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bad trip


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ive never had a bad trip and ive done acid dozens of times.

But yeah... stay away from hostile enviornment. Dont get yourself involved in any kind of drama, situations on acid always seem more exagerated then they really are and could lead to alot of crying. Stay with happy people and no serious talking, and you should be fine.


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i personally dont believe in bad trips..but ive seen enuf of them over the years and had to deal with a ton of them to know they are out there...at one point my best friend of 15 years looked me dead in the eyes and said "where am i..who are you?" ...ugh...

anyhow..anyone with the possability of latent mental conditions should NOT trip..period..if they do trip out..i always did a few things...

talked them through it..and found somewhere happy..find their happy place and do anything to keep them there...keep them away from anything sharp...fire..cigs..lighters..and if u are in public..talk them somewhere private..not a moving vehicle if u can help it..and if it is..make sure they dont sit by a door.had a friend toss himself out of a car once cuz of a bad trip...also reassure them that whatever is going on is fun and will be over soon..keep them drinking something...juice or OJ may not be a good idea as VitC always helped me trip harder...if they go into a loop..all u can really do is wait it out and help them the best u can...

if it gets to bad...hospitals have shots they can administer that will bring them down almost immediately...but that has its own issues with getting the cops and hospital involved...

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Originally posted by trajik

The possibility is slim.. don't over-do it your first time, and umm.. don't go into a hostile environment.

It'll be fun :D

i have to disagree with u there...the possability is huge for anyone with LSD...shit ive had friends that did the same dosage from the same sheet\vial a week apart and flipped out..so much shit can be going on mentally from day to day hour to hour that the slightest thing could set them into a bad trip...and as for the enviroment..i agree dont go anywhere hostile..but a party\rave\club can turn VERY hostile in a heartbeat...

to bad i love lsd so much


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Originally posted by gambitrah

...and as for the enviroment..i agree dont go anywhere hostile..but a party\rave\club can turn VERY hostile in a heartbeat...

to bad i love lsd so much


If its your first time then i agree with you that you should DEFINITELY not do it at a club/rave. Now im a big acid head and i use to drop a couple tabs almost every friday at exit with a couple of freinds. We were always cool and we're pretty stable people that nothing to crazy happened that we couldnt control on our own. The only time that something got out of hand was when my freind and her man started arguing and she got hysterical crying and then he started crying and it was one big mess and this wnet on for like 3 hours. which brings me back to my previous point.... DO NOT SURROUND YOURSELF WITH DRAMA!! that makes for a bad time.

The point of being on acid is to be happy and remain happy the entire time. stay away from places that could cause drama or unexpected events if you dont think you'd be able to handle it.

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I have tripped HUNDREDS of time in my life......wayyyyy to many to be good for me......I even got busted for selling in Texas.....but that was a long time ago.......

If you are a newbie, or you know someone tripping for the first time you must understand how powerful and potent this drug is. Just because you have or have created a high tollerance, does not mean the acid is "weak" or "dirty".

It all depends how stable you and your mind is. If you already have psychological problems, you should stay away. Also, if you are the type that gets paranoid when you take other drugs (e, pot, coke), chances are you will not have a good trip.

Acid opens up your mind and plays with your psyche, however, you must already have a strong and open mind to enjoy it fully.

If your mind is filled with negative thoughts and fears, it will just amplify these, and vice versa with positive thoughts.

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Originally posted by gambitrah

...keep them away from anything sharp...fire..cigs..lighters..

Let them have a cig.. I've had bad trips where a cig was my only link to reality and it was a must to have a cig lit until I chilled.

And I agree with a rave or club not being a good place to trip until you know how you handle it.. I had one of the worst trips of my life at a party.. thinking people were out to kill me and shit..

Trip at home with some friends (some people that have tripped if possible).. You'll feel safer than anywhere there.

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I have had a bad trip brfore both on mushrooms and acid. Both times there were people around that did not do these things and all they did was talk shit all night about how we were druggies and what not. So I really started thinking I was a loser and started crying and shit.

So basically what I am saying is do it with people that have done it before and stay away from the club scene. The best place is outside in nature where it is a peaceful enviornment. That way you can just let yourself go..........

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I've never had a bummer on acid and I have probably tripped over 100 times. The only 2 bad trips I have ever had were on mushrooms, one was so bad that i actually tried convincing a friend to kill me because I couldn't deal with it. I truly believe that there is such a thing as evil mushrooms.

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Actually, jimk, there is a strand of psychedelic mushrooms that has a sort of dark aspect to them. They are called "wavy" caps. I can't remember the scientific name for them offhand though. I have tripped hundreds of times on both mushrooms and acid, and the only bad trips i have had were from these mushrooms. One night, 2 out of 6 of us ended up having a bad trip, both completely unrelated. My friend who was tripping elsewhere, with his girlfriend alone, ate the same mushrooms and ended up having a bad trip. I really shouldn't be saying bad trip though, it is such a general term. The two "Bad" trips that I have had taught me more than any of my other trips. Psychedelics are very deep drugs, you have to be careful with them or they can bite you in the ass when you least expect it.

Oh also, if you know you are going to be tripping, bring a few xanax or valium around, they are great to take the edge off or with enough of them, knock someone out cold if necessary.

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Originally posted by xtcvitality

Oh also, if you know you are going to be tripping, bring a few xanax or valium around, they are great to take the edge off or with enough of them, knock someone out cold if necessary.

advice of the year!!

and to add to everyones good comments. Besides starting with a reasonable dose, and being in a comfortable setting, knowing what to expect is the next most important thing.

One hit of any cid is very unlikely to freek anyone out. Until you get a feel for the drug, don't get all confident you can handle anything. Its like the difference between 3 beers and 30 beers. If you feel like you want more of the effects, smoke some weed instead of taking more acid. It will intensify the effects without the long term commitment.

And as everyone said, try not to trip for your first time at a haunted house with a bunch of people you just meet.

and very importantly, know what to expect and what others have experienced. Having time loop over and over while you think you are stuck and will never come down can be pretty daunting. But if you know it happens often to people at high doses, at that it does end, it is much easier to deal with (and almost interesting)

And if you know that it can seem like an eternety between heartbeats and lots of people think their heart has stoped beating, its pretty easy to realize your being stupid when you think the same thing.

but that all said, I have seen people wigg out on E as often as I have on acid, so don't be too worried, just don't try to be a hero.

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I certainly wouldn't go out in a huge crowd for the first time. Plus, if you're down right now for any reason I wouldn't do them. You need to surround yourself with fun people who are just up for a night of laughs and possibly some positive insight. I would keep a valium on hand, just in case you feel like you're going too hard. Crush a quarter of it up and snort it and you'll be straight.

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I had a few friends over ..they thought it would be a good idea to light eachother on fire and one of them was convinced that he must finish his cigarette in the house b4 going outside to smoke...I try to discourage smokin in the house...we were like "come on lets go outside so u can smoke" he says" hang on let me finish my cig"...lol..another thought my glass topped table was a huge ashtray for some reason?!?!? He kept puttin his cigs out on it...another kept callin people on his phone..I was already paranoid that my house was being destroyed and then the thought that someone from the "outside world" would find out what we were doing really freaked me out!!! Oh well it turned out to be a pretty good nite after all of the drama...the house wasn't too bad either..everything is definently overexaggerated!

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