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Just saw Lord of the Rings

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I know, I know.....3 lashings from the bus/roddigga for posting such a "Slinky Thread"........but I can take it!!!

I just got back from a matinee of Lord of the Rings......fawken awesome.......also to let all you movie crackheads in on some news.........the prequel to dumb and dumber comes out this summer.....it is called "When Harry met Lloyd".....how awesome is that!!!!! Peace fools!!!!

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first of all you did not post a movie review and tell people you assiciate yourself w/ us.............your 2 cent on lord of the cockrings would prob be great converstaion while you are on line with the rest of the slinkies waiting to be tossed down the steps!!! but not here deizel..........you are forgiven since you know your role!!!!

and don't tease a brotha about "when harry met lloyd" cause i'm getting a box of goobers and a large coke now to wait outside loews theatre till that comes out............

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Originally posted by dondiezel26

I know, I know.....3 lashings from the bus/roddigga for posting such a "Slinky Thread"........but I can take it!!!

I just got back from a matinee of Lord of the Rings......fawken awesome.......also to let all you movie crackheads in on some news.........the prequel to dumb and dumber comes out this summer.....it is called "When Harry met Lloyd".....how awesome is that!!!!! Peace fools!!!!

yeah don't tease about "when harry met lloyd" you fucking homo...

btw, this is jeff and you are not diesel so you should remove that shit from your name, HAHA!!

you coming out for ericone-giant-freckle's b-day saturday or what broooooooo??

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dinklebells, pls take it easy on veradeisel, he is not a HOMO yet, he is still a MOHO, for the definition of MOHO vera, check past threads.............he is still new to the game thier for needs to interact w/ society by bringing up non-sense topics such as "hey CP i just baught a cockring" or "i'm sitting on my thumbs right now, who wants to pill my finger?"

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