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pvd tonight....

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EW YORK, NEW YORK. After a capacity performance at The Roxy on Friday, 11.1

PvD returns to Gotham for another round. This past Friday, the air inside

The Roxy was thick and wet with the perspiration of thousands of bodies

dancing. One look out onto the dancefloor and the PvD magic of yesteryear

was still to be found in the thousands of smiling faces. There's a certain

connection between PvD and his New York audience. The ones who waited 2+

hours in snow, sleet rain at Twilo's doors every two months. The ones who

ventured to Sound Factory and then to Exit to seek out his sound this past

year. It's been four 1/2 long months since he's been in town and the

audience was hungry for the strains of his unique sound and energy-driven

tracks. A special mash-up of Delirium's 'Silence' and PvD classic 'For An

Angel' made for a memorable night along with a PvD special remix of Sasha's

'Wavy Gravy.' A bit of creative synergy from the world's best DJs. Paul van

Dyk rocked The Roxy for 6+ hours in grand fashion for a truly amazing night

of dancing and New York energy with PvD at the helm.

Tonight, he returns to play a charity event on arc's spectacular new sound

system. The renovations, the lights, and sound will make for an

extraordinary special night with the #4 DJ in the world (DJ Magazine -

www.djmag.com). Please join us tonight for an encore gig featuring Paul van


Sorry That was longer than I thought.

I want to go back so bad:mad: This pretty much summarizes what it was like friday nite..I got lost in the lights on the dancefloor for a good 2hrs. At least It felt like two hours.

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Originally posted by angelicious

I saw posted it is $10 bucks, just want to make sure.

and it is going to be CRAZY Pack, right?

If it is anything like friday, I would have to say PACKED...Especially if its $10 and 18 to get in.(not sure about the age.

Friday it was so hot in there- I had some random girl walk up to me with napkins to wipe me down.:(

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Originally posted by angelicious

I saw posted it is $10 bucks, just want to make sure.

and it is going to be CRAZY Pack, right?

yes $10, no lists or anything.. it is all for some chairty... and I am sure it will be packed, but topping friday night (from what I hear, I wasn't there) will be tough... remember, it is a MONDAY night...

It is one thing to go out all night on a Thursday, when you only have one day left... another to try and do it on a Monday and get through the week.......

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Originally posted by angelicious

OK PVD Crew, I will be going, hope to meet you there.

My pic is on that stupid hottie of the month thing, lol. I will be wearing a white v-neck top with jeans. Hope to meet some cp heads. buh bye.


you are a crackhead it is FUCKIUNG Monday night dont you have work tomorrow

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Originally posted by angelicious

OK PVD Crew, I will be going, hope to meet you there.

My pic is on that stupid hottie of the month thing, lol. I will be wearing a white v-neck top with jeans. Hope to meet some cp heads. buh bye.


so Crowded I was lucky to be able to find my friends.... He was AMAZING... so much enrgy, although I danced so much I feelee like I got beat up.... lol

Maybe another time....

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All I have to say is that I hardly know as much about DJ's and music as some people but PVD was amazing!

Got there around 9ish and they started letting people in shortly there after...when PVD came on at 10, the place erupted! It got packed quick and the vibe was insane!

Now I have seen some of the best DJ's out there...DT, Cox, Howells, Deep Dish, etc.......and I lived for Vinyl on Friday's nights last winter for DT but the energy for PVD was 10 times more amazing than anything I have ever seen at Vinyl!

I might even go as far as to say it compares to the Tempts closing party craziness/vibe...hahha..seriously though after last night the hard core PVD fans react to his music like no other...the couple hours I was there he kept me moving the whole time..what loved is that as soon as I found myself getting a little tiresome of a song he came on with something else, built it up and blew it up again!

This night was easily worth my $10!


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