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music, sex, fashion & drugs...

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Is NYC NiteLife in the year 2002 about Underground (music, sex, fashion,

drugs) or commercial (music, sex)?

For many years, NYC NiteLife was both all in one. The official host for the

rich, the famous & the party goer. Anything and everything could happen. Now

in the year 2002, music and sex seem to be ruling over fashion and drugs.

Is this a good or bad thing? Most people above 25 years of age say both for

their own personal reasons.

1866NiteLife did a study on the NYC NiteLife scene during the months of Aug

and Sept 2002. The study concluded that 18 & over parties have had less

fashion & drugs in this time than in any other throughout the history of NYC

NiteLife. At last months teen party at Exit niteclub, 7 out of ten said

their idea of fun was about dancing, socializing and exploring their sexual

appetites which is

more pleasurable than drugs will ever be.

Does this mean the NYC NiteLife is becoming commercialized? With world

famous DJ's like Paul Oakenfold, spinning live sets on the NYC based radio

station KTU 103.5, tracks that do not promote drugs and Danny Tenaglia

preaching over the microphone to his followers: "Music is the Answer, not

drugs" the answer is Yes, NYC is commercializing.

A well-known DJ from 5-20 years ago would never have spun on a commercial

radio station & did nothing to hinder the use of drugs. Old skool club heads

believed that NYC NiteLife was a privilege, not a right. Effectively,

sending the message that "Techno & House music were a secret underground

society & drugs were cool"

A well known DJ (name anonymous) said... "Underground was yesterday and

commercial is today. The present day DJs are spreading the word of dance

music through mass marketing and technological advances, reaching the future

NiteLife kids before fashion & drugs do, allowing more money then ever to

penetrate club-scene".

As a direct result, NYC NiteLife’s task force, called "Club Crashers,"

budget was cut by 60% in January 2002 due to the lack of drug use and

overdoses within small & large venues, making electronica music legit in


The movie 24 Hour Party People is a loosely based true story on TV

reporter/club owner/ record label exec Tony Wilson which portrays the years

it took to lay the foundation for the Manchester music scene which would

ultimately be the birthplace of the underground rave culture. A prime

example what underground came from a met. Released in Aug 0f 2002.

As Hip-Hop is the largest money making profit in the music industry in the

US, Electronica is in Europe, giving Europe a 2 year lead on the US in the

music & fashion industry.

In Europe, electronic sales show that there are more turntables (record

players) sold than vehicles and more vinyl (records) than socks. One London

resident said it perfectly, "Electronica muzic is a way of LIFE here. So if

that is being commercial, so be it".

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