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I Just Got A Baby Rotti!! I Need Puppy Pointers~~

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Originally posted by misk

...lol....or soon realize that he is going to get VERY big!!!.....

......if only u could find a way to keep him that small and cute!:D

i was delivering food once and i rang the doorbell and i hear a lot of barking and growling from the other side... the lady that answered said "relax killer" and she opened the door and there was a Rotti that was the size of a poodle it was TINY... i thought it was a puppy turns out it was a TOY Rottwieler... they are bred with toy dogs (dwarfs) that at birth are really small... so that was the biggest the dog would get it was adorable had the spike collar and everything.

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Guest gabo

if he is teething be really careful with him around furniture. and books... dogs love to chew on books if they 're teething.

and get a really big shovel cause when that dog is fully grown hell be laying some pretty hefty logs in the streets of manhattan.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

i was delivering food once and i rang the doorbell and i hear a lot of barking and growling from the other side... the lady that answered said "relax killer" and she opened the door and there was a Rotti that was the size of a poodle it was TINY... i thought it was a puppy turns out it was a TOY Rottwieler... they are bred with toy dogs (dwarfs) that at birth are really small... so that was the biggest the dog would get it was adorable had the spike collar and everything.

...OMG!....i always said i want a mini pinscher ...and i am gonna name it killer and put on spike collar on it...but this!...this is even better!!!!!!..................:D

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Originally posted by misk

...OMG!....i always said i want a mini pinscher ...and i am gonna name it killer and put on spike collar on it...but this!...this is even better!!!!!!..................:D

I am not a dog person at all, but I absolutely ADORE mini pinschers... I love how composed and serious they always look, not slobbering on themself like an idiot... lol...

I never knew there was such thing as a toy rottie tho! Hmmm...

BTW, adorable little puppy, D!

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dee!!!!! he is so adorable!! whered u get the name from...?

and contrary to what mike told u here... pushing its face into the mess hes made isnt a good way to train the dog... sure u might scare the shit out of him :no pun intended: but i think thatll only make him do it when ur not around... but never dare do it when ur there.. u know? well whatever..im sure if u ask a trainer or someone theyll tell u more effective ways of teaching him to 'make' outside :)

but definitely take him out very often. so he gets used to going to the bathroom outside... walk him give him plenty of exercise... take him to the vet 1st thing and get all that good stuff done... and if u can afford it, the best way to go is to get like a 2 week program and have him trained right from the start. then he'll always be a well behaved, well trained pleasurable friend.. instead of an annoying ass dog whos always leaving piss stains in the rugs and chewing up ur favorite pairs of shoes ;)

good luck! :aright:

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Originally posted by linabina

dee!!!!! he is so adorable!! whered u get the name from...?

and contrary to what mike told u here... pushing its face into the mess hes made isnt a good way to train the dog... sure u might scare the shit out of him :no pun intended: but i think thatll only make him do it when ur not around... but never dare do it when ur there.. u know? well whatever..im sure if u ask a trainer or someone theyll tell u more effective ways of teaching him to 'make' outside :)

but definitely take him out very often. so he gets used to going to the bathroom outside... walk him give him plenty of exercise... take him to the vet 1st thing and get all that good stuff done... and if u can afford it, the best way to go is to get like a 2 week program and have him trained right from the start. then he'll always be a well behaved, well trained pleasurable friend.. instead of an annoying ass dog whos always leaving piss stains in the rugs and chewing up ur favorite pairs of shoes ;)

good luck! :aright:

and who made u the authority on dog piss-ant?! im right... u r wrong face it!!!

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hes way 2 young to go out

the damn thing cant even walk without falling down :)

he sneezed today and fell back like 6 inches lol

But once he gets a bit bigger and has all his shots then ill start takin him out. As of now hes getting used to his kennel we just got him, because last night was hell. He would not sleep by himself and when he came into my bed he would bite me and lick my face and he also pissed on my sheets twice. So we put him in the kennel which he sorta likes :)

oh well here are some more pix



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The first thing you want your puppy to learn is that indoors = playtime and outside = bathroom time.

You should always put your puppy in his kennel right after he finishes his meal. Puppies should usually be fed three times a day until they're eight months old. Leave Lorenzo in there for 15-20 minutes after his meal and then take him straight outside. Try to take him to the same spot everyday to do his business. If he doesn't go to the bathroom within 5 minutes, put him back in the kennel for another 15 minutes and take him outside again.

Once he goes to the bathroom outside, bring him back inside and play with him and enjoy your time with your puppy. If he starts putting his nose to the ground and walks around in circles or starts to squat, yell NO! and immediately take him outside. Always take your puppy outside when he wakes up from his naps.

Dogs instictly never want to soil where they sleep (their den). So make sure your kennel is not too big where he can go to the bathroom in a corner and go lie down in another corner. Otherwise this defeats the purpose of kennel training. If your kennel is too big, build a partion to reduce the space of the kennel. I trained my dog like this and he was completely housebroken by the time he 3 1/2 months old. Hope this helps...enjoy your new pup!

PS...DO NOT smear your dog face in his "accidents". All your doing is giving him a bad association with you. You want a happy puppy that trusts you, not a pup that's scared of you. If he does have an accident inside, make sure you clean it up right away. You don't want that smell to linger otherwise your puppy is going to think it's gonna be okay to go the the bathroom there, That's why you should always take him to the same spot outside, the pup can pick up that scent. Use one of those special cleaners they sell in pet shops and supermarkets if you have to...I use to use them.

