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***Warning: sad stuff inside***

Guest tilly

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Guest tilly

I don't usually talk about this kind of stuff on here cuz to me this message board is called "clubplanet" for a reason and that's to talk mainly about nightlife but I saw something today that I can't seem to get off my mind! This subject could possibly strike a cord in many of your minds and I'm sorry for anyone that I triggered unhappy memories to. Before you go on.... the subject of this thread is suicide...that way you might not want to proceed to read this any further.

With that said, I saw the aftermath of a young early 20 something year old female who jumped off an apt building on my street today. She jumped from a building that has at least 10 floors and landed on a car. She was uncovered when I first got down the street and I couldn't possibly go over there for a look... Another woman saw her and said it was an absolutely dreadful sight (as you could only imagine). At that point the paramedics were trying to revive her but it was obvious that she was dead. by the time i had looped around they had covered her with a sheet...just as freaky, not as gory in my opinion.

Although I didn't know this young woman, actually I dont even know what she looked like, I feel very affected by her decision as I'm sure anyone who witnessed it first hand or the aftermath did as well. Every possible thought raced through my mind: why? wonder if her family/friends had been notified yet (do all these complete strangers know before them and for how long)? what was she thinking moments before to allow herself to jump and what was she thinking in mid-air? She obviously was serious about her decision based on her method of choice. You name it, I thought of it. I know that I didn't personally lose someone that was dear to me but I did lose a neighbor, a female in my age bracket..a situation like this makes you really evaluate your life and how you are living it.

I guess I just needed to get that off my chest..I'm not sure if there are words to be said to make this situation better but I wanted to express it nonetheless since I've never had something like this so in my face before (and yes, i did have someone that I knew (dated actually) commit suicide when i was in 11th grade but I didn't see it).

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Feel better deb. I know a young blonde girl who lives in the brick building near your place, she just moved in with her boyfriend, I hope it wasn't her, she was a bad druggie, but sweet blonde girl from ohio and into fashion too.

You never know when stuff gets so bad for people.

Let us be understanding and embrace those who have a tough time dealing with stuff. ok!

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