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Everyone is stupid except for me

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I was taking a diagnostic MCAT practice exam the other day when this dumb bitch in front of me got up and asked the professor how to do a problem on the test. She has a pretty nasty smile, which has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, but it was pissing me off so I thought I'd mention it. Anyway, back to how stupid she is. During the test, she got up at least 8 times to ask the professor for help with her test; she even asked how to do the same problem twice.

I could have sworn I heard the professor muttering "you dumb bitch" under his breath as she walked away, but then I realized it was just me. If I was the professor, I'd have answered her question with a jab to the kidney. "Sit down dumbass," I'd have said, as I kicked her rotund ass back to her seat.

All throughout the test, one moron after another (all aspiring to go to med school too) got up and asked the professor stupid questions. By the way, the next time I hear someone say "there's no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people" they're going to get a mouth full of my foot. I'm tired of people and their clever little sayings. Stupid questions do exist. For example, any question directed towards me starting with the words "why should I...", the answer is always: because I said so, asshole. Also, I'm pretty damn sick of these stupid game shows titled with rhetorical questions. They should make a new game show called "Who Wants To Avoid Pissing Me Off," a show in which contestants compete with each other to avoid pissing me off, which only pisses me off more and I end up ripping everyone a new asshole at the end of the show. Everyone is a loser on my game show.

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Originally posted by shlonger

I was taking a diagnostic MCAT practice exam the other day when this dumb bitch in front of me got up and asked the professor how to do a problem on the test. She has a pretty nasty smile, which has nothing to do with what I'm talking about, but it was pissing me off so I thought I'd mention it. Anyway, back to how stupid she is. During the test, she got up at least 8 times to ask the professor for help with her test; she even asked how to do the same problem twice.

I could have sworn I heard the professor muttering "you dumb bitch" under his breath as she walked away, but then I realized it was just me. If I was the professor, I'd have answered her question with a jab to the kidney. "Sit down dumbass," I'd have said, as I kicked her rotund ass back to her seat.

All throughout the test, one moron after another (all aspiring to go to med school too) got up and asked the professor stupid questions. By the way, the next time I hear someone say "there's no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people" they're going to get a mouth full of my foot. I'm tired of people and their clever little sayings. Stupid questions do exist. For example, any question directed towards me starting with the words "why should I...", the answer is always: because I said so, asshole. Also, I'm pretty damn sick of these stupid game shows titled with rhetorical questions. They should make a new game show called "Who Wants To Avoid Pissing Me Off," a show in which contestants compete with each other to avoid pissing me off, which only pisses me off more and I end up ripping everyone a new asshole at the end of the show. Everyone is a loser on my game show.


dude...you need to take a chill pill...you got to much anger and aggression bottled up inside. you should jerk off more often...let all the built up fustrations out. you may be a little smarter than some people and all that but, CAN YOU KICK MY ASS!?!?!?:hat:

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Yes, most definitely can, but do I want to??? Probably not.

Most of the jerkoffs on the board, such as yourself, don't know where the fine line between humor and seriousness is drawn, at least with regards to my posts. Sure I may be the best looking, smartest, and best, but I like others to wonder if I'm joking when I post something like this. Remember my sn is shlonger, and sometimes I have to live up to my name by being a dick. With that, I leave you with a big FUCK YOU.[

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go fist yourself and your dead aunt you pencil pushin feg!!! look everyone its a reincarnation of albert einstein w/ a little bit of antonio sabato jr. you deffinitly need to get your balls kicked into your throat one time. then maybe YOU will get some common sense knocked into that biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig brain of yours. ;)

you little fucker...i hope you fail your tests and start suckin dirty dick for drug money. :finger2:

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go fist yourself and your dead aunt you pencil pushin feg!!! look everyone its a reincarnation of albert einstein w/ a little bit of antonio sabato jr. you deffinitly need to get your balls kicked into your throat one time. then maybe YOU will get some common sense knocked into that biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig brain of yours. ;)

you little fucker...i hope you fail your tests and start suckin dirty dick for drug money. :finger2:

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A Few Thoughts...

#1. Tripper: Having gone to one of the Best Liberal Arts Colleges in the country while also playing football and shaping my physique...I my friend was also a "Pencil Pusher." ...whatever that means....you fucking loser. I take offense to your pathetic uneducated slang.... please note that I have the ability to snap your torso over my knee and end your already miserable life....You sound like an uneducated jealous individual that has lost touch with reality...So please step the fuck back and let me inform you that you have crossed the line and insulted a fellow brother of the most elite alliance this board has ever witnessed. If you respond to this post please take your time, think each sentence out and becareful with what you say....