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in order to get my dog house broken i brought her to a specialist in the field of Dog Training... every dog instinctivly thinks that it is the Alpha Dog... a.k.a dog number one and you are there to serve it. You have to break the dog and show it who the master is... by putting the dogs face in its mess and yelling at it you teach it right from wrong... if u treat ur dog fairly but strictly it will be obedient and most of all loyal out of fear of upsetting you. But i completely agree with u on everything else...

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Originally posted by anyas13

The first thing you want your puppy to learn is that indoors = playtime and outside = bathroom time.

You should always put your puppy in his kennel right after he finishes his meal. Puppies should usually be fed three times a day until they're eight months old. Leave Lorenzo in there for 15-20 minutes after his meal and then take him straight outside. Try to take him to the same spot everyday to do his business. If he doesn't go to the bathroom within 5 minutes, put him back in the kennel for another 15 minutes and take him outside again.

Once he goes to the bathroom outside, bring him back inside and play with him and enjoy your time with your puppy. If he starts putting his nose to the ground and walks around in circles or starts to squat, yell NO! and immediately take him outside. Always take your puppy outside when he wakes up from his naps.

Dogs instictly never want to soil where they sleep (their den). So make sure your kennel is not too big where he can go to the bathroom in a corner and go lie down in another corner. Otherwise this defeats the purpose of kennel training. If your kennel is too big, build a partion to reduce the space of the kennel. I trained my dog like this and he was completely housebroken by the time he 3 1/2 months old. Hope this helps...enjoy your new pup!

PS...DO NOT smear your dog face in his "accidents". All your doing is giving him a bad association with you. You want a happy puppy that trusts you, not a pup that's scared of you. If he does have an accident inside, make sure you clean it up right away. You don't want that smell to linger otherwise your puppy is going to think it's gonna be okay to go the the bathroom there, That's why you should always take him to the same spot outside, the pup can pick up that scent. Use one of those special cleaners they sell in pet shops and supermarkets if you have to...I use to use them.

wow thank you so much :) I really appericate that

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Originally posted by anyas13

PS...DO NOT smear your dog face in his "accidents". All your doing is giving him a bad association with you. You want a happy puppy that trusts you, not a pup that's scared of you.

thank u... see mike? ur not always right.... :tongue::rolleyes:

DAMMITTTTTTTTT that was supposed to be lina... not rdancer... :cuss:

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ive had a dog for 15 years and hes still alive and healthy. now ur puppy is going thru alot of changes. take him to get his shots and shit and he also has to get a license, i think thats like 10 bucks these days. youll get a red tag with the dogs info on it, put that on his collar in case he gets lost.

the biggest problem youll have is him peeing in the house, so put newspaper around him for now and for god sakes do not yell at the dog if he pees on something. the whole pushing a dogs face in it doesnt work cuz dogs have wierd memories, and unless you catch them in the act, they wont associate them being bad with peeing, theyll associate you with being an asshole.

get ur dog a bone for teething, hes gonna chew everything till his new teeth come in, also dont freak out when he loses his baby teeth, that happens.

keep him away from other dogs also, no matter whose dog it is and how good u know them, that doesnt mean the dog is clean. last thing u want is fleas or ticks.

oh, petting the dog sometimes is good too. but not all the time. the dog has to learn where he is allowed to be (his room whatever) and where he isnt allowed to be( begging for food at the dinner table, etc.)

and dont throw your puppy out when he gets old an is bigger than you and not cute anymore. do sic your dog on people that mess with you on the street...no wait, dont do that.

dont feed him shotgun shells or anyother kind of bullets, that wont make him tougher.

id suggest getting a harness rather than a collar for now. puppies tend to tug at their leash for a while before the learn whos boss. a harness will allow you to tug the leash firmly without hurting or choking the dog. DO NOT get a choker, some people say they teach the dog not to pull, but the dog has a brain of a baby so it doesnt understand. chokers are cruel.

dont wipe your dogs ass after it poops, i dunno why some people do this. thats just crazy.

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i had a golden retriever when i was growing up and first we sent him off to obedience school, that took care of most problems but if u don't regularly walk him he's gonna have no place to go but inside your apartment. he had a choke collar his entire life and i guess it's cruel, but it really depends on how u use it. it was great when i took him for walks because he wouldn't be able to pull me in the direction he wanted to go in cuz he'd choke himself...so at least for walks it was a lot easier. u sound like u could be trusted not to abuse it so personally i think u should get one for him, but for discipline definitely use it sparingly if at all.

tone and volume of your voice is key, i actually found that my dog would respond to a couple of words he recognized like "sit" and "stay" but u could say really nice things to him in a bad tone and he's lower his head like he'd done something bad...and talk shit in a good tone and he'd wag his tail :tongue:

be careful not to spoil him or he'll be an enormous pain in the ass later, and don't hit him, nothing good ever came of that with my dog.

btw, my dog got cancer when i was 12 years old and he went through a lot of operations....pets can be very expensive....but ultimately it kept growing back and eventually we had to put him to sleep the day before xmas eve. worst xmas ever. :cry:

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