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"Ghost ship" blah!

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What started as a movie with great potential

full of spooky classic horror movie themes

(Ghosts in the dark around every corner)

made a wrong turn and turned into a godawfull

MTV music video style action flick. The ending

(which I wont give away) was so over the top that

the entire theater just broke out laughing.

I understand that in a horror movie,

as with sci-fi and fantasy films, one must

use a suspense of disbelief. HOWEVER

when shit starts getting too far fetched

It's easy for your disbelief to turn into

mockery. Too bad, since I was really in

the mood to go see a scary film. My

date on the other hand loved it. Then

again she's kind of a recovering Goth so

I'm sure the scenes with Nine Inch nails

pounding in the background distracted her from the fact that

the plot was getting more and more rediculouse..

But that's just my opinion.

It's hard to make a good scary movie these days.

RED DRAGON for example scared the crap out of me.

Perhaps because in this day and age the monsters

and boogie men are snipers and mad men, not zombie


I'm still wanting to go see THE CIRCLE

but after blowing money on tickets and popcorn

on a bad movie I think I'll just wait for video.

Any of you seen this one yet?

(it's a good ride..but just not good

enough for my tastes. Go see it for yourselves though

and tell me what you think)

*there was a really cool preview for

the next wes Craven flick called "THEY"

that looks scary as all hell...

Perhaps I'll catch it in the UK.

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Ghost ship looks horrible, I filled out one of those surveys for it at a mall after watching a 10 minute clip a few months ago.

The Circle? Do you mean 'The Ring'? I saw it, it was decent, it take a lot to get me scared, usually weird "Twin Peaks" type shit like the dancing midget speaking in gibberish works more on me. A lot of my friends though were spooked about by the "The Ring". I'm waiting to watch the original Japanese version which I heard is better....


Originally posted by mugwump

What started as a movie with great potential

full of spooky classic horror movie themes

(Ghosts in the dark around every corner)

made a wrong turn and turned into a godawfull

MTV music video style action flick. The ending

(which I wont give away) was so over the top that

the entire theater just broke out laughing.

I understand that in a horror movie,

as with sci-fi and fantasy films, one must

use a suspense of disbelief. HOWEVER

when shit starts getting too far fetched

It's easy for your disbelief to turn into

mockery. Too bad, since I was really in

the mood to go see a scary film. My

date on the other hand loved it. Then

again she's kind of a recovering Goth so

I'm sure the scenes with Nine Inch nails

pounding in the background distracted her from the fact that

the plot was getting more and more rediculouse..

But that's just my opinion.

It's hard to make a good scary movie these days.

RED DRAGON for example scared the crap out of me.

Perhaps because in this day and age the monsters

and boogie men are snipers and mad men, not zombie


I'm still wanting to go see THE CIRCLE

but after blowing money on tickets and popcorn

on a bad movie I think I'll just wait for video.

Any of you seen this one yet?

(it's a good ride..but just not good

enough for my tastes. Go see it for yourselves though

and tell me what you think)

*there was a really cool preview for

the next wes Craven flick called "THEY"

that looks scary as all hell...

Perhaps I'll catch it in the UK.

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Originally posted by gqraver

Ghost ship looks horrible, I filled out one of those surveys for it at a mall after watching a 10 minute clip a few months ago.

The Circle? Do you mean 'The Ring'? I saw it, it was decent, it take a lot to get me scared, usually weird "Twin Peaks" type shit like the dancing midget speaking in gibberish works more on me. A lot of my friends though were spooked about by the "The Ring". I'm waiting to watch the original Japanese version which I heard is better....



"The Ring" lol..

that's what I meant.

In any case wes craven has onecalled

"THEY" coming out next month

that looks pretty fuckin creepy..


As well as "BELOW"


and then there's Steven King's;

"Dreamcatcher" that looks good for winter...

Guess I'll have to be making some

trips back to the U.S just to catch up

with the good flicks..

(Movies take forever to reach Italy..

and then they get dubbed in Italian..

Nothing funnier than watching someone like

samuel L. Jackson spewing out his

"mother fucker" lines in Italian)

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Originally posted by mugwump

(Movies take forever to reach Italy..

and then they get dubbed in Italian..

Nothing funnier than watching someone like

samuel L. Jackson spewing out his

"mother fucker" lines in Italian)

old dubbed kung-fu flicks from the 60's-70's still do the trick for me :aright:

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