other people don't have cause thats just ignorant too. Just my 10 cents. PLUR

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You're an idiot and you've got some change coming back to you from those 10 cents. And make sure you go after the whoever sold you those ten cents cause they're counterfeit and you got ripped off. But don't worry, it's the american way to RIP PEOPLE OFF OF THEIR HARD EARNED MONEY LIKE YOU ARE DOING WHEN YOU DECIDE TO DOWNLOAD THOSE TRACKS (like you got from wherever you got your education).

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Did you say you got your degree at Harvard? That's right I didn't say it was the American way to rip people off, I said it was the idea of sharing that made us this way. Just because you make minimum wage blowing guys in Greenwhich village, don't take it out on the rest of the world. Why don't you spend your time writing to the government about sending your hard earned tax dollars over to feed some fucking dying children in Somalia. All I was saying that shit talking is getting you all no where, and now I have had to be-little myself to your level cause you're an asshole. These producers and record companies will never go out of business losing songs because they make 65-70% of their money through concerts, working the clubs, selling songs to the radio and advertisements all other types of shit. So go get the 2X4 you left up your mothers ass crack out cause the shit is giving her splinters.

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