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More Action.....less Talk!!!!!


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I have a bone to pick with my fellow CPers....

I'm tired of seeing all this music expert chatter on this board about 1)what Miami is lacking and 2)what obscure DJs should be booked and 3)how we need tech(fastest growing bandwagon on CP)

and now let me tell you why....

You guys have to put your money where your mouth is!!!!

1)Everybody is crying for techno....meanwhile Stryke is seriously throwing it down every Friday.... how many of you are supporting it? Stryke is one of the best in the biz and he can have DJs like Josh Wink, Jeff Mills, John Selway and Christian Smith as guests in a heartbeat because he knows and works with all these people.....but first things first.....he has to build a party that merrits those types of bookings......so where is everybody? the true music lovers? where is the support? (and by support I dont mean showing up...getting in for free with a password....and taking advantage of the open bar and then bailing) talk is cheap!

Then there are the Trance lovers who have been complaining forever that there is nowhere for them to go.....meanwhile Edgar V. is back at Space on Fridays TEARING SHIT UP!!!! like nobody else can.....are you guys representing? are you supporting the finest proggresive & Trance DJ this town (and as far as Im concerned, this country) has to offer? DON'T SLEEP!!!!

2)Lola is busting their ass trying to do several music driven nights with different and fresh ideas....DHM throws down serious deep house every week and the new Thursday big DJ little club thing looks like a great idea.....but are these things going to survive? Not if everyone stays home and bitches instead of getting their asses over there to support people who are trying to make a difference.....This Thursday for example...my buddies Trendroid are going to be playing at Lola....Great Djs at a cool venue for a minimal cover charge.....Im going to be there (and pay to get in!) are you??? This could be the start of a great thing where we will get to see all our favorite djs that dont necessarily get booked in the bigger clubs (Space, Crobar)....are you going to make a difference and support this?? or are you going to stay home and post another long extensive list of cool obscure djs that only you and your fellow elitest music expert buddies understand (or so you would like to think)

3)TECH!!!! aaaahhhh...OK first of all...anyone who has gone to Space for the last two years (and heard one of my sets for more than 2 hours) knows that I have been playing techno and tech-house in my sets forever....keep in mind....on the average night at Space I play for at least 8 hours, and there is only a core group of like 50 to 100 people who stay for the length of my sets....THEY KNOW!!!....I play techno primarily afterhours (after 6 or 7) and I sprinkle tech-house all through out my set...(Just ask Stryke....he used to order techno and tech records for me every week when he was the buyer at Y&T records years ago) ....You guys have a tendency to form opinions on things you have little or no knowledge of.....Most of the Space bashing on this board is usually from people who either A) dont even go to Space or B) have been there 2 or 3 times........furthermore, these genres are present here on a weekly basis from several other DJs as well....Stryke every Friday at Red, Craig Demo every Wedensday at Living Room (Greed), Lola is doing a new Monday night thing......beleive me its out there!!! you guys just need to go out and get it!!!

I guess what I am trying to say is.....

Ask not what your scene can do for you, but, what can you do for your scene?

Remember....you have internationally respected and revered talent right in your backyard.....support it!!! don't take it for granted!!!!



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i went to the first night at Red and was really impressed with Stryke...i had never heard him live; but his production work, hard work and positive look on the industry speak volumes of what Stryke is and can become as a DJ/Producer....i am a firm supporter of Red and Stryke....ever since that first night at Red, he has made a fan out of me...he is def. up there as one of my fav. local Dj's (Jimmy T, Oscar G, Roly and Edgar V)...keep up the good work Greg, u have a good idea and support is growing for it....:aright:

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Some people are just never happy. You could bring these DJs and acts in and some moron will still have an issue. I'm sure the shit is gonna fly on Saturday and Sunday about Zabelia's and Howells' sets. Someone's definitely going to be like "oh the energy wasn't there," or "I can't believe Danny stopped at 6 AM, he usually plays for much longer when he's in New York..."

The point I usually try to get across here...we have it pretty good!

If an obscure DJ isn't being booked, it's usually because the numbers aren't going to add up. People like Kris, Biz, Louis, Oscar, and I'm sure people from other clubs who have control over bookings read this board. They know what you want, they just have to justify it to the bank account. DJ X from New York may be fantastic, but he's only known to New Yorkers, booking him in Miami at this moment will not make economic sense. If he/she does a good job during conference, or makes a major release, then the numbers will add up and you'll see a booking. Or maybe he or she will get booked at a smaller venue, such as Lola, and make an impression, leading to larger bookings in Miami.

