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has anyone ever tried Salvia divinorum?


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Never done it myself but i copy and pasted this quote off another board

"Both of these experiences were quite weak. Could be controlled if I put my mind to it. Visuals were faint. Although when eyes were closed they were very vivid.

ALSO some of the stuff sounds very airy fairy spiritual. I'm not normally spiritual in anyway. But this stuff IS spiritual. You cant help but describe the experience in a spiritual way.

1st time: Quid method(Chewed and held in mouth under tongue)

At first it was just a sense I had broken from the world in some way. I had entered a different plain of existence. I got off my chair and bent down to pick something up. At this point I was thinking the effects werent gonna get any more powerful than just an odd feeling. They did get more powerful. As I bent down I became hyper aware of my back bending. I began morphing into a chimp. It didnt feel like I was being forced to behave like one. It just felt very comfortable and normal to start going round my room behaving like a chimp. Discovering things like they were brand new. Felt very good. Then I did something cant really go into. LAter went to kitchen feeling human but had feeling hallucinations. Felt like I had a harness on etc. In the kitcen I merged with nature in the most incredible way. I could sense movement before it happened. I'd stand still then whip my head round and focus on a moth which shortly afterwards would start flying. I KNEW it would before it did. I felt so intune with my surroundings. It was the most powerful yet liberating experience upto then I had ever had.

2nd time: Smoked in pipe in field

At first I got the body harness effect again. Felt strapped to the floor too. Then I became an Indian boy and spoke to my Indian mother. I was scared because there were things chasing us. Never knew what. Got the impression it was soldiers. But then the woman and India dissapeared. I was in the field with my mate(who wasnt really there). Again we were hiding from something chasing us. But this time I told him to run and I'd hold them back. At that point I shot a fireball from my hand through the grass. Then took some more tokes on the pipe cos I thought it was waring off. Back to the Indian woman in a town square. Dust on the floor. I was crying and she was pleading with me for some reason. I wouldnt listen to her and then it dissapeared. I then decided to try the poppers( oh dear). IT WAS INCREDIBLE. I hit a different plain of reality. All the visuals went. I was in the field but I SAW it for what it really was. It was magnificent. The sun was amazingly bright yet didnt hurt my eyes or stop me seeing anything. Everything slowed down and it was as if something slowed it down so I could take it all in".

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That's weird that you ask about Salvia b/c I went on a surfing trip this past weekend and brought Saliva that I still have from Amsterdam for my friends to try. It definitely works if you get the right kind and was actually only able to get the real deal Salvia from one spot in Amsterdam. The part in those accounts of the body trap feeling is totally true, it's a very scary feeling. One of my friends said as soon as he snapped out of it "you do that for fun."

It can definitely get scary but the more you do it the more you understand what is going on and the more control you get. I would say that unless you can be sure that you're getting the real x10, which is the potant version then don't bother with it at all as it takes a shit load to get to the body trap feeling and the way there isn't very fun at all. Go with DMT if you can find it although that shit goes for around $300 a gr.

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