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Time to put wakeup tosleep ha!

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hahahh yeah that's what i thought you fucking trash talking pussy. :punch:

Check out the PM this legend just sent me:

wakeup wrote on 12-26-2002 012:59 PM:

Hey Notalthere,

That post wasn't against you. showmanship you know?! Just chill out I am not looking to fight you. I didn't mean to offend you in anyway.

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Originally posted by notallthere

hahahh yeah that's what i thought you fucking trash talking pussy. :punch:

Check out the PM this legend just sent me:

now u show what a pussy u really are, makin up pms i sent u. now ill make a concerted effort to find u and bitch slap u sometime after new yrs u fuckin pussy.

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congrats cause now ur stick figure self is done, nice for u to have a wannabe njguido website with ur doofy pic all over to make friends. cause i promise u,u wont know when i hit u. u better hope someone who knows me points out im there before i find u. i

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Originally posted by wakeup

congrats cause now ur stick figure self is done, nice for u to have a wannabe njguido website with ur doofy pic all over to make friends. cause i promise u,u wont know when i hit u. u better hope someone who knows me points out im there before i find u. i

hahaha make up pm's!??! You just sent it to me! I got people here at work that are on the board that will vouch for me.. Don't lie .. I know you didn't think i would post it.

Now i thought you just got done saying that everyone on cp is a nerd and that where stupid for having meetups.. Why on earth would you care that i have publicly mocked your silly nigger ass in front of them??

And as far as me not knowing what hit me? I could care less because ill let you beat me i wont even lift a fist. Ill just laugh all the way to the bank. I didn't realize you where that stupid to threaten me over the internet. Let me give you a little lesson about the internet. IP addresses are traceable to your provider and to the registered user that is on that provider (you) cp keeps track of everyone's IP. Your threats of bodily harm are Easley submissable in court as evidence . I think i better go report them now to my local police station and have them contact clubplanet.com and get your information

have a nice day sucker.

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Originally posted by notallthere

hahaha make up pm's!??! You just sent it to me! I got people here at work that are on the board that will vouch for me.. Don't lie .. I know you didn't think i would post it.

Now i thought you just got done saying that everyone on cp is a nerd and that where stupid for having meetups.. Why on earth would you care that i have publicly mocked your silly nigger ass in front of them??

And as far as me not knowing what hit me? I could care less because ill let you beat me i wont even lift a fist. Ill just laugh all the way to the bank. I didn't realize you where that stupid to threaten me over the internet. Let me give you a little lesson about the internet. IP addresses are traceable to your provider and to the registered user that is on that provider (you) cp keeps track of everyone's IP. Your threats of bodily harm are Easley submissable in court as evidence . I think i better go report them now to my local police station and have them contact clubplanet.com and get your information

have a nice day sucker.

who sounds like the pussy now, u fuckin 6 3 120 lb herb hahahahah. ill search ur ip and sue u. figures ud know that and mention it of course, u fuckin pussy just shows i was right. u wish id pm u sayin i didnt want to start shit. hahahhaa keep posting ur corniness cause everyone but ur "CP"friends get a huge laugh what a loser u and most are on here

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Originally posted by wakeup

who sounds like the pussy now, u fuckin 6 3 120 lb herb hahahahah. ill search ur ip and sue u. figures ud know that and mention it of course, u fuckin pussy just shows i was right. u wish id pm u sayin i didnt want to start shit. hahahhaa keep posting ur corniness cause everyone but ur "CP"friends get a huge laugh what a loser u and most are on here

First off I knew you would deny that PM after i BLEW up your spot like that. But i figured what the hell i still want to post it.

A pussy? No, I am not scared to die and defiantly not to fight. I actually embrace it. Although i am not a violent person unless i am first attacked. But when i see a golden opportunity to make some fast cash presented by a moron like yourself i have so seize it, it is in my nature. See things like this is what make people like me successful and people like you porters.

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Originally posted by notallthere

First off I knew you would deny that PM after i BLEW up your spot like that. But i figured what the hell i still want to post it.

A pussy? No, I am not scared to die and defiantly not to fight. I actually embrace it. Although i am not a violent person unless i am first attacked. But when i see a golden opportunity to make some fast cash presented by a moron like yourself i have so seize it, it is in my nature. See things like this is what make people like me successful and people like you porters.

right :laugh: :laugh: u are so corny and u even waste ur time to concock stories on a messageboard. ur still a pussy but im done w/ u, see u at metro sometime after the new yr.