#2. Shlonger...I can relate to your problem...last June when the Russell 2000 was being rebalanced, another trader and I were executing Closing Orders...this fucking idiot miss counted by 1,700,000+ shares that we were supposed to sell on the close...To make a long story short we Closed the Stock down 50% of the value...The company wanted an SEC investigation into what had happened...after Questioned by Stockwatch, The SEC and the Exchange President...it was revealed that the other trader had miss counted and he was fired...The point is Stupid People drive me crazy this asshole almost cost me my JOB...i left anyway because my boss committed Suicide a week later after the Russell Rebalancing...Fact! Once the SEC came down he knew there would be more to follow.....

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tripper....why don't you go throw on some greatful dead and read some poetry, either way, get the fuck off this board if you think you're gonna come on here telling people like shlonger what he can and can't say. you're entering hostile territory with a mouth like that son. learn what is for fun and what is business around here and then come back and plead for GV and the donkeys to allow you back.

stacked...you shoulda just choked the life outta that kid anyway for putting your job on the line.

shlonger...halo violation was a killer. i had nightmares about that shit last night.

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Tripper, this is my last acknowledgement of your pathetic, inconsequential existence. I'm not going to bother going back and forth with you because it would just be a waste of my valuable time. If you come at me again, you only serve to emasculate yourself; but at least you did notice my resemblance to sabato jr.

Stacked, I can always count on you to keep everything in order while I get my unnecessary beauty sleep. But, I'd hate to see you snap another torso over your knee. Remember all the court and lawyer fees the last time that happened? Considering I will be in Brazil, come back for the Big East tournament, then go to Vegas in March, who will I rely on to take the reigns of our empire if you go through that again?

Pipdaddy, as much as I like ya, you're gonna get a mouth full of my foot. I said I'd do it, so now I have to. The donkeys will think I've gone soft if I don't. So sorry bro.

Dogekid, it was the blocked field goal that killed us. We needed the points, so that uncalled halo violation was good in a way.

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aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...yous can all go screw your dogs for all i care...elite of what...a message board...lmao...a message board!!!!!! you guys are too cool for me...as for the donkey bunch...yeah nice choice to name yourselves cause thats what yous are a bunch of jackasses!!!!!! ;)

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Originally posted by tripper

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...yous can all go screw your dogs for all i care...elite of what...a message board...lmao...a message board!!!!!! you guys are too cool for me...as for the donkey bunch...yeah nice choice to name yourselves cause thats what yous are a bunch of jackasses!!!!!! ;)

i don't have a dog, she moved to chicago.

jackasses!! ha ha ha, like as in donkeys are jackasses!! i get it. you're a really funny person. i like funny people like you. can we be friends?

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Originally posted by dogekid

i don't buy it. what's up your sleeve little one? i think you're threatened by the emergence of somegirl, although her acceptance into GV is yet to be determined.

I don't want to be a threat to anyone! Can't we all just get along??:(


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Originally posted by dogekid

i don't buy it. what's up your sleeve little one? i think you're threatened by the emergence of somegirl, although her acceptance into GV is yet to be determined.

I don't want to be a threat to anyone! Can't we all just get along??:(


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Shlonger...Brazil? Excellent choice...Yes we will have to figure out who will lead the Alliance into the New Year....I have a few outside sources who may fit the job and am currently recruiting them to join the Most Dominant Force CP has ever seen....most of you idiots would have wrote "scene"...Anyway, myself and Donkeyboy along with a few other muscle bound freaks will be at Metro Lounge (TGI Fridays on Crack playing house music) this Friday...please come prepared....I expect vein popping pumps and only the best selection of clothing....

Dogekid...Always a pleasure to read your posts...This Tripper guy needs to recognize our power and submit to the Alliance...He needs to stop dropping acid, stop wearing 2nd hand clothes and stop getting the munchies while listening to the unpleasant sounds of Jerry Garcia....We will speak soon Dogekid...

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Originally posted by dogekid

i don't buy it. what's up your sleeve little one? i think you're threatened by the emergence of somegirl, although her acceptance into GV is yet to be determined.

Nuttin up my sleeve.;)

No threat, I mean come on now, who do u know that meets you for the first time and tells you, you and your whole crew are evil, ME:D ;)

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I had no clue that people could create a virtual clique! Sounds like a steroid frenzy-The worst kind of musclehead there is -is a smart one. If you guys would like, for the right amount of cash, I can surgically attach a monkeys nut to your left cheek. Also, I can give you a oral shit injection that should last for about a month.

I am the Octogynecologist---and you are FUBU!

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Originally posted by angelicious

Nuttin up my sleeve.;)

No threat, I mean come on now, who do u know that meets you for the first time and tells you, you and your whole crew are evil, ME:D ;)

more evil comin atcha this friday little one. be prepared.

droctogon...there is no classification for our kind. as for the surgery, i'd like a pair of D size tits attached to my forearm so i can sleep more comfortably at work.

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