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att: digga and bus

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Originally posted by trewguy

your subjects have been really annoying me i think it is time for u guys to quit posting get into a car and crash head on into a boulder going 80+ miles an hour hey guys remember do not buckle up

That wasn’t very nice :nono: I happen to love what they post it makes the day go by . . .you should apologize

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I find your inability to effetively relay information or convey your feelings of anger via e-mail to be subpar to the norm here in my world..

And furthermore.. I find it amusing that you finally come up with some balls to be honest, only to fully embaress yourself online...

For all to see...

You should really be more careful with who you step on while climbing the CP ladder old friend.. you may be seeing some of them again on your way down..

Remember.. It was none other than Mr Digga and the Bus that let you live after performing the dry hump on Digga's leg, and drooling all over Bus' new Deizel shirt....

Very risky actions CP Fool....

Now go cuddle up in your mommies arms and ask for a suck from her nipple you wet handi-wipe...

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

I find your inability to effetively relay information or convey your feelings of anger via e-mail to be subpar to the norm here in my world..

And furthermore.. I find it amusing that you finally come up with some balls to be honest, only to fully embaress yourself online...

For all to see...

You should really be more careful with who you step on while climbing the CP ladder old friend.. you may be seeing some of them again on your way down..

Remember.. It was none other than Mr Digga and the Bus that let you live after performing the dry hump on Digga's leg, and drooling all over Bus' new Deizel shirt....

Very risky actions CP Fool....

Now go cuddle up in your mommies arms and ask for a suck from her nipple you wet handi-wipe...

HOW CAN YOU NOT LUV THAT. . .:laugh::clap::laugh:

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Originally posted by freindlynarc


Lets yeild to the subject you are talking about and move it to drugs!

DO you guys know where i can score some crank?

yea 163 and fort washinton in washington heights

go into the bulding and tell them u know trewguy

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I have not dropped one dime on drugs since my warm welcomed initiation into the CP Commune...

Just walk up to any member of CP, give em a hearty two-fold hug and say...

"Why hello my good CP Commicator from the Message board, would you have a bump???"

all while performing the patented "Air Type" in typical CP intoductary form...

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Originally posted by trewguy

your subjects have been really annoying me i think it is time for u guys to quit posting get into a car and crash head on into a boulder going 80+ miles an hour hey guys remember do not buckle up

trewguy, run bunny, run, don't let that wall stop you just try running through it, it will be less painfull than the short flight of steps that you will tumble down............

a simple reply to one of your stupid threads and hello from me and the bus does not give you permission to act funny....leave that to us, next time i see you out make sure you wear a pair of depends it will absorb the shit stains!!!!!

and to my friendlynarc, PM osb, did you get that osb, ask him for drugs!!!!! this is a drug free school zone fool, the only drugs i take is prozak, it's so i don't go adolph on poor little lambs like trewguy!!!!!

so trewguy enjoy your box of snowcaps and your diet coke b/c the show just began pal...................going 80 in a car and smacking into a boulder is part of our past now, we enjoy standing in front of those cars hoping just to get hit!!!!!

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Rod and I decided it would be safer on our new wardrobe NOT to hit Metro and be slobbered on by yourself and the K-Squad....

Once you guys are properly equipped with muzzles and baby bibs... then we will bless you with our presence...

I understand that it sometimes becomes difficult for you common folk to contain yourselves when surrounded by greatness, such as myself and Digga.. but you must learn control...

Let me help you get thing started...

Repeat after me...

"I will not dry hump Mr. Digga's leg...."

"I will not dry hump Mr. Digga's leg...."

"I will not dry hump Mr. Digga's leg...."


"I will not drool on Bus' clothes..."

"I will not drool on Bus' clothes..."

"I will not drool on Bus' clothes..."

Keep going...

"I promise not to bump myself into a state of Corkiness.."

"I promise not to bump myself into a state of Corkiness.."

"I promise not to bump myself into a state of Corkiness.."

Practice until you have this down and fully programmed into your memory banks...

Oh yeah, some good news for ya Trew...

Rod and I recieved an A+ on our research project....

We have officially proven that the use of Ketamine will in fact put the user into a state of Temporary Down's Syndrome...

Fully reversible of course... the user will return to his/her normal self within 3 hrs of the last bump....


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We are going to need a ref for sure for the fight tonight....

Not between myself and Trew though....

I am single handedly taken on Latinaz tonight kids...

Defending title as King of my own Ring...

Can you handle 8-9 rounds with the champ girl???

Tell Star to get her whistle ready....

You guys better load up on water and pedialite today...

Try to hydrate yourselves before the big match...


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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

We are going to need a ref for sure for the fight tonight....

Not between myself and Trew though....

I am single handedly taken on Latinaz tonight kids...

Defending title as King of my own Ring...

Can you handle 8-9 rounds with the champ girl???

Tell Star to get her whistle ready....

You guys better load up on water and pedialite today...

Try to hydrate yourselves before the big match...


ITS ON!!!!:box:


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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

There is no finishing until the sun comes up and its time for feeding....

Make sure you have your cane placed next to the bed so you can walk me to your door the next morning...

Its all or nuttin my little Latin Grape....


:jawdrop::mad::spank: BAD BOY!!


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