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Video/Projector help needed

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I know there's a few tech/video ppl on here so I guess this is worth a try...

I'm trying to get what's on my computer screen to a projector for as cheap as possible (college kid budget here)... I know it can be done with expensive projector equipment but that's not an option...

I can get a real cheap video/tv card for my computer, but I don't know anything about projectors... what type of inputs would they take (rca, co-ax, digital), and what type of projector would I need?? I started looking on ebay, but have no idea what type or what to look for so I figured I'd ask here first...

The end goal is to get a winamp plugin on a large screen (read: my pull down shade)...

any and all help is appreciated!!

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Most projecters have an RCA input standard..but then there are digitial projectors which is probably what you want, and they have a few inputs, RCA and S-Video some of them can even carry the native signal out of your current video card (that would usally go to your montor) it all depends on what projector you get really..and they aren't cheap..also i've heard that the light replacements can get expensive..

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some projectors also have RGB inputs (red, green, blue, horizontal and vertical) coax. you could probably get a rgb to 15 pin serial cable and go directly from your pc to the projector or you could go the s-video route if you have the output on your pc but the image is best transported and viewed with RGB

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