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Another Damn Shooting......

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Well, lucky for me, I get to go back to DC tomorrow! YaY! Hey guys, if I'm not picked off the subway platform outside the airport, I'll check in to let you know I made it...:blank: wtf else??? The NYPD would have this dude on lockdown by now. DC Metro blows nads, they're probably too busy arresting college kids in their own houses for underage drinking to go after this sniper....:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Well, lucky for me, I get to go back to DC tomorrow! YaY! Hey guys, if I'm not picked off the subway platform outside the airport, I'll check in to let you know I made it...:blank: wtf else??? The NYPD would have this dude on lockdown by now. DC Metro blows nads, they're probably too busy arresting college kids in their own houses for underage drinking to go after this sniper....:rolleyes:

my friend and her husband live 2 miles from that area. her husband was at the home depot 3 hours before the woman was shot. so scary. so sad too. i can't believe 11 cases have occurred and still the only lead is a white/cream van!!!!

vixenfoxxy - be safe honey!!! we'll be thinking of you!!!

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This is fucked up (I live in Montgomery County). However, something like this would probably not happen in NYC for the same reasons it hasn't happened in DC proper...no escape routes. Thats why its so hard to catch this fucker...he's been planning it really well, close to major highways, etc.

Plus, the police probably know a lot more than they're telling us (or at least I hope)...I mean, c'mon if they tell the public all they know, thye'll be alerting the sniper too.

Doesn't necessarily mean one city's crime unit is better than the other.

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Just my Two Pennies...

Anyone think it is more than one person... Or do you think it is only one...

I think it is possible more than one person... And the scary thing is all in the end we will probably find out it was the U.S Military that trained this sick fuck...

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Originally posted by elementx

Just my Two Pennies...

Anyone think it is more than one person... Or do you think it is only one...

I think it is possible more than one person... And the scary thing is all in the end we will probably find out it was the U.S Military that trained this sick fuck...

Definitely two people. Who the hell can drive and have that kind of shot without crashing? And if the dude is stopping and parking to do this - he would have been seen by now, sitting around and/or driving away....

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Originally posted by msoprano13

i sitll think its one person....this guy is taking peolple out from over 300 yards...

do u realize how far away that is.....by the time the police have time to react and close the roads hes chillin in his crib already

I do agree with you there... It is very hard to pin-point where exactly the shots are coming from especially when it is 300+ yards away. He will be caught just like everyone else is caught and it will be by some stupid mistake he makes...

Question ... Have they closed the schools in this area... I don't think children should be subject to this danger...

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Originally posted by calebmandrake

This reply is "definite proof" that you are a MORON....

I'm not sure where you've been hibernating lately but here's alittle 411 for ya....THE DEATH PENALTY IS ENFORCED IN QUITE A FEW STATES YOU HALF-WIT.

BTW, I think I'll stick to MSNBC or CNN for my current events.

Ah, should I even waste my breath replying to your worthless comments? Sure, I already had dinner, watched the Simpsons, and have pretty much nothing else to do that this could be funny.

I never said that there wasn't a death penalty; in fact, my state has it. I was simply saying that the people who are against the death penalty should try and defend this sniper.

Before you come out here with nothing constructive to say, only attacking my comments, you neanderthal, maybe you should carefully read the comments you are going to criticize. Or is it that you really can't read, and you've got your kid brother reading the computer screen for you?

Whatever the case is, go find an icy river and jump into it, because if you can't contribute intelligent comments to this board, then get the hell off.:blown:

And I watch MSNBC for my news.

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i hope they find him in virginia and not dc... for the simple fact that dc does not have a death penalty...

a lil observation...

trained snipers are tought patience... how about waiting til a white van is in site when shooting, just to cause a little confusion between witnesses?... he's playing with the media... everything the media talks about, he contradicts them... ie: "he's only killing during the day", and then last night's shooting. thats why the police are giving limited evidence... :blank:

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