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Its Official----I'm addicted

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I'm usually home Monday nights....so I've been able to catch Fear Factor...

This show, although lewd, disgusting and over-all disturbing has got my eyes clenched to the TV. I watched this girl eat a wine glass of earth worms....all the time, gagging, then spitting them back up...and putting them back into her mouth......for 50,000 bucks.

It really makes me think and sometimes I feel like I am experiencing it with them.

Also, I especially like this show becuause the women have been representing with fiercness. I've caught like 5 episodes and so far 2 girls have walked away with the cash.

I think this show is genius.

Also...try to catch Spy TV....that shit is priceless. Its on right after....except for last night....I was kind of mad

Oh well.....I'm an official TV watchin DORK.

and...wow, this was a long post, I apologize.

anyone else addicted?


I'd fuck the music....if I could

We can pool information about experiences, but never the experiences themselves.

Aldous Huxley, Doors of Perception.



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Nope not addicted to those shows, however I have a serious news addiction! Than I have the weirdest freakin dreams, and they are a mixture of the damn news and what is going on in my life..... Freaky!!!

Than there are the corny shows (7th Heavan and The Waltons) that I just adore... cwm32.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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Dont feel bad... I only saw like 5 minutes and realized I was facing a huge potential addiction. And now that you've made me aware of the day its on, I'm sure I'll catch it next week, and the week after that, ad infinitum...

Thanks heaps.



I'm in search of myself. If you find me before I arrive, please have me wait.

AOL IM: petrol01

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