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They caught the asshole that robbed us!


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Originally posted by guyman1966

Is it because of this very event that you keep begging me to break into your house in the middle of the night with a wrench in my pocket?

That would be it:laugh: I now blame my psychological mishaps on this event...:laugh: Hey gotta blame some body else for my mental state.

Guyman, i left the bedroom window unlocked for ya... and make sure the wrench is at least 8 inches:tongue:

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

i think they should lock him in a room with lola for an hour.....lola will whoop on that ass so much he will want to go to jail!!!!!!!!

she'll put a whoopin just like the one shes putting on in fantasy football!!!!!!!!!!!;)

Nah, I'm a good Christian. I would rather the BOYZ in jail have their way with his ass:laugh: :laugh:

I think I get to beat up absolutv this weekend;) ohhhh lucky me:D

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this is good news, mama! yesterday at the pembroke lakes mall, i was getting out of my sequoiaand some guy puts a gun to my head and tells m to give him the keys so i know what a horrible feeling it is. anyways, he put the gun up to my temple and said, "give me the fucking keys, bitch!" i handed the bitch the keys and watched him drive off in my truck with my laptop, a chair from my office and a bunch ofnew shit i just bought for my new house. i got the license plate of the girl who was helpin the guy but the cops system was down so the couldnt look up the info right away. i'm just glad to be alive.

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Originally posted by tranzwhore

this is good news, mama! yesterday at the pembroke lakes mall, i was getting out of my sequoiaand some guy puts a gun to my head and tells m to give him the keys so i know what a horrible feeling it is. anyways, he put the gun up to my temple and said, "give me the fucking keys, bitch!" i handed the bitch the keys and watched him drive off in my truck with my laptop, a chair from my office and a bunch ofnew shit i just bought for my new house. i got the license plate of the girl who was helpin the guy but the cops system was down so the couldnt look up the info right away. i'm just glad to be alive.

Holy Crap :eek: . Glad you are okay!

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Not to try and sound too contr*****sal, but its b/c of idiots like this guy that abortion should not only be legal, but free as well.

I looked at his records, and it seems like his whole life has been one big screw up. Now he's gonna be spending the next 30 years in jail? Shouldn't they at least give him the option of death as an alternative? Whats the point of living if you're not gonna enjoy it...


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Originally posted by diabolique007

Lolahotass, glad to hear justice was served :aright:

Thanks honey.. i appreciate that...

As much as I get pissed at the government, i'll agree 100%, justice was indeed served...

I'm looking forward to the actual sentencing on December 5th; I am preparing a speech for the court/jury in regard to WHY this asshole deserves life in prison....

Thanks again to everyone for the kind words of support. My old roommy and I truly appreciate it.




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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

wow :eek:

justice baby!

glad everything worked out things could've been much worse. thankfully this fucker got caught and no one was hurt.

Exactly............thanks be to God this fuck up is off the streets..........

He fucked me up emotionally for over a year - nightmares, etc.....but now i can rest easy and have my friends over to my house without the worries of this incident........

Thanks Lee;)

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