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Originally posted by imnakedritenow

I'll be there too to break a bottle off your head.

how cute his friend comes to defend him, ur the other tough guy in his pic. u guys look real intimidating i take back everything i said :laugh: keep workin on ur website w/ club pics on it u fags. ur the type who were abused in high school who now think their tough guys cause they meet new people off a messageboard who dont know their sorry past. ur right u would need a bottle typical thing a pussy would do. this board is so amusing.

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500


Wakeup is good peeps. No drama.

Yeah brian he is a real nice guy,,,

remember this all started because he made a picture mocking saleen.

That has got to make him feel like shit abut himself. How would you like it if the shoe was on the other foot?

I cant stand that shit. He seems like a little dick to me.

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Originally posted by notallthere

Yeah brian he is a real nice guy,,,

remember this all started because he made a picture mocking saleen.

That has got to make him feel like shit abut himself. How would you like it if the shoe was on the other foot?

I cant stand that shit. He seems like a little dick to me.

if u knew saleen ud know he loves the drama and loves the attn however he can get it.

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Originally posted by wakeup

how cute his friend comes to defend him, ur the other tough guy in his pic. u guys look real intimidating i take back everything i said :laugh: keep workin on ur website w/ club pics on it u fags. ur the type who were abused in high school who now think their tough guys cause they meet new people off a messageboard who dont know their sorry past. ur right u would need a bottle typical thing a pussy would do. this board is so amusing.

No more talk bro we know you can talk shit. You know what I look like, I'm not defending no one. Come beat my ass.

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It seems that you are talking shit about notallthere which by itself is not an argument you'll win, but to talk shit about other people on the board WTF. If you don't like the people here then just don't post. If you like people here then keep the argument between you and the person you have a problem with or else if you continue to talk shit and do grow the balls to show up at metro you can and will get your fucking spine ripped out by all of the friendly people you don't know but choose to hate and talk shit about.


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Originally posted by imnakedritenow

No more talk bro we know you can talk shit. You know what I look like, I'm not defending no one. Come beat my ass.

yea im gonna beat ur ass over a gay ass messageboard. i wouldnt dare do that now cause ur anklegrabbing friend might have my ip searched and sue me :laugh: :laugh: its all good i proved what a pussy he was when he threatened to sue and press charges when he knew what was up. now u 2 run along and work on ur website www.weliketogetplowed.com

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Enough of your frivolous assumptions wakeup.

You sent me the pm. Me and you know the truth. Stop lying to the board. Stop trying to be the cool guy.

If you hold such a high level of confidence and you mock our pictures.

Why don't you post yours? You must be some huge 380 pound giant diesel guy. (For your sake i hope you are after the way you built yourself up)

Post your picture! do it!


:blown: :blown: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by notallthere

Enough of your frivolous assumptions wakeup.

You sent me the pm. Me and you know the truth. Stop lying to the board. Stop trying to be the cool guy.

If you hold such a high level of confidence and you mock our pictures.

Why don't you post yours? You must be some huge 380 pound giant diesel guy. (For your sake i hope you are after the way you built yourself up)

Post your picture! do it!


:blown: :blown: :laugh: :laugh:

I found his pic from the parade last year bro... I don't know if you can take him.. he's pretty diesel...


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Originally posted by notallthere

Enough of your frivolous assumptions wakeup.

You sent me the pm. Me and you know the truth. Stop lying to the board. Stop trying to be the cool guy.

If you hold such a high level of confidence and you mock our pictures.

Why don't you post yours? You must be some huge 380 pound giant diesel guy. (For your sake i hope you are after the way you built yourself up)

Post your picture! do it!


:blown: :blown: :laugh: :laugh:

This is his crew's ringleader bro, be sure to keep a lookout for him too so you don't get blindsighted.


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Originally posted by wakeup

congrats cause now ur stick figure self is done, nice for u to have a wannabe njguido website with ur doofy pic all over to make friends. cause i promise u,u wont know when i hit u. u better hope someone who knows me points out im there before i find u. i

By the way, those doofy pics you talk about got over 1000 hits just on a messageboard, it will be a good wannabe site.

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