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What's up everyone? Sorry that we haven't had a chance to respond to you all the nice posts and threads about the wedding. We just got back on Saturday.

Thank you guys for making that day extra special for Neena and I. We will NEVER, EVER forget it. (hope I don't sound too gay).

Stardo, 3rdflfactoria, Badass, Stiffler, VIP-Tech, Divine66, Tommy Tempts, Duh Hat, Nycchic, Siciliagirl (after hours)........it wouldn't have been the same without any of you. Thanks again for sharing it with us.

Can't belive the damn shuttle took you to a Scottish Wedding. Did you see "Rowdy" Roddy Piper there?

Sorry this is short, God forbid my co-workers pick up the slack in my absence so I'm not swamped when I get back, right?

Neena will give a better response when she get's back to work. As if she didn't have enough time off for our honeymoon, she's off today for Columbus Day. Must be nice.

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Originally posted by piro8

What's up everyone? Sorry that we haven't had a chance to respond to you all the nice posts and threads about the wedding. We just got back on Saturday.

Thank you guys for making that day extra special for Neena and I. We will NEVER, EVER forget it. (hope I don't sound too gay).

Stardo, 3rdflfactoria, Badass, Stiffler, VIP-Tech, Divine66, Tommy Tempts, Duh Hat, Nycchic, Siciliagirl (after hours)........it wouldn't have been the same without any of you. Thanks again for sharing it with us.

Can't belive the damn shuttle took you to a Scottish Wedding. Did you see "Rowdy" Roddy Piper there?

Sorry this is short, God forbid my co-workers pick up the slack in my absence so I'm not swamped when I get back, right?

Neena will give a better response when she get's back to work. As if she didn't have enough time off for our honeymoon, she's off today for Columbus Day. Must be nice.

Whats up buddy? So glad you guys are back and I am glad I got to be part of that special day:D

Sorry I didn't make it out the other night for Gil's B-day(I was sick)

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Originally posted by djdanfury

Piro -

Glad you and Neena are back and safe. Congrats once again!

I saw Stardo at SF this Saturday, why didn't u go...

Thanks Dan. We'll see you this Saturday at Deko for your birthday.

Actually, Neena and I were on 45th St. flipping a coin on whether to park the car or go home. We opted for the second option which was fine with me (kind of) to that point we really didn't sleep since Thursday.

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Originally posted by piro8

Thanks Dan. We'll see you this Saturday at Deko for your birthday.

Actually, Neena and I were on 45th St. flipping a coin on whether to park the car or go home. We opted for the second option which was fine with me (kind of) to that point we really didn't sleep since Thursday.

NICE!!! I'm glad you and wifey are coming! I haven't seen you guys since the summer of 83'.

You missed a great night @ SF, my first time back in months.. This saturday its on!

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Originally posted by stiffler

Whats up buddy? So glad you guys are back and I am glad I got to be part of that special day:D

Sorry I didn't make it out the other night for Gil's B-day(I was sick)

We'll make up for it this Saturday. Hope your feeling better.

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Originally posted by nycchic24

hehehe yeah i wish i went out on sat with you guys! but i was stuck with my "stick in the mud" friends from boston. (long story, tell ya later!)

we missed you guys though! glad you are back ?

btw.. did you see billy out there? :laugh:

Hi Sue!! We missed you too!! I wanted to meet up with him, but I lost his number a while ago and forgot to get it from you before leaving.

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Originally posted by hunnie818

From what i understand you guys will be @ deko on saturday, I'm looking forwarded to hanging out w/ the famous couple....get ready for some all around celebrating!

Congrats again guys! :D

Thanks Hunnie. We'll get to meet you for your birthday celebration!!

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Originally posted by jp18

Welcome back...

I am dissappointed that sicilia and stardo did not inform me that you were all going to be at DEKO...I would have rode my bike up from LBI to say hello:mad:

yo jp- we'll make up for it this saturday. :)

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

Definitely glad you guys had a good time, and even gladder to see you at Deko! Congratulations again guys, I'm sure I'll be seeing ya out and about soon enough.

Always great seeing you out. hopefully, we'll see you again this saturday.

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Originally posted by angelicious

congratulations Neena and Piro,

The pics were beautiful I wish you two the best of luck. :):D

Thank you angelicious!! We appreciate it. Actually, we could of used some luck in Vegas before making a donation to the state of Nevada. :)

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Originally posted by jp18

Welcome back...

I am dissappointed that sicilia and stardo did not inform me that you were all going to be at DEKO...I would have rode my bike up from LBI to say hello:mad:


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Originally posted by siciliagirl


We were out in the rain on 45th Street trying to decide whether we should go inside or not. We had a blast with you guys!!

Same place, same time this Saturday......okay?

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I don't know how long I can make this coming home reponse cause I'm really busy at work...but to all of you that responded to the threads that Stardo and the gang started were truely really really nice...and we are so thankful....those were some of the nicest words I have ever read....and from Cpers that we haven't even met :D ....it really made our weekend when we read everyone's posts...

I can't wait to see everyone out this Sat at Deko...BUT I got a treat last Sat... finally meeting doubleplay (you are a fun person to be around) and binoy (the very cool, calm and collective type, at least that night but I've heard other things...anyways...thank you for the drink), Jarmenio (you are the sweetest..also thanks for the drink),Sergio (you are the greatest...thanks for the hookup), BMW4jay (always a pleasure seeing you out), and of course it was great hanging out with my usual suspects..stardo, siciliagirl, dookie, 3rdflfactoria....hope I didn't forget anyone...

:D :D :D :D

It's party time this weekend......leave all the party poopers at home...;)

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Originally posted by neena16

I don't know how long I can make this coming home reponse cause I'm really busy at work...but to all of you that responded to the threads that Stardo and the gang started were truely really really nice...and we are so thankful....those were some of the nicest words I have ever read....and from Cpers that we haven't even met :D ....it really made our weekend when we read everyone's posts...

I can't wait to see everyone out this Sat at Deko...BUT I got a treat last Sat... finally meeting doubleplay (you are a fun person to be around) and binoy (the very cool, calm and collective type, at least that night but I've heard other things...anyways...thank you for the drink), Jarmenio (you are the sweetest..also thanks for the drink),Sergio (you are the greatest...thanks for the hookup), BMW4jay (always a pleasure seeing you out), and of course it was great hanging out with my usual suspects..stardo, siciliagirl, dookie, 3rdflfactoria....hope I didn't forget anyone...

:D :D :D :D

It's party time this weekend......leave all the party poopers at home...;)

you forgot me

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Originally posted by neena16

I don't know how long I can make this coming home reponse cause I'm really busy at work...but to all of you that responded to the threads that Stardo and the gang started were truely really really nice...and we are so thankful....those were some of the nicest words I have ever read....and from Cpers that we haven't even met :D ....it really made our weekend when we read everyone's posts...

I can't wait to see everyone out this Sat at Deko...BUT I got a treat last Sat... finally meeting doubleplay (you are a fun person to be around) and binoy (the very cool, calm and collective type, at least that night but I've heard other things...anyways...thank you for the drink), Jarmenio (you are the sweetest..also thanks for the drink),Sergio (you are the greatest...thanks for the hookup), BMW4jay (always a pleasure seeing you out), and of course it was great hanging out with my usual suspects..stardo, siciliagirl, dookie, 3rdflfactoria....hope I didn't forget anyone...

:D :D :D :D

It's party time this weekend......leave all the party poopers at home...;)

i was there in spirit! :)

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