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wow, that was quite the post Oscar but I agree

Greg is one of my personal local fave's which is why I go to Red. He's the real deal. All you need to do is see him in action behind the booth and that's all you need to know. I've seen the same people week in and week out at Red and it's not even a fraction of the shit talker's there are on this board. So I guess I could answer your question Oscar, You've seen me there ...

I'm assuming this thread is in rise of another "we need Tech @ Space" thread which in reality Space dosen't need Tech, we just need the right people supporting the right cause just like Oscar mentioned. There's alot to go around. We all got to make this scene grow together.

Go to Lola on saturday and you'll see me there for Aquabooty. It's an outstanding night and personally the best Miami has to offer at the moment (again, this is just my opinion) Friday, I'm in between Lola and Red. This new thursday thingie with Xplosion Records seems very cool. They're really interested in what the public wants to hear and that could only be a positive thing in my book.

Wednesday night Greed is something that I plan on attending in the future. Craig is a top notch talent, no doubt. It's just hard for some of us to get out during the week ya know? and it would mean either going out on the week or going out on the weekend, but some of us make a concerted effort to do all but it's a bit hard.

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Originally posted by djoscarg

I have a bone to pick with my fellow CPers....

I'm tired of seeing all this music expert chatter on this board about 1)what Miami is lacking and 2)what obscure DJs should be booked and 3)how we need tech(fastest growing bandwagon on CP)

and now let me tell you why....

You guys have to put your money where your mouth is!!!!

1)Everybody is crying for techno....meanwhile Stryke is seriously throwing it down every Friday.... how many of you are supporting it? Stryke is one of the best in the biz and he can have DJs like Josh Wink, Jeff Mills, John Selway and Christian Smith as guests in a heartbeat because he knows and works with all these people.....but first things first.....he has to build a party that merrits those types of bookings......so where is everybody? the true music lovers? where is the support? (and by support I dont mean showing up...getting in for free with a password....and taking advantage of the open bar and then bailing) talk is cheap!

Then there are the Trance lovers who have been complaining forever that there is nowhere for them to go.....meanwhile Edgar V. is back at Space on Fridays TEARING SHIT UP!!!! like nobody else can.....are you guys representing? are you supporting the finest proggresive & Trance DJ this town (and as far as Im concerned, this country) has to offer? DON'T SLEEP!!!!

2)Lola is busting their ass trying to do several music driven nights with different and fresh ideas....DHM throws down serious deep house every week and the new Thursday big DJ little club thing looks like a great idea.....but are these things going to survive? Not if everyone stays home and bitches instead of getting their asses over there to support people who are trying to make a difference.....This Thursday for example...my buddies Trendroid are going to be playing at Lola....Great Djs at a cool venue for a minimal cover charge.....Im going to be there (and pay to get in!) are you??? This could be the start of a great thing where we will get to see all our favorite djs that dont necessarily get booked in the bigger clubs (Space, Crobar)....are you going to make a difference and support this?? or are you going to stay home and post another long extensive list of cool obscure djs that only you and your fellow elitest music expert buddies understand (or so you would like to think)

3)TECH!!!! aaaahhhh...OK first of all...anyone who has gone to Space for the last two years (and heard one of my sets for more than 2 hours) knows that I have been playing techno and tech-house in my sets forever....keep in mind....on the average night at Space I play for at least 8 hours, and there is only a core group of like 50 to 100 people who stay for the length of my sets....THEY KNOW!!!....I play techno primarily afterhours (after 6 or 7) and I sprinkle tech-house all through out my set...(Just ask Stryke....he used to order techno and tech records for me every week when he was the buyer at Y&T records years ago) ....You guys have a tendency to form opinions on things you have little or no knowledge of.....Most of the Space bashing on this board is usually from people who either A) dont even go to Space or B) have been there 2 or 3 times........furthermore, these genres are present here on a weekly basis from several other DJs as well....Stryke every Friday at Red, Craig Demo every Wedensday at Living Room (Greed), Lola is doing a new Monday night thing......beleive me its out there!!! you guys just need to go out and get it!!!

I guess what I am trying to say is.....

Ask not what your scene can do for you, but, what can you do for your scene?

Remember....you have internationally respected and revered talent right in your backyard.....support it!!! don't take it for granted!!!!



