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Do You Believe ???

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do you believe in ghosts and have you ever seen one ???

i know you will all probably think i'm LOONEY but i swear there is a ghost in my house. the first night i moved in i woke up in the middle of night and i swear i saw a little girl sitting at the foot of my bed .... I FREAKED !!! then after that weird things just kept happening.

well now sometimes my dog sits straight up and just looks into the corner of my room and BARKS like never before. you know how they say dogs see DEAD PEOPLE right ??

not only that but a friend of a friend says a guy killed himself in my house a few years ago. we asked the landlord and he told us we were crazy ...... and i'm starting to think so myself !!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

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First--Check your PMS

Second--Yes, back when I lived in EDISON....I woke up one nite and saw a shadow coming from the bathroom and heard the water turn--I was only about 8 so I just stayed in bed terrified and watched and then the shadow was gone---Eventually I fell sleep--When my family woke up in the morning the faucets were still running and the bathroom was filled with water.

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

do you believe in ghosts and have you ever seen one ???

i know you will all probably think i'm LOONEY but i swear there is a ghost in my house. the first night i moved in i woke up in the middle of night and i swear i saw a little girl sitting at the foot of my bed .... I FREAKED !!! then after that weird things just kept happening.

well now sometimes my dog sits straight up and just looks into the corner of my room and BARKS like never before. you know how they say dogs see DEAD PEOPLE right ??

not only that but a friend of a friend says a guy killed himself in my house a few years ago. we asked the landlord and he told us we were crazy ...... and i'm starting to think so myself !!!!

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Your not loony.........I totally beleive in ghosts and the afterlife. There is this place in morristown called Jimmy's that they say is haunted by a ghost named Phoebe(this also use to be one of the many names of the club). Several employees there all have had experiences with the ghost.

My x says her BF's house is haunted and has told me some freaky stories that happened to her and her bf.(no, she does not do drugs either)

so they are all around us at all times imo......................don't be scuured.........

Hey, I'll admit I saw UFO's..........the freakiest night of my life and noone can tell me otherwise....................and i was sober.

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i don't really think i'm crazy because i know what i saw that night. i have never been so scared to go back to sleep ever !!!

i definitly believe in ghosts and afterlife and it's way easier to say don't be scared when they're not living with you - but they are !!!

we asked our neighbor about the person killing themselves in our house and she looked at me like she couldn't believe what just came out of my mouth .... i bet she knows the truth but won't tell us, she is so old and scary looking herself !!!

hmmm - i wonder how to get it to be friends with me ??

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I also belive in ghosts.............. I know for sure they do exists. I mean our sole roams, it has to. I saw alot of ghosts of my dad after he pased away, he wasn't laid to rest until 12 after his death.......... so I know his sole was def. doing some roaming about. THere is way to much proof ghosts exist. I also belive however that a lot of ghosts can be people's mind playing tricks on them, and it is a fine line between each to dicifer.

My cat and dog both do shit like that wierd man wierd.......... but YOU'VE GOT TO BELIEVE

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i don't really think i'm crazy because i know what i saw that night. i have never been so scared to go back to sleep ever !!!

i definitly believe in ghosts and afterlife and it's way easier to say don't be scared when they're not living with you - but they are !!!

we asked our neighbor about the person killing themselves in our house and she looked at me like she couldn't believe what just came out of my mouth .... i bet she knows the truth but won't tell us, she is so old and scary looking herself !!!

hmmm - i wonder how to get it to be friends with me ??

Please don't think I was saying "don't be scurred" to be inconsiderate. Beleive me, I know what its like to try and sleep when you feel someone is in the room. One of my best freinds died about a year ago and I always had this erie feeling like he was in my rrom watching over me and it made it very hard for me to sleep. I know that its not the same as what your saying but I do think our minds sense certain things surrounding us at times. It is my understanding that ghost can't hurt us, but they can scare the shit out of ya.

Good topic by the way. This is def something that always intrigued me.

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i think we sould have a cp sleepover at my house and then you will all see what i'm talking about !!!

things happen sometimes that i just can't explain !!!

As long as your roommate doesnt give me directions this time:laugh:

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i don't think you were being inconsiderate :(

THANK YOU for helping me believe i'm not crazy !!!

i sense things too sometimes - especially in my bedroom

i sometimes try to make friends with the ghost, i talk to it and am like "i know you are here, i won't hurt you just please don't hurt me" ..... my roomate thinks i'm completely INSANE !!!

hey stiff - want to here something CREEPY ???

i went to high school with this girl who told us this story once. they thought her aunts house was haunted for years but never had any proof until one time they got film developed and you can actually see the shadow of a man in the picture - i didn't sleep for weeks after hearing that !!!

hey jp - you should already know how to get there DUH !!

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A friend of mine said he used to see a dog catcher running through Factory the couple of time he went. Another one of my pals said that he saw a ferris wheel, or was it a carousel?, in the corner of the main dancefloor at Factory too. Needless to say I've seen neither, but I wasn't in their frame of mind at the time either.

I guess that was a little bit :otopic:

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i don't think you were being inconsiderate :(

THANK YOU for helping me believe i'm not crazy !!!

i sense things too sometimes - especially in my bedroom

i sometimes try to make friends with the ghost, i talk to it and am like "i know you are here, i won't hurt you just please don't hurt me" ..... my roomate thinks i'm completely INSANE !!!

hey stiff - want to here something CREEPY ???

i went to high school with this girl who told us this story once. they thought her aunts house was haunted for years but never had any proof until one time they got film developed and you can actually see the shadow of a man in the picture - i didn't sleep for weeks after hearing that !!!

hey jp - you should already know how to get there DUH !!


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What about those stories you hear about kids having an imaginary friend that are their serious companion, to make a long story short, they look threw photo albums they pick the person out i.e "look theres my friend blah blah" and the person they recognize as there friend is dead and was dead for years b 4 the child was born....... hmmmmmmmm explain that

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Originally posted by perns2002

What about those stories you hear about kids having an imaginary friend that are their serious companion, to make a long story short, they look threw photo albums they pick the person out i.e "look theres my friend blah blah" and the person they recognize as there friend is dead and was dead for years b 4 the child was born....... hmmmmmmmm explain that

OH MY GOD PERNS - that is sooooooo SCARY !!!

:eek: :eek:

well i'm NOT going to be sleeping a wink tonight i can tell you that much already !!

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