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Jan 2001 Issue - feat: Jonathan Peters


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4 1 1 * N I G H T L I F E * O N L I N E




Issue 2 - January 2001


COVER STORY: J o n a t h a n P e t e r s -

* In today’s nightlife industry - where a DJ can become as big a star as the artist whose songs they spin - Jonathan Peters is one talent whose star is definitely on the rise. A major attraction in New York City... http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/cover.shtml

Win a T-Shirt from Jonathan Peters record label, Deeper Rekords. To win one of these exclusive T-shirts, just follow the link below and register to be a member of the 411 Nightlife Message Board Community. http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/cgi-bin/UltraBoard/UltraBoard.cgi?action=Register


NIGHTCLUB SPOTLIGHT: T h e E x c h a n g e -

* The Exchange is located in downtown Boston at 148 State Street right next to Fanueil Hall and Quincy Market. Three separate dance floors and six function areas are available with a total capacity of over 600.... http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/spotlight.shtml


MUSIC REVIEWS: D J M a n o l o -

* Manolo is a resident DJ at club Avalon on Thursday and Saturday nights and is the owner of The Sound Factory music store with locations in Allston and inside the Avalon nightclub. See what nasty choons he picked just for you this month! http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/reviews_jan2001.shtml


MIXING IT UP BOSTON STYLE: K l u b D i v a K a r a

* Klub diva Kara gives the low-down on the club scene here in Boston. You can be sure if there's a party, Kara will be there. Be sure to drop her a line and say hello to the newest addition of the 411 Nightlife editorial staff. http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/mixing.shtml


PHOTO GALLERY: C l u b P h o t o s -

* 411's roving photographer frequents all the hottest Boston clubs and nightspots. See if he caught you throwing up in the bathroom, cheating on your boyfriend or dancing with toilet paper stuck to your Steve Maddens... http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/photogallery.shtml


BOSTON'S Hottest Message Board -

* Join us for Boston's most provocative message board where your opinion will be immortalized for centuries to come. Think ecstasy has changed clubbing? Can't stand Disco-House? Log-on, log-in and let the games begin... http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/cgi-bin/UltraBoard/UltraBoard.cgi


* Weekly Club Listings -

By far the most complete and up-to-date club listings ever compiled for the city of Boston! http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/clublistings.shtml

* Club Directory -

The 411 on every single nightspot in the greater Boston Area. http://www.411nightlifeonline.com/clubdirectory.shtml

* VIP <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> Guestlists</A> sponsored by Bostonclubs.com, 411 Nightlife Links, 411 Quick Polls and much more... what are you waiting for!


(The printed version of 411 Nightlife hits the streets of Boston on Jan. 1st, 2001. Look for it in your favorite Boston nightclub, record store or lounge)


4 1 1 * N I G H T L I F E * O N L I N E

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