To begin you know I have madd respect for you OG, however I disagree with some of your comments. I don’t think anybody on this board is a music expert. although some may think they are. People on the board do tend to latch on to a particular genre of music, and fail to see anything beyond that. that in itself is a bit disenchanting. There are many of us, on this board that support the scene, week in and week out. sometimes paying to get in, and sometimes getting in for free; not that is really relevant. making a general assumption that we don’t support our local talent; which is really homegrown talent is a bit unfair in my opinion. perhaps I’m taking your comments out of context. personally I don’t take our homegrown talent for granted, and many others on this board don’t either. I appreciate our homegrown talent, as much I appreciate and want to hear other dj’s; be they obscure or otherwise.

Also I have bit of a problem with clubs themselves, and the minimal effort sometimes given in promotion of homegrown talent. how is one to know about a particular event; if there is hardly any publicity? I’m not referring to flyers, and big ad in the new times. I’m talking about taking it to the streets and letting people know what’s going on. For example almost every club in new york; has team of street promoters. Their job is to go out, and promote to the people. Clubplanet represents less then 1% of the actual people that go clubbing in miami. how do you reach the other percentage of people; is the more pressing issue. as far as tech, techno, and all the other commercial tags. Personally I could care less, I don’t listen to genres of music. I listen and dance my arse off to the beats. as far as the self proclaimed elitist and music experts, again clubplanet represents less then 1% of the actual people who go to clubs. So I let self proclaimed elitist and experts do the analyzing, because in the end they have no influence on what I do. I spend my time at a club enjoying the beats, ripping sh*t up on the dancefloor, and enjoying the company of my peeps. :)



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I feel exactly the same way. Everyone is a freaking expert and has a HUGE list of obscure DJ's that shows off how much knowlege they have about dance music. whatever. I know most of the people mentioned on all of these threads cause I've checked them out before, but when you ask me what DJ's I like the list is always very short cause I'm not here to show off.

Secondly, everyone needs to put their money where their mouth is. You like tech PROVE IT! Support Stryke. If your into deephouse, then go to Lola's and support them like I do. With the exception of last weekend I've been to Lola's every Saturday since DHM started spinning there for better or worse.

ALOT OF PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD TALK THE TALK! I'm glad someone's calling all our experts on it.

The condescending BS really needs to stop.

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I think the lack of support is definately tarnishing the scene for sure. Last friday Taucher & Edgar both threw down incredible sets flawless mixing, and track selection was epic by both (highlight of my night was Taucher's Millenium bitch & Edgar throwing down rising star remix of Yet another day). Dekan & I were there almost till the end with Koky and yet the entire evening the club was half full at best!!!!!! I mean these guys were on fucking fire giving 110% my crew and I were losing our minds and Edgar shows through his actions and emotions behind the deck that he is there for his fans.

I have seen things change dramatically since the days of DJ spin off contests @ Warsaw Ballroom & THE MIX loyal fans, same people consistently there every weekend waiting in line for hours sometimes(me included). I will admit I am guilty of not be 100% to the scene I have not been in attendance every weekend @SPACE the past few months. I could give 100 good reasons for being absent but I know the dj's don't want to hear it the music always comes first!!!!!

It really bothered me to see such a poor turnout last friday especially with all the talent and heart coming out of the dj booth, I for one will make a nobel effort to attend and support EDGAR V as much as humanly possible from now on and for anyone who is a die hard Trance addict such as myself,Dekan, if you ain't there you really missing out bigtime.


Edgar and I spoke briefly Friday he said that you want him to come and play on Saturday nights as well if you guys could make that happen I have a feeling many of the old Space supporters would return full time, You & Edgar are extremely talented and cater to diverse crowds my only complaint would be a little more variety for the hardcore Trance Team!!!!!!!!!!

BIG Thanks to Louis,Biz,Oscar,Edgar, & Anyone else involved with the major improvements, and international DJ'S booked the last few months you show that you really do care what us knuckleheads think!!!!!! Octobers looking to be a sick month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!TIESTO,MARCO V, NUFF SAID



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Guest saleen351

Nice Elvis reference for the title of the thread....

But you are wrong on the entire thread. Sobeton is right with what he said to an extent. See my friday, I'll divulge more if your ready for it.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by bbflux

I don't know about the rest of you guys but I just can't afford to be @ a club 2 - 3 nights out of the week (as much as I would LOVE to be) those of you who know me know why. :)

Sorry OG


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Oscar Great Post.....

IM Happy as all Hell, Been to Space every friday since edgar came back. My bitching about Trance talent has paid off (Marco V & Johan)...

And was willing to help promote friday Nights for space for pratically nothing.....


