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Why are men such stalkers?

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What I hate is when they purposely park themselves accross from you so you cannot help but notice His Highness. :vomit2:

OR they stand in a spot feet away from you -- where you can see him with his posse of puzzies -- and they huddle. Like seventh grade girls at a dance.

And then the ex turns around every 2 seconds to see if you are still there. He turns to his posse. More huddlin. More looking to see if you are still there. Rinse lather and reee-peeet.... :vomit2:

What are we supposed to do? stay home like a bunch of cloistered nuns? Join the Elks? what???

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What I hate is when they purposely park themselves accross from you so you cannot help but notice His Highness. :vomit2:

OR they stand in a spot feet away from you -- where you can see him with his posse of puzzies -- and they huddle. Like seventh grade girls at a dance.

And then the ex turns around every 2 seconds to see if you are still there. He turns to his posse. More huddlin. More looking to see if you are still there. Rinse lather and reee-peeet.... :vomit2:

What are we supposed to do? stay home like a bunch of cloistered nuns? Join the Elks? what???

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What I hate is when they park themselves accross from you at the bar so you cannot help but notice his magnetic presence. :vomit2:

OR he and his posse of jerks huddle like seventh grade girls. They whisper madly. He then turns around to see Are You Still There. More huddling. More looking. Lather rinse and repeat...

So what are we supposed to do? Stay home like cloistered nuns?

Personally, I never let this stop me, any ex being at any club. Hope you're all with me on that one.

If he gets hot rox scoping you out and hanging on like a sixth grader submaring his pop idle crush? HIS PROBLEM.

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What I hate is when they purposely park themselves accross from you so you cannot help but notice His Highness. :vomit2:

OR they stand in a spot feet away from you -- where you can see him with his posse of puzzies -- and they huddle. Like seventh grade girls at a dance.

And then the ex turns around every 2 seconds to see if you are still there. He turns to his posse. More huddlin. More looking to see if you are still there. Rinse lather and reee-peeet.... :vomit2:

What are we supposed to do? stay home like a bunch of cloistered nuns? Join the Elks? what???

I have an ex like this. Everytime I go some where he is there. Keeping an eye on me at all times. I try to avoid going to the places he goes to but It does not work. Its like I cant go anywhere with out seeing him.( long Island, Jersey, The City or anywhere) I think he has lo- jack on my ass! :splat:

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I have an ex like this. Everytime I go some where he is there. Keeping an eye on me at all times. I try to avoid going to the places he goes to but It does not work. Its like I cant go anywhere with out seeing him.( long Island, Jersey, The City or anywhere) I think he has lo- jack on my ass! :splat:

He put a Lo-Jack in your ass?

Dammmmmm, now that's kinky!


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Both sexes are equally guilty of being stalkers the only different it women are sneaky with their shit and if a chick is stalking u thats trouble cause they do tend to be a little bit more whats the word CRAZY As for men the type of men that stalk are the ones that dont get any and when they do they think thats all there ever gonna get and get hooked. I must say if stalking is going on by either sex past the age of 21 then a little growing up is in needed. cause the world is bigger than your towns.

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the type of men that stalk are the ones that dont get any and when they do they think thats all there ever gonna get and get hooked.

You mean it's not love???? hahahha

Actualy, I agree with you 100% There is a fine line love and hate and it's called 'obsession'. I have an obsession with washing my hands, constantly.

...maybe these crazy people should find a hobbie...seriously, I have realised that people who stalk either dont have a real job, dont take care of themselves, and their lives consist of hanging out at bars/clubs with their 'posse'.

I like camping

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You mean it's not love???? hahahha

Actualy, I agree with you 100% There is a fine line love and hate and it's called 'obsession'. I have an obsession with washing my hands, constantly.

...maybe these crazy people should find a hobbie...seriously, I have realised that people who stalk either dont have a real job, dont take care of themselves, and their lives consist of hanging out at bars/clubs with their 'posse'.

I like camping

u couldnt have said it better thats why I said after 21 it should not happen. Obsession is right....in there case its just misdirected.

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