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ATT: Kostap you are the luckiest fuck on the planet


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Let me begin by giving a good morning HEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW to everyone in Donkeyland. Due to certain circustances I wont be able to beat the fuck out of you tonight. For the sake of everyone attending Metro dress with some type of dignity tonight. Leave your favorite french frie stained shirt at home. Treat yourself to atleast a black shirt so that the stains arent noticable you piece of shit. Next week its on motherfucker. I am 1,000 dollars richer and your able to walk around telling everyone you got your ass beat by the donkeyboy. Sorry for the inconvenience you fat piece of shit, because I know youre really looking forward to getting your ass kicked your even paying for it. P.S. shave that god for saken gottee loser. Now shut the fuck up. HEEEEEEEEE HAAAAWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! bioootch

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Youre posts lack the comedic value you are attempting to impose upon everyone. So do yourself and the rest of us all a favor and kill yourself.

Up until now it is a big joke ha ha hee haw but I think I will now actually hunt you down and beat the living fuck out of you. You are sooo fucking annoying its pathetic. You dont go to clubs you are a loser that stays home friday nights. Your friends say it your roomate says it everyone talks shit about you and thinks you are a loser but they pity you too much to tell you.

Now go fuck your mom in the ass just like i did to your sister last night.

Kosta P.

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Originally posted by kostaP

Youre posts lack the comedic value you are attempting to impose upon everyone. So do yourself and the rest of us all a favor and kill yourself.

Up until now it is a big joke ha ha hee haw but I think I will now actually hunt you down and beat the living fuck out of you. You are sooo fucking annoying its pathetic. You dont go to clubs you are a loser that stays home friday nights. Your friends say it your roomate says it everyone talks shit about you and thinks you are a loser but they pity you too much to tell you.

Now go fuck your mom in the ass just like i did to your sister last night.

Kosta P.

lmaooooo...damn I cant get enough of this battle. Shit is hilarious.

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