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Apology to Juggs & DoubleDuece

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Guilty with an explanation:

I am so sorry for missing the beatstock event, but thats what happens when you leave me alone mangled with noone directing me where to go. Everybody left me alone to go pick up Da Hat, it took me almost an hour to get from seaside to ortley. I kept turning down the wrong street(they all look the same in ortley). Next thing I know I'm sitting there mo mangled with slicks, vip & da hat......ask Neena & Piro if I was in any condition to drive..

One good thing that came out of it is I fell asleep, woke up at 2am and drove home..........made it to my monday appt on time and feelin good(not all cracked out).

SORRY once again.................................you no without the ytwo of you by myside i'm helpless............:(

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Originally posted by doubledeuce

apology accepted... but u missed a GREAT time... i was very disappointed that u did not show...

i was yelling at u when u were sleeping... but u did not hear...

I am so sorry.....I was a mess..........Carlos should have came with me then maybe we would have made it.........But at least I made my appointment yesterday and then drove my father to the airport(he's away for 2weeks) and feels confident that I won't fuck-up..good thing I was not cracked out yesterday...again I'm sorry

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Originally posted by neena16

Stiffler you weren't in any condition to go anywhere...I was a little concerned when you drove back to the condo...:nono:

You did the responsible thing by not going out Sun...I'm proud of you. :D :D

Did Badass make it to work Mon?

it is much easier to drive back to the condo then to drive from the condo to vip & slicks house. its a straight trip. I did it with my eyes closed.:laugh:

But I don't no if badass made it to work. I almost went to tempts at 2am. I drove past it then said fuck it, i'm going home like a good boy., I am pissed I missed some good after hours. Saturdays afterhours were weird. Me and slicks were doing some king sized:jar: that made us:drool:

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Originally posted by stiffler

it is much easier to drive back to the condo then to drive from the condo to vip & slicks house. its a straight trip. I did it with my eyes closed.:laugh:

But I don't no if badass made it to work. I almost went to tempts at 2am. I drove past it then said fuck it, i'm going home like a good boy., I am pissed I missed some good after hours. Saturdays afterhours were weird. Me and slicks were doing some king sized:jar: that made us:drool:

Yeah you did miss a good afterhours...but there's 2 more weekends left for afterhours...unfortunately :( me and piro will not be down until Labor day weekend. Are you going down next weekend? :D

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Originally posted by neena16

Yeah you did miss a good afterhours...but there's 2 more weekends left for afterhours...unfortunately :( me and piro will not be down until Labor day weekend. Are you going down next weekend? :D

YES, I will be down this weekend and I think I will give myself monday off since my pops away for two weeks...:clap:

and I definitely will not schedule any appts for monday am.....

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Originally posted by neena16

he has some kind of super powers....and I think he got them from you cause how did you make it through the weekend? :D :D

I had a crazy weekend... too much driving... I got home from the shore at 3:30 yesterday and slept until 7:45 this morning... it felt soooooooo good... i ate for the first time since saturday today at lunch... i lost like 5 pounds over the weekend...

it was all well worth it though... merge was sick on saturday night... factory was great, i would have stayed if i didn't have to go to beatstock... although i am glad i made it there... and tempts was definitely a good time on sunday night... even though i didn't realize i was standing in the wrong corner until about 2:30 in the morning... i don't know how i managed that... i was wondering where all u guys were all night...all i have to say is... COOKIES AND CREAM...

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...where were you on sunday, ehem??? When I saw the jenni's they told me you and Mike da hat werent there...I promised them i would yell at you so here goes:mad::mad: :mad: Just kidding...sorry you didnt make it out sweetie but everyone needs their rest...u guys have to make an appearance on friday now b/c u werent at beatstock!! anyway, have a good week:) ;)

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