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How can you tell your being cheated on?

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Originally posted by stardo

See the mr. player already know the cruddy answer he is going to give you once you catch him red handed ahhahaha.

Im just pulling your leg Vsoto. It may not be the answer but it is the first peice of concrete in the investigation 2 minutes till court is ajurnd. Sweet heart if your reading I hope everything turns out ok!!!!!

LOL....Very true,,I guess there just too many options out there...For a female that knows all this,,,Can I call you MS, Playa, lol....

Good luck F-Armani...

Victor Soto

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Originally posted by salgo

i only read the first page of the posts. i can see how your getting more and more upset as you talk about it. you probably are reacting to him the same exact way. and that annoying, even if it is warranted. however, you sound exactly as my girlfriend does. and thats not a good thing. my girlfriend says she just wants to know everything. if im talking to a girl, or whoever, she just doesnt want to be left in the dark. im a dj, so i talk to girls in the club...bartenders, shot girls, or people who just frequent the clubs. all i do is say hello....and she starts up...why are you saying hello, who the hell is she and why does she have to talk to you..blah blah blah. she is relentless and extremely annoying. i haven't ever cheated on her, nor would i. even a stupid forwarded email from a girl gets her going.....but my girlfriend is psycho...and im in touch with that. just make sure everyone on here knows the full story of what is going with you two. i know for a fact my girlfriend would dramatize the shit out of her story just to get a response to back her up. a lot of girls do that, not all, but a lot. my girl also has a tendency, actually its more like a habit, of exxagerrating. so if this profile fits you, i must honestly say that he is not cheating at all. he just doesnt want all the drama and arguing about a meaningless person he just says hi to because he is a nice guy. if this is all not true, then im wrong, and you should deal with this thing by yourself, with no one's advice but your own. because you know this guy, and you have to deal with the outcome by yourself. even if everyone on here backs you up, only you have to deal with a broken heart, which may end up being your fault for listening to people who dont have a clue about your relationship nor will share in your sadness if it falls apart for no reason at all. good luck

Listen, I know he has friends that are girls. I mean shit, if he didnt I would think he played for the other team if ya know what I mean? But if your friends with girls, and they may call you - FINE!! But why be so secrative about it? Theres absolutely no reason for it. The fact that he's being so damn shady makes me think that theres more to it than just these phone calls. Like I said before, this is so NOT like me. The fact that Im even typing up my sob story over CLUBPLANET is rather sad. But I need peoples advice (even if they're only screenames).

Sometimes girls can be blind to things.

I'll never get mad when he says hello to girls. But when Im standing right next to you, and you see a girl you know - INTRODUCE ME! He has a habit of acting like Im a mirage.

Then I'll say "who was that?" - he'll say "nobody important".

I just dont get it people!!

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I only skimmed through this thread, but from seeing people being cheated on and the things that people do... The BF or GF gets more attentive or less attentive than usually... They speak differently to you, they aren't as open with detail, or are more detail oriented when telling you things....

If youy are really worried, the best thing to do is just ask, but make sure you are ready to the worst, in the case that it's true:(

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I think you should sit down and talk to him calmly and maturely...accusing him of cheating will get you nowhere. Just explain to him what you suspect and that you DO trust him, but you wanted to be open with him on what was going through your head...If you two are in love, then I am sure its nothing to worry about cheating wise, but def. something to bring up, and something that might have to change. When you are in a commited relationship there is no need to hide caller id's. If he has a few friends that are girls that you trust and know, then he should have nothing to hide.;)

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