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Well done Oscar. I have to agree with most all you have wrote.

One thing that I have learned is you cannot rely on your close friends to pay all the time here in Miami. Cover charges are crazy high (although I understand if the talent has to be flown in, feed, put up, booking fees etc. its fair) for even a resident only night, $20 is a too much. We only charge $5 so it iliminates that need to be "hooked up". We know our product is worth that and we feel our loyal customers do as well. No one gets rich off a $5 cover and if someone shows a bad attitude about, we feel that maybe our event is not for them. So people need to support, however to get that support all the time, the cover has to be fair. Also, I know we are in Miami, but drink prices don't have to be Stupid expensive. Lola prices are not cheap, however neither is their crazy high rent.

Also, in regards to LOLA's new charge. We love it!! Lola is on its way back! To clarify though, most all the events are done by promoters and not the venue. We do all the promotion for our event. The management helps us as much as they can and the owners are believing in our abilities more and more and I hope are willing to put more in before the launch of season. Lola is in an amazing position. We are our street team and we walk the streets all the time. You have too. Plus, word of mouth is the most powerful thing out there and only your quality can dictate what people will say. Those are the reasons why our event is doing well. Quality product, quality continuing supporters and I hope, a good word on the street. Oh yeah, we also try to be real nice to you and thank you. Continuing support (both financial support plus adding a strong vibe) from they heads out there is great!! I feel they know they need to be there for it to make it solid into "season". To make it "their" party as well. Thank you all!

So for some of the events that have not been doing that well, get out there!!!!Walk the pavement, get people to understand what it is you are trying to do. When I had my club in St. Pete I used to be mad that certain friends didn't show up. I would almost take it personal. I now know that you have to go out there and get "customers" to support business. Not your best buddies.

You need them there to set the vibe. Your hard work and product would be next. They decide if they want to come back.

I have an idea. Wouldn't it be cool to maybe one day, get a party bus all the cp'ers and do a bar/club hop to spread the love and vibe. Just an idea.

See you on the danceflor,

Joe Budious

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Originally posted by bbflux

I don't know about the rest of you guys but I just can't afford to be @ a club 2 - 3 nights out of the week (as much as I would LOVE to be) those of you who know me know why. :)

Sorry OG

I hear you!

But thats not what I mean.....I'm talking about that one time you do go out every week....make it count....support something you beleive in....not whatever the hippest place to be is...

You constantly ask for something ,and when it is finally given to you, you let it fall by the wayside from a lack of support...think about it!

btw:bbflux, this is not directly aimed at you, just a general response to a valid point that you brought up...which applies to alot of us, myself included.....I usually go out once maybe twice a week (#1) cause I'm a husband and father of 2 and(#2) I have stuff to do on Saturdays;)

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Originally posted by biznation00

Shortly sometime there after, emerged the Oscar G. Saturdays & Space has never been the same. Oscar re-introduced his signature Space Tribal sound to the masses & everyone has embraced it since. Often imitated but never duplicated it is a sound that seemed to wake up Miami & help bring about a more profound movement in our local music world.

This is what i look forward to on saturday nights when im done spinning... :D

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It's funny, just yesterday I was asked what I thought the new club trends would be..

I said...

"Music!! Not that I see Music as a trend, but because Miami isn't about the exclusive, Sobe-glamour scene anymore. With so many club owners tryin to snag a piece of the pie, successfull clubs have resorted & dedicated themselves to providing something more than just an alluring venue. Electronic/Dance music for example has taken big strides in this city over the past year or two. With the quality local talent we've "discovered" since & frequent visits by some of the world's best, quality music stands a chance @ becoming a staple in Miami, not just a trend."


I only hope I'm right about what I said.. Support our scene, support the music...

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Oscar............. that was the best post I've ever seen on this board. Thanks for the nod about the Wednsdays. You're 100% right. Tech is the band wagon of the moment.......but as you, me and plenty of others know......it's all ways been here. Thanks again buddy!!!

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Yes not all of us can afford to go out 2-3 times a week. But hey I heard they were playin techno at RED and Living Room. So I went and checked it, and enjoyed it. I've seen Stryke at Red 2 times and also Demo at LR twice. But to cut on me for saying I'd like to see Richie or Carola @ space aint fair. Richie to me is a local. Im from chicago and have grown up listening to him and other great techno djs from my hometown area. Now just because I like techno and havent been to these "tech" night EVERY week is fair to say Im jumping on some bandwagon or not supporting the scene. Oh well who cares anyways

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