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Yeah so... the DC clubs really do suck as bad as...

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...I remembered.

Rant with a moral:

I went to GLOW last night (which I knew from the start was a mistake but figured Johan Gielen was spinning, how bad could it be?) and I was so bored I was actually sitting in the corner playing Snake on my cell phone for some time.. although their new opening DJ is not bad. The venue is still as disgusting as it was before... black dirty floor full of sticky shit that no one ever bothers to clean off, skeezy men that can't keep their hands to themselves... there are a total of 4 venues in this city that I can deal with (and all you buzz heads calm down, that's my favorite of all of them) and the scene here is MISERABLE!!!

So just a little note to all of you that think NY sucks now, you ain't seen nothin yet... live here in DC a month and you'll be soooo happy to get back to NY :) Personally... Thursday can't get here fast enough - SEND ME HOME!!!

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Originally posted by Kuro

you should have gone to the edge instead.

Yeah, no shit... Walker tore the roof off the place! (too bad there wasn't more of a crowd to appreciate it...)

Buzz on Friday, The Edge on Saturday... DC kicks NYC's ass to Pluto and back any given weekend.

Sorry, but you can NOT judge the DC scene based on Glow...

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Originally posted by hoke

Yeah, no shit... Walker tore the roof off the place! (too bad there wasn't more of a crowd to appreciate it...)

Buzz on Friday, The Edge on Saturday... DC kicks NYC's ass to Pluto and back any given weekend.

Sorry, but you can NOT judge the DC scene based on Glow...

First off... Kuro, you're absolutely right - but I didn't know that you were spinning till Sunday afternoon so I missed out :(

Hoke - I'm not judging the scene based on Glow. I've lived here for 2 years now, and I've been all over the city, so please don't think I just took a vacation for a week or something.

Glow, believe it or not, is one of the better places, as much as it really gets on my nerves. Platinum is a joke, VIPclub is not the kind of place you'd want to go to, Insomnia as a venue is a total travesty (though sometimes good parties appear) and most of the smaller places are beyond terrible. There are some great little places like Red and Andalu in DuPont, some places in Adams Morgan, and of course, Buzz and the Edge... Glow happens to have it up on a lot of the other venues because they bring in good DJ's. Buzz obviously has it up on all of them - and if it wasn't for Buzz, I'd probably have gone nuts by now. Further, most of the venues themselves are garbage, like i mentioned with Insomnia. They're either ugly, dirty, old and in disrepair, just plain unattractive, or all of the above. But if you add together all the positives, and all the negatives, guess what's winning out... the negs. At least in NY, even when you go to the big venues, you at least hear something to the effect of house or trance on the main floor... in DC it's top 40 and hip hop in many cases. For the type of music I want... house, breaks, trance... pickings are still slim down here.

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Well... I've only been to DC on visits, so I'm certainly not in a position to argue about it extensively... I can only talk based on my limited experience.

Personally, every time I've gone out in DC, I've experienced a greater range of music (at Buzz and The Edge) and better crowds (more relaxed, less pushy) than I feel NYC has to offer -- on weekends, at least, which is really the only time I can go out.

I would love it if there were a club in NYC that had three areas, each with a different genre, including D&B and breaks, that consistently brought in quality DJs in those genres!!!

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i'm actually enjoying more loungie places and smaller places in dc than dealing with clubs other than buzz and the edge...although you do get your fair amount of cheese at some of these places, some of our very own dc cp'ers or people that know the dc cp'ers are getting regular gigs around town and they are definitly not cheese..the crowd might be, but at least the music is top notch.

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Originally posted by vicman

i'm actually enjoying more loungie places and smaller places in dc than dealing with clubs other than buzz and the edge...although you do get your fair amount of cheese at some of these places, some of our very own dc cp'ers or people that know the dc cp'ers are getting regular gigs around town and they are definitly not cheese..the crowd might be, but at least the music is top notch.

that lounge where we went for your b-day was nice.

it seems vixenfoxy has been out a lot down there so i trust her judgement be i have to agree with hoke - i have encountered nothing but good music and nice people when i have been in dc.

the one time i was at glow i was surrounded by people from NY that i knew so it was probably not normal for that club. regardless i liked the vibe (not the space) better than exit which i am assuming is the NY equivalent based on the talent they bring in.

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Originally posted by vicman

i'm actually enjoying more loungie places and smaller places in dc than dealing with clubs other than buzz and the edge...although you do get your fair amount of cheese at some of these places, some of our very own dc cp'ers or people that know the dc cp'ers are getting regular gigs around town and they are definitly not cheese..the crowd might be, but at least the music is top notch.

I have to get back on the DC board and find out where everyone's spinning, cause I missed out on Kuro last nite, and I seem to remember Shady saying he has a gig somewhere. i def. have to stop missing them!

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