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Worst/Scariest Fight Seen at a Club

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Come on people, let's here your stories.

I think the scariest thing I have seen was last year, actually almost a year to the day. It was July 3rd I believe, when me and three of my friends were walking into Exit at like 3am. I had just paid admission, one of my friends was on his way in, and the others were in the lobby. All of a sudden I see my friend who went in fly down the ramp and was thrown into the wall. I see this latino kid come running out with a gun. (Don't ask me how he got through security with that) Meanwhile I was rolling pretty hard, and all I could focus on was that I gave the admission girl $40 and the cover was $35. I was pretty messed up so I did not want to forget my $5. I start to hear yelling and gunshots. Then silence. Then more gunshots. The girls behind the glass start crying and screaming. The start to take all the money from the admission window and bring it back to the room on the right. Meanwhile my freinds are waiting to pay. I just wanted my change back. My friends are trying to tell me to just go in, but I refused. I made the girl go back into the room and get my $5 while she was freaking out. I thought that was pretty funny. But my friends just walked right in without having to pay because the entire security staff was outside. I never found out what happened to that guy. But it didn't sound to good. At least my friends got a free night out of it. With the security as tight as it is there, I was shocked that a gun could get past them.

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wow..thats fuckin scary shit about the gun...its messed up cause i'm usually pretty trustin thinkin everyone has a simliar reason for going to a club (to have fun, maybe?) but anyway..yeah, thats messed up...I've never really seen anythin too bad...One time i was at this club in RI (the livin room, DJ Venoms residence) A fight broke out when the club was closin, and I saw venom get a fist right to the head....hehe..he looked pretty dazed




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Wow, that's really scary... I was at that party too, I'm glad I didn't witness any of this! Too funny how all you could think about was getting your $5 back. cwm2.gif

I've never seen anything quite like that... but the most bizarre fight I ever witnessed at a party was at a rave in New Orleans. This guy Christian (sleazeball) was yelling at some girl, calling her a slut, "go suck some other dj's dick you whore", he even started spitting in her direction!

He's standing right next to us; not to mention, I'm on this really weird acid to begin with. Next thing you know, the guy the girl was with goes over to Christian and just starts wailing the shit out of him! It was really funny, this guy was such a dick I'm surprised it hadn't happened to him before.



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Saw two guys who got stabbed at a rave in CT last year. One guy had a wifebeater on with a red slash that literally went from the top-right of his shoulder down to the bottom-right of his waist. I imagine it wasn't too deep, or else he would have been dead -- instead of standing up and glaring at the guy who cut him. But the whole thing was pretty damn uncool to deal with with a head full of methylenedioxymethamphetamine........



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

AIM: vvRMR , EMAIL: vejita1975@hotmail.com

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g nice if you are talking about what happened at electric circus by park rave maddness it was 3 old italian guys they got caught somewhere up the block... with over 300 000 in cash

some shit like that it was in the daily news the next day

inside job if you ask me



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Originally posted by ginzostyle:

g nice if you are talking about what happened at electric circus by park rave maddness it was 3 old italian guys they got caught somewhere up the block... with over 300 000 in cash

some shit like that it was in the daily news the next day

inside job if you ask me

Which also caused the party to be closed down early. One of the rumors floating around at the time, was that it was BTS who pulled the heist.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

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Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:

Which also caused the party to be closed down early. One of the rumors floating around at the time, was that it was BTS who pulled the heist.

Musta been a different party because the party @ Exit last July 3 didn't get shut down early... certainly not @ 3:00...

I just remembered, when we left that morning I saw a girl get hit by a car! Fucked up shit... fortunately I don't think she got hurt.



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I think you are lting about that whole thing that happened at Exit. That definetley did not happen and u would have to be crazy to try and say that it did. If there were people there that night that can remember being there without being thrown out because the police shut it down from the gunshots you are crazy. Before you made this story up I believe you forgot to take into account the amount of undercover cops that stand by the doors that you dont notice because they look just like club kids and dont stand out. But hey it was a good attempt but you lack in realism.

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Originally posted by tastyt:

Musta been a different party because the party @ Exit last July 3 didn't get shut down early... certainly not @ 3:00...

I just remembered, when we left that morning I saw a girl get hit by a car! Fucked up shit... fortunately I don't think she got hurt.

