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Eugene's Review

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Originally posted by deeelite1

Saturday Night was such a dissappointment I hope Eugenes gets raided and closed down Indefinately.

Thank God I was there with Alot of people otherwise I would have hung myself.

The crowd was frightening, I couldnt figure out who was dressed up and who wasn't.

As for Richie, he went on for lierally 7 seconds and just as he was warming up the other Guy (NOtice I say 'guy' and not 'dj') gets on and starts his garbage again.

TOTALLLL waste of a night.

ANd I was so beat the next day I missed Great Adventure.

Doesn't that just suck.

ok that was the funniest thing ever!

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I have never seen someone look so miserable one second and than turns into the energizer bunny......are you sure it was 7 songs....I think I heard only 5.......by that time the "other dj" was already planning his next set of "jump around", "u cant touch this", and "the humpty dance"......alright no more thinking about it because I am only going to anger myself again!!! hope to see you out again soon (november 15th....starring roddigga)

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I'll count them

WideLife - I dont Want You

Oscar G - with Reina Accapella

then the Jonathan Remix of Reina

Superchumbo Irresistable

Danny Woo's Lady

and there was one or 2 others that I dont remember but THAT WAS IT.

Poor Richie.. I felt so bad for him.. I thought it was so funny, his first song he started to rip it up like within the first 5 seconds. awww.

The worst part was I got so excited SiscoKid and I moved the table out of the way to dance, by the time we figured it all out we were listening to CAN'T TOUCH THIS.

wha the fuggg?

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Originally posted by dondiezel26

Originally posted by deeelite1

Saturday Night was such a dissappointment I hope Eugenes gets raided and closed down Indefinately.

Thank God I was there with Alot of people otherwise I would have hung myself.

The crowd was frightening, I couldnt figure out who was dressed up and who wasn't.

As for Richie, he went on for lierally 7 seconds and just as he was warming up the other Guy (NOtice I say 'guy' and not 'dj') gets on and starts his garbage again.

TOTALLLL waste of a night.

ANd I was so beat the next day I missed Great Adventure.

deeelite you were the life of the party and one of the bright spots of the night......a dancing kareoke machine......and you are right....if we werent with a group of friends I would have held my breath and suffocated myself in disappointment

oh so you wanna know what i thaught of EUGENE'S on saturday.............AND THANKS deeelite and dondiezel for saying alot of what i was thinking already and thank GOD i didn't have work on MONDAY cause i would have made sure that no one ever went back for that horror show of a venue, i still had a blast w/ all our friends..............don't get me wrong though it's always a matter of who your with to have a good time and thank GOD i went w/ all my friends or the AMERICAN's in the place would have been out numbered by the TALIBAN that decided to show up and plan there next bombing, thanks OSAMA for sending the troops, next time tell them not to wear the turbans cause they stuck out like a sore thumb!!i walked into 20 terbans all jumping around and smiling to "let's get physical" by olivia newton john!!!..., atfollowed by hip hop that the DJ decided to throw on and off right in the middle of the song..........let me tell you this much, "we are the champions" by queen doesn't mix well w/ "BIGGY" but nice try though DJ!!!!............and when i walked in RICHIE was pissed b/c he knew that if it wasn't for him half those people wouldn't have shown up!!!! and don't say daylight savings screwed everything all up cause come on now, we've been living on this earth for how long now??, we all know that we put the clocks back 1 HOUR!!! and the promoters and owners should have know that the crowd was there to hear richie, not DJ OSAMA!!! your telling me you pay that DJ, i felt like there was a freaken JUPE BOX in the corner and the thugs, terbs, and amercian's all were talking turns picking music!!!! awful, and when richie finally came on the people that were actually there to hear him and show the support left cause they were soooo pissed, and richie played for a whole hour!!!! whoa one hour, it was better off he played for and hour b/c if RICHIE played to his potential and played what he wanted to play the speakers would have blown and i wold have def had to choke myself cause the sound system was horrible!!!!!!! thank god for the crew i was with, and all the beautiful women from jersey and the fact that it was my roomates b-day or i would have helped the terbs blow the joint!!!!.........and to the promoters: we got a table and the bouncer said he was giving us six comps cause we were getting the table, yeah sure!!! we all paid full price/ or reduced, it's not about paying but don't tell us these are comps and when we get to the door we all paid reduced and the rest of out party paid full!! good job, great party.......... and from the look on RICHIE and PETIE'S face they were a little upset to, hey richie still luv ya man, but RUN RICH, RUN, while you got the chance, or tell these promoters how it is and tell them you play when you want!!!! just from someone who see's things from the partyers point of view not from the promoters side, the people at the party don't care what goes on behind the sceens, we see it how it is, and it was horrible.........................PEACE------------------------->

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The promoters have nothing to do with this,,all we did was promote the party and a few things didnt go as they should...I dont see the whole entire crowd that went to the venue complaining. We are NOT MANAGEMENT to say what goes in any venue, all we can do is pass on the feedback that we got from everyone. And we got good and bad responses, just cause a few people say it wasnt good didnt mean it sucked,,the venue was packed and thats all it counts. I was a bit upset for the fact RICHIE didnt go on earlier, alot of people came to me and asked the same [?]. All we kept hearing was "he's coming on soon". My mind wasnt on the music it was on my guests that attended the venue.

If anyone is gonna complain big time about a venue, complain about it if NO ONE attended it or it was too hot or too small. The venue turned out good. I know the hip hop music lasted too long and everyone wanted to hear Richie. But from the looks of everyone posts people said they were there for like 4 hours, shit if I didnt like were I was at, my ass wouldnt be there for 4 hours. My ass would of left the moment I got there.

Victor Soto

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hey, i was asked my thaughts and those were my thaughts, i understnd what it's like to be a promoter to have nights not go too well for everybody, and it's impossible to make everyone happy............... i like richie and i don't want sit hear and bash the place b/c i want to see him do well at the club he is spinning at, and if i do hear that he is supposed to spin the entire night i will go back b/c you guys def brought in very HOT CHICAS, and the place looked good.......and who cares if bruce springstein is blaring at 1:30 a.m. at a club, followed by "when doves cry"right??? fuck it......long live EUGENE'S!!!!!!!!!!..........but about opening night, for richie..... i know a lot of people weren't too happy.......good luck

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Eugene's sucked. The place is nice but the music sucked. (Not Rydell) There were so many towel heads there. I think it was because Bin Ladden was spinning. Watch out for flying records, there is a mad man on the mic. I have never heard such a mix of shit. Has anyone heard the new mix of AC/DC and Prince, its hot. I heard better music at my high school prom. There were some hotties there, but everyone started to leave when the real music came on.

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