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Arista/Kinetic 's FAITHLESS party last night :-)

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Kicked ass cwm4.gif last Night Arista & Kinetic threw a little schindig for SISTER BLISS and MAXI JAZZ @ Touch downtown.

Sister Bliss was working the turntables last night that caused me, Steve Lau, Jackie Christie, Craig Mitchell, and some others to push business aside and dance our asses off.

I must thank Steve Lau for hooking up the open bar for everyone all night. It was great seeing industry heads be able to enjoy the music they have been bringing to people and actually dance to it.

After about 11:45 the party ended and everyone was headed to SUGAR for yet another album party.

This time to change the pace was for funky bad ass Guitar Bassist THOMAS RIBEIRO, who is usally behind the scenes but now has his own album. Thom was TINA TURNER's bassist. The album is excellent definitely pick it up!

Music all night was tight. Tonight two more parties. Two more releases and two more aspirins if these open bars keep up. cwm4.gif


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