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They caught the asshole that robbed us!


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Well guys, this weekend is all about celebration for me and my roommy... Got the call around 2pm to head to Hollywood Police department!

Yes, they caught the jerk that beat up my roommy and robbed us. My roommy has all ready identified him and I all ready got some of my jewerly back!!! We go tomorrow at 9am to the Pawn Shop so I can buy the rest of my stuff back...

We are soooooooo happy..... I'm most pleased that this dickhead won't be able to do this someone else........ we (us and the detectives) are trying to hit this guy with as many felonies and charges as we can!

Sorry, I had to share my excitement!


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Hi everyone! Just got back from the Pawn Shop....

The detective told us this guy was just released from prison on July 1st ~ wow, didn't take him long...... So basically he will be locked up for a good long while. She said it may take up to 2 years before we even go to trial - I don't care how long it takes, we are going to see this to the end.

I looked him up on-line to see what he's in there for now.... only Grand theft and some other dealing stolen property stuff. The detective told me they are bringing several more charges (major charges) on him this afternoon.... I can't wait to check on it later!

I am so thankful and happy that this guy is off the streets....

Thanks again for the support.. you guys have been great for letting me express myself on this board.

Peace and love -


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Originally posted by lolahotass

Well guys, this weekend is all about celebration for me and my roommy... Got the call around 2pm to head to Hollywood Police department!

Yes, they caught the jerk that beat up my roommy and robbed us. My roommy has all ready identified him and I all ready got some of my jewerly back!!! We go tomorrow at 9am to the Pawn Shop so I can buy the rest of my stuff back...

We are soooooooo happy..... I'm most pleased that this dickhead won't be able to do this someone else........ we (us and the detectives) are trying to hit this guy with as many felonies and charges as we can!

Sorry, I had to share my excitement!


Glad to here the bastard got caught, what a dick!!!!!!!!! YOU Go LOLA, you should have bashed him or slashed him or a good bat beating, lol. Cool that everything is alright.......:D

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thats great lola !!! im glad to hear that !! & you better take that shit to the end so that that son of a bitch spends a great amount of time in jail !!! hmmmmmmmmm i think ive got a great idea ! we should all go celebrate @ SPACE & the cops should take him, tie him to a tatem pole in the middle of the dancefloor while we all dance around the motherfucker like indians & every once in awhile we all take turns kickin him in the nuts & throwing empty booze bottles at his head !!whoever hits him with the most bottles gets free v.i.p. @ SPACE the following

weekend:D :party: :party: :party: that would be a great way to celebrate.. kick ass !!

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Originally posted by stogiey2k2

you should have bashed him or slashed him or a good bat beating, lol.

Trust me, if I would have known he was in the house, I would have done just that..... There's a reason I'm a golfer.. haha

Can you say FOooRRRRRRRRRRREEeeeeeeee!

Club to the head baby! *~*~ Thanks Stogs *~*~ you comin' out to play Saturday at Space?!?


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Originally posted by koky

hmmmmmmmmm i think ive got a great idea ! we should all go celebrate @ SPACE & the cops should take him, tie him to a tatem pole in the middle of the dancefloor while we all dance around the motherfucker like indians & every once in awhile we all take turns kickin him in the nuts & throwing empty booze bottles at his head !!whoever hits him with the most bottles gets free v.i.p. @ SPACE the following weekend that would be a great way to celebrate.. kick ass !!

Ummmm, Spacious?!?!?!:D :D :tongue: Good idea koky!!!


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  • 1 year later...

Okay guys, I bumped this thread due to the fabulous news I got tonight!

Most of you old schoolers will recall that last August 16th, 2002, I had MAJOR shit happen at my old apartment that involved my roommate almost being killed and our shit being GANKED...

For you newbies, if you interested in reading it, here is the original link - my post is about half way down the thread:

Original post from Aug. 2002

ANYWAY.............. we went to court yesterday and both took the stand against this asshole. It was my first time seeing the douchebag that stole some very sentimental items from me - jewerly that was given to me by my family........ some things i never received back:( It was very scary but I remained cool, calm, and collected.........All though I did tell the defense attorney to relax and I made him look like an ASS....:laugh: He was trying to catch me in some fake lie - he kept referring to my deposition from a year ago... I completely fucked him up on a few of my responses and pointed out to him and the jury that I read my deposition before I took the stand.... The look on his face was priceless:laugh: But, to cut this story short, we got the call from the State Attorney today.........................Unanimous decision - GUILTY on ALL COUNTS .......... This mother fucker is going up for 30 years plus 2 life sentences!!!!!!!!

Yep, we got him for False imprisonment (my roommate), 1st degree Armed robbery, dealing in stolen property, and Grand Theft!!!!

Here is his file (prior our debacle): Tyson Watson (You have to click "New Search", then enter the name Tyson Watson...

And here is this scum bag when he was arrested for the shit he did to my roommate and I: Stupid Asshole

So have a great time getting your ass plugged in jail mother fucker! I'll see you at your sentencing on December 5th.... And I'll be sure to have my speech to the jury/judge ready to go.....


A very happy Lola;)

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Originally posted by lolahotass

Well guys, this weekend is all about celebration for me and my roommy... Got the call around 2pm to head to Hollywood Police department!

Yes, they caught the jerk that beat up my roommy and robbed us. My roommy has all ready identified him and I all ready got some of my jewerly back!!! We go tomorrow at 9am to the Pawn Shop so I can buy the rest of my stuff back...

We are soooooooo happy..... I'm most pleased that this dickhead won't be able to do this someone else........ we (us and the detectives) are trying to hit this guy with as many felonies and charges as we can!

Sorry, I had to share my excitement!


gald it had a happy ending..........congratz lola.
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