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US Propoganda...


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anybody else notice that there are more and more shady stories about iraq and other things surfacing....seems like the US is trying to gain momentum and support for the war....interesting to say the least...anybody notice this??

iraq going to use scorched earth tactic....

money-laundering cell busted in texas...

couple other things...

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Yeah. I mean, did you hear Ari Fletcher speak today. I mean, if they were all about consulting with thier allies and such, and really cared about the U.N. Security Council, why would they give most of thier allies and EDITED version of Saddam's report. Of course this is only if they cared what they thought, which they don't, as they had said repeatedly said that they would go without the U.N's support. Then why give them the report in the first place?....and an edited one for that matter....fishy fishy fishy...


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Originally posted by underwater

anybody else notice that there are more and more shady stories about iraq and other things surfacing....seems like the US is trying to gain momentum and support for the war....interesting to say the least...anybody notice this??

iraq going to use scorched earth tactic....

money-laundering cell busted in texas...

couple other things...

i was trying to explain this to my friend today...definitely seems like the news nowadays on cnn, msnbc, etc are using propoganda to motivate the people into thinking a certain way about the war...that is not a big surprise, this is how politics works...getting the masses to think the way you do....but why is it all seem like such a big deal now..this shit has been going on for years now...in the 90's there were several islamic charities and organizations under FBI surveillance for things of this nature...

sometimes i honestly get scared when i think about how the world might become in the next few decades....

i also think that many people haven't thought too much into this...and maybe they should, for their world might come to a abrupt stop....

or maybe i am rambling at this point...

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Like, duh!

Anyway, all of this shit is a huge mistake. For the third time in the last 60 years (cold war, war on drugs, war on terrorism), we have an American president, in an effort to boost his popularity ratings, starting up a "war" that will just drain public funds and infringe on personal liberty while being entirely unwinnable. I understand Afghanistan. I even understand, a little bit, the crackdown on 'terrorist cells' within the US (I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they've all been real threats so far). However, there's just no connection here. Bush is picking a fight because Saddam threatened his daddy, and while the American public has seen so much 'evidence' of Saddam's wrongdoings, there's a reason why most of the rest of the world is still skeptical. If you're going to go after Saddam, at least do it because of his genocide against the Kurds, not on trumped up weapons charges that are obviously full of shit....

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Originally posted by brickhouse

Like, duh!

Anyway, all of this shit is a huge mistake. For the third time in the last 60 years (cold war, war on drugs, war on terrorism), we have an American president, in an effort to boost his popularity ratings, starting up a "war" that will just drain public funds and infringe on personal liberty while being entirely unwinnable. I understand Afghanistan. I even understand, a little bit, the crackdown on 'terrorist cells' within the US (I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they've all been real threats so far). However, there's just no connection here. Bush is picking a fight because Saddam threatened his daddy, and while the American public has seen so much 'evidence' of Saddam's wrongdoings, there's a reason why most of the rest of the world is still skeptical. If you're going to go after Saddam, at least do it because of his genocide against the Kurds, not on trumped up weapons charges that are obviously full of shit....

cheers! :aright::clap:

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