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Why The Fuck Do We Support Israel?


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I work at the State Dept in the Bureau of Middle Eastern Affairs, and the more that I hear about what really goes on there, the more I become disgusted. Disgusted. But I can't say it out loud, I can't say it at my job or in the street because I will be called anti-semetic.

When our tax dollars pay for the military development and equipment used against defenseless people that LIVED THERE FIRST.

If the story were told differently, and the Israelis were described as "Blue People" and the Palestinians as "green people" then it the immorality of what has occurred on this land is all that shines through and not racial sensitivity.

But no, I can't say it at my job; I couldn't say it in classes I took in college. Because I will labled a racist. I have to vent under an alias on a messageboard.......


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

oh yes..."the jewish conspiracy"...similar to the words used by the Nazi party....

he's not at all wrong though. i'm not sure about the government, but the media has a pretty big influence. Namely the motion picture and news industries.....the associated press, times, washington post, wall street journal etc.

whether that has any effect on "control of the media", is anyone's guess. i would say it has _some_ effect yes, but not as much as people say it has, mostly because for the most part, they tend to be more "liberal jews" who in fact do criticize some of israel's policies.

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its all a bunch of bs. heres a fact, jews in this country spent their money and careers building a type of infrastructure where they have alot of influence. arabs go to western schools drive fancy cars and fuck lots of white woman, they dont go for power (this comes out of the mouth of someone who lived in kuwait for over 10 years) i think its kinda true. hollywood depicts arabs as evil villains, where as jews are cute or funny like woody allen but thats all besides the point. i think the real reason why the us supports israel is the guilt from the holocaust and ww2. jews love to talk about the holocaust and how arabs are terrorist, but they dont talk about the fact that jews were the biggest terrorist before israel was created. the zionist movement blew up a hotel i think and bombed a whole bunch of places to be heard. i guess they call themselves "freedom fighters", it bugs me out. i think the us should stay out of foreign policy, we really dont need to get involved with the rest of the world, the only reason why we do it is cuz it benefits the rich(kuwaiti oil, the afghan pipeline, the us manufacturing of drugs in south america, arms sales etc.) btw, most of my friends are jewish so dont call me a racist. oh and btw semite doesnt mean jew, it means someone from the middleeast, so people who hate arabs are anti-semite as well. we say there will never be peace in the middle east, but thats our fault. was there really all this war and terrorism before israel was created, not really. the conflicts in the middleast came from british occupation. the only reason why the middle east threatens the world is because the rest of the world is fucking with their backyard.

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bassboy, yeah we should support the Palestinians. Yeah the same camel crap people that were dancing and celebrating Sep 11th. Does your brain know, Egypt gets billion in aid from America. Here's an article for you.

The Myth Of The Palestinian People

Yehezkel Bin-Nun 26 December 2001

The general impression given in the media is that Palestinians have lived in the Holy Land for hundreds, if not thousands of years. No wonder, then, that a recent poll of French citizens shows that the majority believe (falsely) that prior to the establishment of the State of Israel an independent Arab Palestinian state existed in its place.

Books, such as Battleground by Samuel Katz long ago detailed the history of the region. Far from being settled by Palestinians for hundreds, if not thousands of years, the Land according to dozens of visitors to the land, was never populated with Palestinians. Alphonse de Lamartine visited the land in 1835. In his book, Recollections of the East, he writes "Outside the gates of Jerusalem we saw no living object, heard no living sound…." None other than the famous American author Mark Twain, who visited the Land in 1867, confirms this. In his book Innocents Abroad he writes, “A desolation is here that not even imagination can grace with the pomp of life and action. We reached Tabor safely…. We never saw a human being on the whole journey.” Even the British Consul in Palestine reported, in 1857, “The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is that of a body of population…”

According to official Ottoman Turk census figures of 1882, in the entire Land of what is Israel today, there were only 141,000 Muslims, both Arab and non-Arab. This number was to skyrocket to 650,000 Arabs by 1922, a 450% increase in only 40 years. By 1938 that number would become over 1 million or an 800% increase in only 56 years. Population growth was especially high in areas where Jews lived. Where did all these Arabs come from?

They came from the surrounding Arab states of Egypt, Syria and Jordan. In 1922 the British Governor of the Sinai noted that “illegal immigration was not only going on from the Sinai, but also from Transjordan and Syria.”

Malcolm MacDonald, one of the principal authors of the British White Paper of 1939, which restricted Jewish immigration to the Land of Israel, admitted (conservatively) that were it not for a Jewish presence, the Arab population would have been little more than half of what it actually was.

In 1930, the British Mandate -sponsored Hope-Simpson Report noted that “unemployment lists are being swollen by immigrants from Trans-Jordania” and “illicit immigration through Syria and across the northern frontier of Palestine is material.” The Arabs themselves bare witness to this trend. For example, the governor of the Syrian district of Hauran, Tewfik Bey el Hurani, admitted in 1934 that in a single period of only a few months over 30,000 Syrians from Hauran had moved to the Land of Israel. Even British Prime Minister Winston Churchill noted the Arab influx. Churchill, a veteran of the early years of the British mandate in the Land of Israel, noted in 1939 that “far from being persecuted, the Arabs have crowded into the country and multiplied.”

