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My Thoughts on limelight...oh wait estate

Guest distort909

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Guest distort909

the hippodrome is that bad?????

wow then..................like i said hopefully it will get dirty with time but it still isnt limeight anymore

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it aint limelight....i liked the changes....only cause i let go of the club when it first closed in 96...i didint even go back untill, like a year or so ago, just to support the global bass party, and cause i use to "fuck" "date" "whatever" one of the dj's that was booked, and yea i sorta dont wanna get into the Drama of it again, but its nice inside, the lights are great the sound is good, n its another room that NY needs ya know....i was drunk, and felt the dance floor seemed larger, but after being there sunday night, it deff feels a little smaller....but supposdly that will change, i guess lots of people are complaing about booths near dancefloor n such blab bla....so well see.....

i do miss the old limelight, but what could be worse is if it was

i dont know a Resturant.........like it was suppose TO BE....lol

so, im happy its still a CLUB, n its still around.....even if it does sorta look like a new exit.....but im sure it will get dirty real soon...lol plus victer's new resident looks kinda nice, i had a great time there sunday night, but fri n sat will DEFF BE DFFERENT compared to the gay sunday party.....


**********? when did u work there....

we prob know each other, i ran the door for a little while there...

prior 96".................

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Guest distort909

from 96 back i used to do list for various promoters..

mr December, totaly todd & orbie......blah blah blah............

promote with rainbow brite..................& supported one of my closest friends gonzo ...................we did the hardcore parties in the library on thursdays...............

then after 96 went over to tunnel...............worked there for mike francis...............then eventualy started to do my own parties @ limelight & tunnel...............

now i work at watts music inc..........music music music

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Guest distort909

it was a family back then..............somethingthat is totaly lacking from the club scene today.............u name me one club now tht you can go to every night & have diffrent experience then the last :)

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