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ance... backne... and alike...


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how come as of late, ive seen many ppl breaking out on the sides of their face??? like between the eyebrow and the cheek??? (mostly girls however some guys as well) is it the weather? is it just the ppl i am associating with? or??? and for the backne... in the gym, i noticed a lot of guys have serious backne and neckne... wtf is going on there??? am i going to fall into this category if i start going more and eating what theyre eating??? (God I hope not!!!)

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well i dunno about between the eyebrows but i know people break out on their cheeks because we touch them a lot. think of how many times a day you rest your face in your hands or rest the phone against your face... as for backne and the like.... clueless :confused:

any dermatologists around??

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speaking from errr...i mean from what I hear the people that you are seeing at the gym that are breaking out on their neck/back/shoulders/chest are probably the juiceheads...when you are starting/ending a cycle your hormones are all outta wack and you can get crazy acne.


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