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Soul Searching...


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get away from the commotion of the city...maybe a mountain or beach town...non-touristy....and just reflect on your life and think about where you want to go....its got to be done at a completely peaceful place.....a place where you feel like you are in a land of bliss and feel really clear headed....i usually feel like this when i am at some remote beachtown or untravelled ski resort...just my 2 cents...

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Originally posted by sassa

i obviously need to do some of this, anyone have any tips?

I think 'soul searching" is more of an oxymoron in ma opinion. You dont search for something if you dont actually feel there's something particularly you are lacking... its there, you just need a nudge or a reason to follow thru'....

did you have something particularly in mind?:idea: ...let us know,..might help...


Then Again....

just ma opinion....dont make it rite :D

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ok, good point.

i mean how can one clear their mind and focus on certain things then....

do people have sudden realizations about life all of a sudden in a random place..do they search for the answer......does it come to them without even trying...guess this is what i'm asking.

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Originally posted by sassa

ok, good point.

i mean how can one clear their mind and focus on certain things then....

do people have sudden realizations about life all of a sudden in a random place..do they search for the answer......does it come to them without even trying...guess this is what i'm asking.

I read a buddhist snowboarding book that dealt with attaining Nirvana and clearing the mind. It especially talks about breathing deeply, and focusing on 1 object only, like a rose, or the ocean.

Then thoughts will just roll from one to the other. don't try to think,,, just let it happen.

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Sassa,.. hate to be a wet blanket, but a clear mind is an illusion. You can 'focus' when your mind/you want to. The mind is a very difficult thing to control.

Sudden realizations...I personally dont think that phenom exists....I would think, thats the point you finally make up your mind to do something.....believe me, its never at a random place...nothing but a "de javu' case. You get a relation of a particular querry with a familiar place.....makes sense ONLY to you. You dont have to justify it, just embrace it.

About 'trying'... I dont think you do, you are actually conforming to the present situation. Take for instance....someone/people you love are in distress....does 'IT' just come to you to feel desperate or angry?..nope, your conscience tells your mind to adjust(appropriately).....

What I'm implying,...you dont search for anything in life...you look for reason and explanation to everything that happens, and anything you wanna do....

Am I making any sense?...God, I hope I wasnt rumbling...LOL


Then Again....

just ma opinion....dont make it rite :D

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That's a tough one...

You definitely have sudden realizations every now and then... I've had quite a few epiphanies that came pretty much out of the blue. But these epiphanies tend to lead to only more questions. Which makes sense: you suddenly realize you've come to a turning point in your life, but don't know quite where you're turning to.

Being a bookworm, I tend to look for answers in the written word. Once you have an inkling on where to begin, hit the bookstore or library. What type of perspective calls out to you: Buddhist, spiritualist, religious, psychological, etc. Besides reading what others have written, writing out my own thoughts helps a lot too, it definitely helps to clear my head of white noise.

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Soul searching is a life-long process and there is no proper way to do it, no proper place, no proper time...You begin a journey that you will forever be walking throughout the course of this particular lifetime...

You've taken the first step by identifying...the next few will help you define the process...just like anything else, you try various methods to see what works for you...meditation, breathing exercises, seclusion, time in nature, prayer...try it all...and see what you like and dont like...never believe that there is only one way...never accept what you do as the final correct way...the process will evolve as you do...

Lists are great

Meditation and prayer

Breathing exercises are great for various reasons

Visualizations help

Various books

...enjoy your quest...take it as you should take yourself - not too seriously...

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Originally posted by sassa

do people have sudden realizations about life all of a sudden in a random place..do they search for the answer......does it come to them without even trying...guess this is what i'm asking.

Sassa luv, I personally don't believe it's like that at all.

I think, as we grow older, we do it in stages. We have our highs and we have our lows. I think once we are at our lowest, we find something that needs fixing...be it careers, relationships...etc...when we set out to set things straight, that is where our seach begins. I think it's all inside us to really just WANT some sort of change.

As far as "realizations" go....I think that our answers to lifes questions change from time to time. What was good for us in our 20's or 30's won't necessarily hold true when we're 50 or 60.

I think that's the beauty of life. We make our own set of rules, and set out for our own realizations. For each person it's different, and something lists and such cannot define.

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Originally posted by marcid21

Sassa luv, I personally don't believe it's like that at all.

I think, as we grow older, we do it in stages. We have our highs and we have our lows. I think once we are at our lowest, we find something that needs fixing...be it careers, relationships...etc...when we set out to set things straight, that is where our seach begins. I think it's all inside us to really just WANT some sort of change.

As far as "realizations" go....I think that our answers to lifes questions change from time to time. What was good for us in our 20's or 30's won't necessarily hold true when we're 50 or 60.

I think that's the beauty of life. We make our own set of rules, and set out for our own realizations. For each person it's different, and something lists and such cannot define.

cuz you a whore.

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do people have sudden realizations about life all of a sudden in a random place..do they search for the answer......does it come to them without even trying...guess this is what i'm asking.

Soul searching usually comes about at random (or so it seems) but there are usually triggering factors (ie seeing a couple that real truely is in love, lack of job advance or someone elses success.) that bring it to the surface. Others, on the other hand , seek it this done through what the Aborigines call Dreamtime, indians here call it something but I have forgotten what. As for the answers, sometimes they are easily found and sometimes trying to find the answer(s) only makes it harder. It all depends on your sense of self. The best way to look at it is that your on a quest that never really ends.

There are various ways to help you on your journey. Lists can help you realize where you are and where you want to be. Meditation and prayer are excellent ways to relax the mind and soul. I have taken to eastern methods (Taoism, buddhism) when I felt I needed interspection However, it may not be the right way for you to go because I have always had a interest in their beliefs system. ( If you are interested I have titles of good, in depth books in this area from class I took in college) There are other routes religious, psychological, etc. My suggestion to you is try various methods and see what you like and do not and go with it.

BTW sometimes the easiest way to do this is just to do none of the above and just leave town for a week or 2.

Final thoughts

The secret of reaping the greatest fruitfulness

and the greatest enjoyment from life is to live dangerously! ~Nietzsche

Most people have a full measure of life, and most people watch it slowly drip

away...but if you can summon it up in one time, in one place, you can

accomplish something glorious."

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