Actually it ended like 615am midset on whomever was on the main floor. It was set to end at either 7 or 8. So that is what i meant by early.


'i wish U Heaven'

"People who talk in metaphors should shampoo my crotch"

"and remember Kids, You Can't spell cracKed out with K"

aol IM=MikE420DKE

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Originally posted by tastyt:

Musta been a different party because the party @ Exit last July 3 didn't get shut down early... certainly not @ 3:00...

I just remembered, when we left that morning I saw a girl get hit by a car! Fucked up shit... fortunately I don't think she got hurt.

I saw the same thing. I think she was standing on the corner of 56th when that happened. I think the car hit her into the pole. I knew there was something else that happened. Fucked up shit!

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Originally posted by roundersnyc:

I think you are lting about that whole thing that happened at Exit. That definetley did not happen and u would have to be crazy to try and say that it did. If there were people there that night that can remember being there without being thrown out because the police shut it down from the gunshots you are crazy. Before you made this story up I believe you forgot to take into account the amount of undercover cops that stand by the doors that you dont notice because they look just like club kids and dont stand out. But hey it was a good attempt but you lack in realism.

Always people here looking for drama. It happened right in front of me. Believe it or not. Whether you do or not doesn't concern me. Find someone else to annoy.

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Fights are so stupid! There are so many idiots out there that know how to fuck up a good night by trying to be tough. That sucks, as much as I hate seeing fights I enjoy seeing those kids get tooled up.

Yeah I think there was a pretty bad fight outside Ohm on Tuesday night but the place looked closed. I just walked by and there were cops and ambulances out there and blood all over the sidewalk. I peaked in one of the abmbulances and there was a kid laying on the stretcher with his head wrapped in a bandage. Didn't look good. Anybody know what happened?

Exit last year I saw a fight in the middle of the main floor that was so bad that the lights stopped and the light guy shined all the spotlights on there. It went on for about 2-3 minuted before security got there and it looked pretty brutal.


"Anybody can mix two records together but it takes a DJ to be able to do it creativley and make new sound out of that music" --A great wise man

"Spinning is like creating a new world in that room for that one night. You create a one night oblivion where nothing outside that room matters, all that matters is feeling the music and loving every second of it." --Another great wise man

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Originally posted by vejita:

But the whole thing was pretty damn uncool to deal with with a head full of methylenedioxymethamphetamine........

I give you props if you spelled that from memory.

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It happened about a month ago at World. I was with my 3 of my friends and this guy that i was seeing at the time. There were some two assholes from Long Island who saw that the guy i was with was rolling and decided to start a fight with him and his boys.

The guy that i was with had his shirt unbuttoned, so the two assholes were like "do you go to the gym?" "Why dont you button your shirt..." It just escalated from there, the security at world did absolutely nothing. It was up to me and my two female friends to break up this fight between 6 big guys. Once bottles and other random objects got involved, we took our guys out another exit and luckily lost the assholes who were fighting. WHo knows? Maybe they had guns on them or something. Needless to say I havent been back to World ever since and am no longer seeing that guy. cwm9.gif

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Originally posted by gnice:

I see this latino kid come running out with a gun. (Don't ask me how he got through security with that)

It's women. I've been at plenty of places where people get guns past security, and usually guys give the guns to the girl(s) that they're with because women most of the time don't get searched as thoroughly as men.



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two incidents...


BIG fight broke out in the middle of the

main floor at twilo during Plastikman's

set (for his night there on the first

leg of his decks, fx & 909 tour in 2000).

friend of mine got punched in the back,

and we high tailed it outta there.

took security like 10 minutes to sort

the whole thing out, BUT the f'ing

management at twilo, in their infinite

money-hungry wisdom, did not: 1) shut

down the music 2) advise ppl to back up

or stop dancing so security could get

through 3) make any sort of announcement

on the mic. furthermore, even as we were

leaving, the crowd was still increasing

in size, as there was a line out the door

and all the way down the block.

f' twilo. straight up.


GIANT PIT during god lives underwater's

performance opening up for stabbing westward

at roseland (in 99? 98?)... why there

was even a PIT at all for GLU is beyond me,

cuz they're way more laid back than all

that, but anyways yeah some f'ing drunk

idiot got in the middle and started to

quite violently stagger around and

punch people left and right, as hard

as he could... the pit got wider and wider

but he just staggered more and more until

finally the f'cker tired of it and went away.

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