Even Arab historians have admitted Palestine never existed.

In 1946, Princeton's Arab professor of Middle East history, Philip Hitti, told the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, Its common knowledge, there is no such thing as Palestine in history."

In 1937, the Arab leader Auni Bey Abdul Hadi told the Peel Commission,

"There is no such country as Palestine. "Palestine" is a term the Zionists invented. "'Palestine' is alien to us."

In 1956, Ahhmed Shukeiry, founder of the PLO told the UN, that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria."

Far from displacing the Arabs, as they claimed, the Jews were the very reason the Arabs chose to settle in the Land of Israel. Jobs provided by newly established Zionist industry and agriculture lured them there, just as Israeli construction and industry provides most Arabs in the Land of Israel with their main source of income today. Today, when due to the latest “intifada” Arabs from the territories under 35 are no longer allowed into pre-1967 Israel to work, unemployment has skyrocketed to over 40% and most rely on European aid packages to survive.

Not only pre-state Arabs lied about being indigenous. Even today, many prominent so-called Palestinians, it turns out, are foreign born. Edward Said, an Ivy League Professor of Literature and a major Palestinian propagandist, long claimed to have been raised in Jerusalem. However, in an article in the September 1999 issue of Commentary Magazine Justus Reid Weiner revealed that Said actually grew up in Cairo, Egypt, a fact which Said himself was later forced to admit. But why bother with Said? PLO chief Yasir Arafat himself, self declared “leader of the Palestinian people”, has always claimed to have been born and raised in “Palestine”. In fact, according to his official biographer Richard Hart, as well as the BBC, Arafat was born in Cairo on August 24, 1929 and that’s where he grew up.

To maintain the charade of being an indigenous population, Arab propagandists have had to do more than a little rewriting of history. A major part of this rewriting involves the renaming of geography. For two thousand years the central mountainous region of Israel was known as Judea and Samaria, as any medireview map of the area testifies. However, the state of Jordan occupied the area in 1948 and renamed it the West Bank. This is a funny name for a region that actually lies in the eastern portion of the land and can only be called “West” in reference to Jordan. This does not seem to bother the majority of news outlets covering the region, which universally refer to the region by its recent Jordanian name.

The term “Palestinian" is itself a masterful twisting of history. To portray themselves as indigenous, Arab settlers adopted the name of an ancient Canaanite tribe, the Phillistines, that died out almost 3000 years ago. The connection between this tribe and modern day Arabs is nil. Who is to know the difference? Given the absence of any historical record, one can understand why Yasser Arafat claims that Jesus Christ, a Jewish carpenter from the Galilee, was a Palestinian. Every year, at Christmas time, Arafat goes to Bethlehem and tells worshippers that Jesus was in fact “the first Palestinian”.

If the Palestinians are indeed a myth, then the real question becomes “Why?” Why invent a fictious people? The answer is that the myth of the Palestinian People serves as the justification for Arab occupation of the Land of Israel. While the Arabs already possess 21 sovereign countries of their own (more than any other single people on earth) and control a land mass 800 times the size of the Land of Israel, this is apparently not enough for them. They therefore feel the need to rob the Jews of their one and only country, one of the smallest on the planet. Unfortunately, many people ignorant of the history of the region, including much of the world media, are only too willing to help.

Israel existed 1500 years before Muhammad was born.

It is interesting to note that the Bible makes reference to a fictious nation confronting Israel. “They have provoked me to jealously by worshipping a non-god, angered me with their vanities. I will provoke them with a non-nation; anger them with a foolish nation (Deuteronomy 32:21).”

On second thought, it may be unfair to compare Palestine to Disneyland. After all, Disneyland really exists.

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Originally posted by petergatien56

Bassboy, here are 3 sites that tell the truth about the Mideast. I advise you to read them.




Your articles, as are your links are Israeli sites! Of course, they're gonna be skewed toward the Jews. Hell, I can give you some Palestinian sites that will balance your propaganda!!!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by petergatien56

Bassboy, here are 3 sites that tell the truth about the Mideast. I advise you to read them.




heres some martin luther king info by the same people


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Wow Im so glad to see that other people think the same way as me...The reason that Sept 11 happened is cause of our 1-sidedness toward Israel...unfortunately people are forgetting that we are Americans....were not Israelis...were not Italians...were not Spanish...I got news for ya...I was in Europe for the first time this year and Ive never been so proud to be from America...sure these places are beautiful and u can have the time of ur life there...but we really have it all here especially living in NYC....we live in America the greatest damn country in the world...if anyone considers themselves something else then go back to ur fuckin country cause u wont live like u do here....be proud of ur past culture but unless ur not a citizen of this country ur an American....Arabs have a right to be pissed at us for the way we treat their countries....granted there are alot of scumbags there too but hey we got alotta people in this country that would do the same thing if they could...look at Timothy McVee...look at the Al Queda jerkoffs that are Americans like the ones they caught the other day in Oregon....Israelis are money hungry people...bottom line...I can honestly say Ive met 1 generous Israeli in my life...im not talking about them being nice people, im talking about wanting everything in the world..selfishness....their canivers and will screw ya over as soon as they see the glimmer of hope....if u go down Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn look how many American flags u see...NONE...why?...cause their alliance stays with Israel...this country got attacked alot worse than theirs did at one point in time (not overall)...I got news for ya...my grandpa came off the boat from Italy in the 20's...he went to fight WW2 voluntarily because he loved freedom and loved America...he went and fought his own people...fighting in his hometown that he left....my other grandpa did the same except he was born here but fought against his own family in Italy.....people get with it...i can go on and on but Ill stop...of course this in an opinion but I do feel strongly about this subject matter

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I am so appreciative of all this response.

People from NY more than anyone in this country should be aligned with my opinion. THE MAIN REASON THE US WAS ATTACKED ON 9-11 WAS BECAUSE WE UNCONDITIONALLY SUPPORT ISRAEL.

Try justifying that to every family of every victim, every fireman, every cop. Do you think their families consider that a worthy reason for them to die?

And believe me, I hear shit at the State Dept all the time directly from Sharon's office about how they are planning an INVASION of Gaza soon. An invasion?!!

Our blood and our tax dollars are paying for it all.




Why do we do support a country that was founded by a belligerent organization, (Zionists were belligerent in how they went about their campaign) and that continues to increase its hold on the land like a virus with SETTLEMENTS, INCREASED SETTELEMENTS.

petergatien### I read your attachments, and I hope you understand that history is always written by the victor.

you ask me. if I was a Palestinian who lived in the land that is now called Israel and was kicked off, then had to live in a refugee camp and raise my kids their with no resources under an Israeli dictatorship.......you ask me?


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Originally posted by t0nythelover

its all a bunch of bs. heres a fact, jews in this country spent their money and careers building a type of infrastructure where they have alot of influence. arabs go to western schools drive fancy cars and fuck lots of white woman, they dont go for power (this comes out of the mouth of someone who lived in kuwait for over 10 years) i think its kinda true. hollywood depicts arabs as evil villains, where as jews are cute or funny like woody allen but thats all besides the point. i think the real reason why the us supports israel is the guilt from the holocaust and ww2. jews love to talk about the holocaust and how arabs are terrorist, but they dont talk about the fact that jews were the biggest terrorist before israel was created. the zionist movement blew up a hotel i think and bombed a whole bunch of places to be heard. i guess they call themselves "freedom fighters", it bugs me out. i think the us should stay out of foreign policy, we really dont need to get involved with the rest of the world, the only reason why we do it is cuz it benefits the rich(kuwaiti oil, the afghan pipeline, the us manufacturing of drugs in south america, arms sales etc.) btw, most of my friends are jewish so dont call me a racist. oh and btw semite doesnt mean jew, it means someone from the middleeast, so people who hate arabs are anti-semite as well. we say there will never be peace in the middle east, but thats our fault. was there really all this war and terrorism before israel was created, not really. the conflicts in the middleast came from british occupation. the only reason why the middle east threatens the world is because the rest of the world is fucking with their backyard.

Ok this is one of the stupidest entries I have read. I dont wanna sound mean or anything, but wtf are you smoking? I would gladly take apart your argument, but I'm at work. So I'll leave it as it.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

damn right we should return this land to indians. while were at it lets get the navy the fuck of puerto rico. stupid american expansion.

Sure why not. then lets cut-off all their aide as well. Puerto Rico is not the issue by the way, And so you know, Puerto Ricans should be more than happy that they are multi-citizens.

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Originally posted by dnice35

Sure why not. then lets cut-off all their aide as well. Puerto Rico is not the issue by the way, And so you know, Puerto Ricans should be more than happy that they are multi-citizens.

puerto ricans should be happy that the navy bombs their land and kills civilians without remorse? yeah, thats why american political leaders protest that as well. puerto ricans pay taxes just like the rest of the country, yet they only get one representative who doesnt have a vote in congress, they should be happy about that? what aid does puerto rico get? the island has been raped by americans since they first invaded and took over. multi-citizens, yeah and im sure the hawaiins were happy when they were conquered too right. and the chinese were glad the british took over and made them sell opium. thats why the boxer rebellion happened. sorry but i dont buy into the"white mans burden" argument, and i dont think any country would be glad that a larger imperialistic power invades and takes over. what a joke. are americans really that ethnocentric? im sure as hell not.

puerto rico is not the issue but america's pointless interference with international affairs is. and the united states does not create foreign policy for anyones good or because its right, just because its profitable and can be done. like roosevelt said, speak soft and carry a big stick. well whats gonna happen when the stick breaks?

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